Dom - Dream Finder: part 2

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"We don't have a lot of time," I told Logan, hoping he'd stop messing around and start concentrating. A frustrated growl came from the wolf in front of me. His sandy fur was stuck up roughly, the slightly darker shades of brown lining his back stuck out against his bright fur. I bent down to his level. "Let's try again..." I put my palms flat against the floor in Logan's dream world. "After three, I want you to try to mindlink the red head again." He lowered his head to the floor slightly, a sign of understanding. The mindlink technique I was showing him was common, but in the dream realm it was incredibly difficult. Trying to get your thoughts through the fog of dense air was a challenge. At first, he'd been worried that his parents in the real world would hear him, or something would happen to them because of the mindlink. I couldn't count the amount of times I'd had to convince him that this was all a materialism in his head. They weren't his parents, they were a literal figment of his own imagination.

We had started off well, he'd managed to almost mindlink his mum and dad, who were sitting close by at the table. He still couldn't actually get a communication line running, but the fact that he could almost mindlink the alpha was a great start. We'd decided that maybe bringing his wolf out would help give him an extra boost of power, but now his wolf had been refusing to cooperate. "She's right there, all you have to do, is think about her and connect to her." The wolf shook his head. "Is it the person?" I asked him, he turned away his head. I sighed and looked over at Emily. "Would you connect with her?" I said, motioning towards her sexy little frame. Logan's wolf followed the direction I'd pointed him in and his tail started to wag. Of course, I thought to myself. Of course his wolf fancied her too.

"Okay, think about Emily, imagine her-" I stopped mid sentence as the whole table froze. "Uhmm, that's weird. What did you do?" The wolf looked back at me growling. Had he seen something inside Emily's thoughts? I know she was a dream manifestation, but maybe something had carried over? I quickly tried to link with her, only to fail again. I knew that she wasn't part of my pack, that meant that I couldn't link with her in real life. But in the dream world surely that didn't stand? "Logan.." I sent him a calm warning, "Back off. Shift back now." All of a sudden the walls around us started to crumble, the happy family disintegrated, and a new place inside his mind was formed. Where was he taking me?

We were in a small room, no bigger than my laundry closet back home. My head banged against a hard object on the wall, it might've been a dream, but I still felt the pain shoot through the back of my head. "What the fuck Logan!" I cried out, rubbing my hand across the back of my head, trying to numb the pain. All of a sudden, I could hear voices coming from outside the walls. I couldn't pinpoint exactly where they were coming from, the bang on my head seemed to be confusing me.  I felt in front of me and instead of grabbing hold of Logan, I felt fur. "Logan?" I asked into the dark, "You did shift back right?" or had Logan not taken back control at all? How had he transported us if his wolf was still in control. The voices were getting closer, the door to the room opened and a stark white light entered. Logan's wolf was controlling what I was seeing.

Two figures made shadows in the doorway before the door was shut behind them and a light turned on. I couldn't believe what I was witnessing. There was a girl with blonde hair, she was giggling and dragging behind a boy about the same age. It took me a minute to realise that this wasn't just anyone. This was a younger Logan. Why was his wolf showing me this? "You can't, Lyla we need to get back to the party" Logan's younger self was laughing along with the girl, "I just want a minute alone with my alpha" she was smiling and flirting. I really didn't feel comfortable watching this, I was just about to snap out of Logan's dream, then his wolf started to growl at me. I didn't understand what he was showing me, and I really didn't want to see Logan getting frisky with some teen.

"Come on Ly, the winter solstice is in a week. We can't be doing this here. As soon as I make you my Luna, we'll have all the time in the world." His Luna? Why wasn't this woman around anymore if that's how he felt about her? I looked towards the sandy wolf lying down on the floor. He was whining. "Is this why you won't work with me?" He nuzzled his head under a paw. "You won't work with me because you are hung up on some woman that isn't here anymore? Come on Logan you're better than that." I looked back at the couple who were whispering and giggling together.

"Wolfie, you're really going to have to help me out here... he's been with someone before he liked Emily?". He growled at me, annoyed that I hadn't seen the bigger picture obviously. The scene shifted without the wolf moving a muscle. I felt sick. It was so sudden.  So he did know how to do this, he was just being stubborn. I was mentally rolling my eyes and the room spun and blurred. Suddenly I was standing in a clearing, we were in the woods, the wind shifted and I held my arms to my chest. It must've been winter, I was shivering to death and rubbing my arms wasn't helping. There was a howl and a sound of padding paws pounding across the ground. A wolf as golden as the sun stopped a few feet in front of me. For a minute I thought it was looking directly at me, but that can't be right... No. It was looking at the bronze coloured wolf behind me. Their eyes were locked together. Neither moved.

I looked down at the sandy wolf that was now hiding his eyes, "I don't get it? We're watching wolves?" I quested him, he didn't reply. "Fine if you don't want to talk I'll just give you a stupid nickname like... Wolfie. You're going to sit here and be grumpy instead of tell me why we are freezing to death Wolfie?" Suddenly, my eyes were drawn back to the two wolves in question. They'd shifted and I watched as they slowly moved towards each other, I was trying to get a look at what was going on but it was extremely dark and the moon had been covered up by the clouds. I backed off, wondering if they were going to fight, but then they stopped. They were holding up their hands, almost as if they were testing... something.

Another wolf ran through the woods and stopped around where we were now standing. "Oh look, it's you wolfie!" I said smiling, trying to get the wolf to communicate so that I could understand what the hell I was doing here. Was this a dream? Something he wanted? I was midway through saying something stupid when the cloud parted to let the light from the moon glow down. The realisation formed in my head, It was quicker than my next breath, I hadn't been able to get a good look at her face before now... but it chilled me to the bone. That was Alpha Neil and his mate. Alpha Neil who was currently asleep in one of the rooms back at the Midnight Moon pack house.

I looked down at the wolf, "Logan didn't recognise him did he?" The wolf finally lifted his head, but when he did, all he could do was whine. "He never shifted back, because she wasn't his mate..." The ceremony was in two days and there were bigger problems here than just a wolf being stubborn. "You didn't tell him the moment you saw him?" Wolfie shook his head. I was about to question how he'd managed to keep it from Logan when I remembered, "You've shut him out of your head? That's why he can't mindlink. That's why he's struggling?" I felt a humming around me, oh no... oh god no. If I couldn't get through to his wolf, if he didn't let Logan in... Logan would surely die during the ceremony. "You want help? That's why you've shown me all of this? You've got it. Tell your human!" I was angry and I didn't try to hide it. How could they not have trust?

The noise was getting louder and my body started to feel lighter. "ONE MINUTE ELENA, I'M BUSY!" I shouted, knowing no matter what, she couldn't hear me inside here. "You've got to tell him. You'll both die!" I might not particularly like Logan, but Emily did, and I didn't want Emily hurt. At the minute, Logan didn't even stand a chance if his wolf was being pathetic. I felt like I was fighting against restraints. "Tell him!" I roared, before my body was slingshotted into the deep dark sky.

I felt like I'd been drinking bourbon all night as I blinked myself awake. Why did this part always feel so awful? At least it was warmer out here than it was in Logan's head, I told myself staining to look around and get my bearings. A big hand appeared in front of my vision and I almost fell back from flinching. I squinted up and saw Logan looking down at me. His face was blank, but there was a look of determination in his eyes. I grabbed hold of his hand roughly and he pulled me up next to him. "Are you feeling okay?" I asked apprehensively, "Usually the first time is a bit rough-" he stopped my attempts at conversation by cutting me off, "I need to go and talk to the asshole that stole my girlfriend... You in?"

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