Logan - Part Eleven

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There were three distinctive knocks on my bedroom door. I knew instantly that it was my father. Ever since opening the case I'd had no idea what to do. It's not as if I could even talk openly with my father, or anyone for that matter. Maybe he'd finally come to tell me what the hell was going on. I got off my bed in one move and was at the door before he could knock again. He looked every bit the alpha he was made out to be. He looked at me with his brooding face, tight shoulders and crossed arms. "It seems you have a visitor" he declared. Were the alphas here already? Before I could ask he set off in the direction towards the stairs, I knew that was my cue to follow.

As I reached the bottom of the stairs I saw the small figure stood sheepishly next to my mother. Emily? Of course! EMILY! With all this learning about depressing pack matters, I had completely forgotten about my talk with her mother. How could I ever. Even seeing her stood there in that sexy little dress instantly made me feel lighter. I couldn't stop the grin from slapping itself on my face. I had anticipated this all day and now here she was, she was like a North Star, guiding me back from my misery.

She looked incredible, I gave myself a minute to fully take in her beautiful brown eyes and shy smile. It was such a relief to see her again. "Emily." I exhaled. I nodded at her, while gesturing for to her to follow me. We started to walk through the hall and I noticed that she was making her way towards the living room. "Hey Emily? Maybe we could head up to my room instead?" I suggested. "I have some things I want to talk to you about, it would make more sense if we had a little privacy." I inclined my head, urging her to follow my line of sight. Sure enough, my parents were stood in the door to the study, watching us.

She look and realised what I was referring to. Confusion crossed her beautiful features, before she seemed to realise something. I assume she thought it was for sex, which I couldn't really blame her for. We hadn't been together in any other kind of way lately. "It's fine," I comforted her, "I'll only take off your panties when you beg me to." She blushed under my intense gaze and hurried towards the stairs. That's a good girl. Even the way she moved mesmerised me. Her hand glided across the wooden railing like smooth silk, as she gracefully followed the stairs upwards. Her hips moved in a way that made my head spin.

I quickly checked my watch to count the hours before the heat would hit. Nope, still four hours away. Goddess, I had no idea how she managed to make me feel so helpless. I was glad she'd taken the lead. Unknowingly, she had given me the best angle to look at her figure. I wonder how many squats she does per day? That ass doesn't come out of nowhere. When we had reached the top, I took the lead again. Though it would impress me if she knew the way to my room.

It wasn't exactly hard to find, but I still wanted to be the first one to enter incase I had forgotten to put something important away. Something involving my father's briefcase. Thankfully, after my outburst, I'd cleared everything away and put the case securely back in my safe. How could I forget she was coming? Before I opened the door I turned to her, "You're okay being in here right? I really don't want to push you to be here." She gave me a small smile, "I'm fine, it's just very overwhelming. It's a huge house." "It's not the only big thing here" I gave her a wink and then instantly scolded myself. You fucking idiot, she was already uncomfortable as it was.

I gave myself a mental face palm and walked into my room. Her eyes bulged out of her head at the sight of my room. It amazed me. I suppose I'd gotten used to the size of my room. I know hers was smaller in comparison. "Wow" she breathed. "Yeah, if you live in the pack house, you basically get everything designed for you." Even your partners, I thought to myself. "Make yourself comfortable, there a few things I wanted to talk to you about." I walked towards my desk and sat on the chair, by the time I'd turned to face her she'd made herself comfortable on my bed. Now that was a view I liked.

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