Emily Russel - The End

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The sun had set, the tables were decorated and everything was finally in place for the ceremony. Logan walked over to me and put his arms around my waist, "we've got a little bit until the ceremony starts, did you want to head out for a while?" I slapped his arm mocking, "completely inappropriate!" He laughed, Rae came over with Misty, "everything is ready Alpha, everyone is outside waiting." He looked down at me, "my first ceremony since... well, my first." He laughed "and it's all thanks to you." He pecked my nose with a kiss and I wrinkled it at the tickling contact. "How many people turned up?" He asked Misty, "about half the pack I'd say, we have more than enough seats though, don't worry Alpha you've got this."

I understood why he was so worried, this would mark his first ceremony as an alpha, he was completely responsible for everything that happened tonight. I squeezed his hand in reassurance, "you've done an amazing job, everyone is going to be so happy." He leaned close to me and whispered in my ear, "I hope so." I let out a giggle, it was so nice to feel like you were the centre of someone's world. Is this what it would feel like having a mate? Or would it feel different? Would it feel more intense? I didn't know if I was ready for this. I knew it was my plan and my idea, but now that it was here I couldn't stop the feeling of nausea in my stomach. I'd be fine, of course I would, I looked at Logan, we would be fine.

I knew he was just as nervous as I was, if not more. He'd been hurt the last time, but this time felt different, I could feel a buzzing around in my stomach and it was telling me that this was right and that this is what I should be doing. "Are you ready?" He asked me, pulling me from my thoughts, "of course" I reassured him, taking his hand in mine. "Let's do this." Storm watched from the back porch as everyone walked to the middle of the garden, Logan had set up some crystals in the corner of each side. When I'd asked, he said it was for protection during the ceremony, in case something went wrong. That put me on edge. "Gather round" his big booming alpha voice ordered. I was excited, this would hopefully be my first and last mating ceremony, I was just upset that Whitt and Barney hadn't been here to share it with me, all of those years planning for nothing.

On the other hand, I had made some new friends, Rae was positioned on one side of the circle and Misty was in the other, I smiled at them as they noticed me looking. "You are here," Alpha Logan started speaking again, "because you, like many others in the surrounding packs, want to find your mate." He looked at me, "Hopefully tonight we all get that opportunity." I blushed, feeling the weight of everyone's eyes suddenly glue to me. "There will be three stages," he carried on, "the first we will all get undressed. The second we will all close our eyes and connect with our wolves." Everyone was nodding along, agreeing with their alpha. "And the third will happen automatically. When the clock hits midnight, we will shift and you will feel a snap instant connection to your mate."

There were a few whoops and cheers from the gathered pack, I looked at my watch, two minutes. "When you shift, you will return to human form once you have found your mate. If you don't feel a snap instant connection, the goddess grants you permission to change back at will." At the thought of people not finding their mates, the crowd hushed. "One minute!" Misty chimed loud for the whole pack to hear. The butterflies in my stomach were growing more and more restless, I lifted my dress over my head and threw it to the ground, I watched as Logan undressed himself for everyone to see, I instantly felt jealous. I closed my eyes watching as all of the members of the pack did the same. I could hear my wolf faintly in my head, she was just as excited as I was, she was bursting to be let free.

Phones, bells, clocks and alarms all started going off at the same time around the pack grounds. I felt my skin shed as my wolf bounced out of me, excited to meet our mate, I'd moved further inside the circle now and I watched everyone else shift. As I was looking around, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. I watched in horror as someone in a long black cloak swiped at Logan's head with a long blade, just as the blade sliced the air, Logan shifted. They'd missed him completely. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, a black as night wolf came bounding towards the cloaked figure. It grabbed onto the person's neck with its long sharp glistening teeth and a sickening crunching sound reverberated through the whole pack. The head rolled to the ground and the body was flung to the side, the wolf looked in my direction. I noticed the purple eyes straight away. Dom was here, but why? I looked back towards Logan's wolf, he was looking straight at me, my heart swelled with joy that he was okay.

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