Emily - 02: Part Seven

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I was getting on with my life, it was... okay? My parents were back, they were looking at a new house, it had been a month since the whole disaster and they'd wanted to put everything in the past and move on. The parts that weren't so good? I hadn't seen or heard from Whitt, Barney or Dom in that same stretch of time. I didn't even know if Whitt was okay or if Barney had moved packs all together. I'd asked Logan to keep me updated on what was going on in the Rising Dawn pack, yes I cared about Dom, but Whitt was my best friend. I didn't know if they were ignoring Logan's messages purposely, but I couldn't see why they would. The mating ceremony was two weeks away and I needed someone to get excited over it with. Whitt and myself had planned this since we were little, we knew exactly where we would stand and what we needed to do... all of those childish dreams felt useless now.

To top everything off, Logan was still refusing to go, it didn't matter how much I begged him, he wouldn't give in. He would always look me straight in the eye and say "I'm not having a repeat of last time Emily." We'd spent so much time together now, I'd practically moved into his room. Any night that I didn't spend with Logan, I was in the library, I was reading through the book my parents had left the clues in, I'd asked them about it but they'd just looked at each other and agreed not to talk about it. Which didn't help me at all. This afternoon was no different, I hadn't gotten much sleep the night before and my reading wasn't helping my tired eyes. "Come on, there must be something in this stupid thing!" I said frustrated. I walked over to the leather seat and lay down, the book was opened to the page about 'shifters' whether this was real or not I guess I'd never know, though wolves were a kind of shifter so why shouldn't other forms exist?

I rubbed my eyes feeling the tiredness creeping in again, I needed to learn to get a better night's sleep. Even Logan's arms wrapped around me hadn't managed to ease my worried mind. Something felt off, I just couldn't explain what. I blinked and I was no longer in the library, well, I thought I'd blinked... instead, I was sure I'd fallen asleep because this was my old room and I was in the dream realm. I hadn't wanted to drift off, I must've been way too tired. Most nights I actively tried to evade sleep, just to keep my mind from wandering here, other times I'd arrive and try to force myself back to sleep again. This time felt different, there was a certain static in the air around my old room, almost like an energy charge. I sat on the corner on my old bed, part of me wanted to create the portal, to explore.. but part of me knew it was probably a huge mistake.

I fidgeted with the jumper I was wearing, it was Logan's, his scent gave me comfort when I felt uncertain, this was definitely one of those times. I don't even know why I'd decided to wear Logan's jumper but it was sat there on his chair and I felt sorry for it. I stood from the bed, "oh what the hell, I'm only going to sit here until I wake up anyway." I told myself, I created the mindlink in my mind and wrapped a rope around it, just like Dom had shown me. The black mist started to seep through the wall and I knew I was doing it right. All I had to do was step through and then I could wander around, that's all I would do, I told myself. The portal opened up and I didn't think anymore, I just ran. I burst through onto the other side, I was out of my bedroom and into the dream realm in seconds. I didn't even know what I was looking for here, I didn't think I was even looking for anything, but I'd never travelled through a door. The only times I had been here was with Dom and under different circumstances.

I walked aimlessly around, not having any real idea of where I was going, or specific path to take. I looked up at the stars, it was like the most perfectly clear night sky, the stars shined down over me and I basked in their small but mighty glimmering light. A smile made its way onto my face as I looked at the stars, Dom had made me flower from starlight. My heart ached at the thought of him. I hadn't heard from him, he hasn't visited and he didn't seem to be replying to Logan's messages either. Though it wasn't like Whitt to not reply... surely she'd have sent something back? Even when she was going through all of the stress before she knew she was a witch, she still replied to me. I was making myself upset, I'd come here to explore and instead I was making myself more of a mess than I was before.

I turned to go in the other direction to walk it off and clear my mind again, but I couldn't. A door had appeared in my way. It was a big rounded black door with painted red symbols, it looked incredibly ominous. I was going to walk away but then it opened slightly, I couldn't see inside, it was all just pitch black. Suddenly I felt something pulling me towards the door, like a vacuum it was pulling me in and I was helpless to stop it. It sounded just as bad too, I shut my eyes tight and told myself I was an idiot for ever coming here, but then it stopped. The moving stopped, the sounds of rushing wind had stopped, everything just ceased. "Well come on through, don't be shy." An old croaky voice instructed me. I opened my eyes gently and saw that I was now standing in a small room, it looked almost like it had been carved out of rock. My eyes glued to every set face trying to find the door I'd come through but it was just gone.

"We haven't got all day girl!" The voice bellowed, "come through, I need to have a talk with you." I tentatively took a few steps forwards, eyeing the corner she seemed to be speaking from. "Who are you?" I asked, my voice shaking slightly. I'd never done this before and it seemed so bizarre, especially without Dom here guiding me. There was a little lantern hovering above a table with no strings, in the centre of the table was a huge map. "I'm the oracle, but most people just call me old crone and it's incredibly disrespectful, so don't." I could see her now, she was sitting on the red velvet chair opposite the table, "what am I doing here?" I asked her, "I don't know how I got here." She chuckled, she actually sounded quite sweet. Her face was old and slightly sagging, she had aging spots dotted over her face, but she wasn't ugly, she had a unique beauty.

"That's not exactly true now is it?" She asked me, patting the seat next to her. I guess she was right, I had been looking for something when I'd entered the dream realm. "Come, come, I'm going to show you something." She yanked my arm with more force than I thought was possible in a woman of her age, "what am I looking at?" I asked her, looking around the room at all of the jars and elixirs. I didn't feel good about this. She picked up a large wooden walking stick that was next to her seat, I hadn't even noticed it until she held it. Was it even there before? The twisted wood pounded against the ground three times, I watched as the floor began to vibrate and swirl like a big whirlpool. "What's going on!" I shouted, scared that I was going to be sucked away with it. She cackled, "watch and see dear, not everyone gets to see their future before they are in it." My future? Why would I want to see my future?

The swirling floor tipped upwards until it was like a screen, I held my hands out in front of me, just in case it fell. "Are you a dream walker too?" I asked the old woman, her reply was blunt and to the point. "No, I'm an oracle, like I told you." The screen vibrated and turned into two seperate screens, "what's it going to show me?" I asked, suddenly suspicious. She tapped her nose and an image of Logan appeared in the swirling. "Stop." I told her, suddenly anxious about what I was going to see. I looked at her, my eyes wide with desperation, "please, I don't want to know." Everything stopped, "are you sure? It's probably not what you are expecting?" A grin twitched on her lips, "or who?" I stayed silent, the floor returned to where it was meant to be and the room had almost completely gone back to the way it was. Except it hadn't.

"Why isn't the lantern above the table anymore?" I asked, everything else had come returned, but that hadn't. "Magic is tricky, it has to take something to give something." I gasped, "so by you doing that it took your lamp?" She shook her head, it's a physical thing dear, it doesn't just take objects, it took the light." I don't think I would ever understand this, it wasn't my world, "how do I get back home please?" She looked confused for a moment, "but you are home?" I suppose in a strange way I was yes, my body was physically in the library, it's just that I was walking outside of my dream. "Do I just make a portal?" I asked her, she nodded. Okay this was getting slightly creepy and weird. "Well this has been lovely, and strange.. mostly strange but thank you, I'm leaving now." I was backing up towards the wall, she didn't move from her position on the seat.

The portal snapped back in seconds, I was getting good at this, I smiled to myself. "Emily," A chill ran up my spine, how did she know my name? I could've sworn I hadn't told her. "You should know that the alpha will regret everything, but he won't regret you." I was about to ask her who she was talking about, I didn't have a very good feeling after visiting this place and that sentence had made me feel nauseous. Before I could even open my mouth to speak, I was sucked away back through the vacuum I'd come through. My eyes opened and I was back in the library, Logan was standing over the chair, "it's about time you woke up princess, I've got some news from the Rising Dawn pack."

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