Alpha Logan - Healing Past

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I rolled over, the sheets no longer covering any part of me, instead, they were wrapped around the bundled up woman next to me. Emily had made herself into a burrito during the night, it was a good job that the pack house had amazing heating because the cold outside would've chilled me to the bone. Emily started to stir next to me, "good morning princess." I greeted her. She groaned and turned her face away from me, clutching the pillow over her ears. "Come on beautiful, we've got to start getting the house ready, you did tell Rae you'd help..."

She mumbled curses into the pillow and threw the blankets off of herself, I smiled, she was such a grumpy morning person. "Hey Emily?" I said, moving closer to her head, which was still smashed against her pillow, "what?" She groaned. "It's mating ceremony day." Her head snapped up instantly, she grabbed her phone from the desk and looked at the small numbers illuminated on the screen. 21/12. She gasped and breathed in sharply, "I can't believe it's finally here." I moved her messy hair from her head, "that's why we need to get out of bed princess, there's a lot to do today." She nodded, her eyes looked vacant for a second but she shook it off and smiled at me instead, a mischievous glint in her eye, "come on alpha, race you to the bathroom." I didn't even try, she was already halfway across my room, I'd let her have this one. She looked around the door and bobbed her tongue out at me before closing the door, what was I going to do with her? I smirked.

The weeks leading up to this day were long and hard, it had taken me awhile to get over Basker's deceit but I knew exactly what I was going to do with the situation as soon as I felt up to it. That had come a few weeks ago, not long after my phone conversation with Alpha Dominick's beta. I'd visited Misty first, she was in the dining room, stuffing her face with donuts. "Before you say anything, I'm training later today. Also, I don't care what you think." I laughed and watched as she tried to swallow the whole donut that had been shoved into her mouth moments before. Surprisingly, she did it. "What do you need, Alpha?" She asked, eyeing me suspiciously. I knocked on her table, ready to begin my speech. "How long have I known you Mist?" She shrugged, "ever since you came back from that camp? Maybe 12 years?"

"Right," I told her, looking down at the table, "you know what makes an oak table so solid?" She raised her eyebrow, looking at me like I'd gone crazy, "the expense varnish that the cleaners insist on using?" She guessed, I barked out a laugh, "no, though I do wonder why they want specific polishes, I tend not to question them." She nodded, "where is this going Logan?" I was brushing my fingers against the top of the table, "it's the legs Misty, the legs keep it standing." She went to stand up, "I think all of this upcoming mating ceremony thing has started to get to you..." she started to say, I cut her off. "I want you to be my beta." She blinked, then laughed, when she realised I wasn't laughing she sat down again. "You aren't joking?" I shook my head. "You want m... me to be your second?" She stuttered.

I nodded again, walking towards her chair, "I would be honoured if you would be my second. There is no one I would trust more with my life, or my pack. You have proven yourself time and time again." I looked around the house, " if it wasn't for your secret scheming with Rae and stalking Basker... I wouldn't even have a pack house right now." A slow smile started to creep onto her face. "Yes." I smiled with her, "good, you can take the day off of training if you like, instead you can start with the party list for the mating ceremony." She scowled at me, "was all of this a ploy to push your work onto me," I laughed, "because if it is I will kill you Logan. Alpha or not." I left her with her donuts, finding her empty threat amusing all the way out of the room.

A few days later I'd watched as Rae organised the seating arrangements, she was plotting like an evil villain. She hadn't seen me come in, but she seemed to notice that I was there, "do you think I should sit the Russells next to the general or would that end up in world war three?" I smiled, "I think you know the relations in this pack better than anyone, that's why you're on decorations and dining." The pencil that was positioned over her ear was suddenly in her hand as she scribbled out names and replaced them. "You're right, I am pretty great." She told me, complete concentration on her face. "I agree, that's why I want you to be my Omega." Her head moved slowly, her eyes trailing up my body and stopping in my face, her green eyes were shiny with tears.

"You are the most considerate person in this pack, people have a terrible opinion of you and I think it's about time we change that." She was stuck in the same position, it was almost as if she was too scared to move in case the dream shattered. "We both know you'll never be in a position to be my Luna, but this I can give you." Her mouth hung open, she closed it and thought about a reply. "I accept, on one condition," I wouldn't expect anything less from this woman, "what is your condition?" I asked her rolling my eyes, it was just like Rae to bargain when I was already giving her something. "I want my own office." "Deal" I agreed. I wasn't about to stomp out her fire by telling her it came with the job title. Finally she would be able to use her platform to show people the bright and unrelenting young woman she was.

Today I watched as my Beta and my Omega laughed and joked together over the plans for the ceremony later today. Emily had excused herself to go and see her parents in their new home, I didn't have a problem with it, if all went to plan, she'd have a constant home at the pack house anyway. There was just one thing I had to do before leaving my duties for the day first. I made my way up to my room, I felt nervous, but I knew it was the right thing. I was ready. I knelt before my bed, the dust had settled underneath since the last time I'd been here. This was the only place the cleaners were never allowed to touch, I was usually good at maintaining it, but I'd had a lot on my mind recently.

I punched in the number combination and felt the click as the locks on my safe opened, there was an empty space where my fathers old briefcase had been removed and burnt with his body. Any information it held would go with him to the grave, it felt fitting when he was such a secretive person in life, and for good reason. But that's not what I was here for, the ring on the top shelf was dull and lifeless, the dreariness of winter made it seem so insignificant, replaceable. I grasped it in my hand and locked the, now empty, safe. Every time I'd opened the safe before now, my head was filled with memories and hurt and regret. This time felt different, for the first time in a long time I was hopeful.

I made my way to the river that ran around the back of the pack house, memories of summers splashing in the water with Lyla filled my head, but they didn't hold the weight they used to. What were once painful memories were now happy and fond thoughts of the past. I clutched the small object in my hand and let out a deep breath, I threw my hand forward and let go as it plummeted into the steady stream. I watched the water surround the ring and in an instant it was gone, "Goodbye Lyla." "Hey Logan!" A beautiful voice called from the house, I looked over my shoulder, Emily was back from her parents house and she wasn't alone, Storm was bouncing up and down in the snow.

I jogged over to them, Emily laughed as Storm's tail whacked the snow into her face, she brushed it off, but I could still see the tiny snowflakes that were hanging onto her eyelashes. I didn't think I could ever feel this way for another person, we just had a connection. I rubbed Storm down, he was trying to lick the snow off of his long fur, "let's go see how they're getting on shall we?"

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