Emily - Part Nine

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I stood awkwardly, not really know what to say. I wished one of them would say something! Instead, Whitt was looking from me, to Logan and back. Logan was lounging on my bed like nothing had happened.

Except it had, and I didn't know how to deal with this situation.

"Not to sound rude-" Whitt had started to say, "-but what are you doing here Logan?" He leaned further back on my bed, holding himself up with his elbows. "Just checking in on Emily" was all he replied with. But my best friend wasn't stupid and she wouldn't just take that as an answer. Within the time it took Logan to make an excuse, Whitt was already one step ahead. "And why exactly would you need to check in on Em?" She was tapping her foot on the floor and cutting her eyes at him.  "Can you please not make my guest feel uncomfortable Whitt?" I pleaded, knowing it was useless. I had to try something, anything to stop this tension that was building. "We we're running yesterday" I told her, "I went a little too hard and Logan was training me a little bit..."

I knew it was a mistake giving him any credit, I looked towards him and he was smirking at my statement.


"He's just here to make sure his advice hadn't caused me to get an injury." She looked from me, to Logan skeptically, "So the future alpha shows up at your house just to make sure you're doing okay after a training session that no one else in the pack knew about?" She pointed at me for emphasis, "And then he ends up in your room?" She was digging way too deep now, there wasn't even anything for her to find, but I know I didn't like it regardless. Thing between myself and Logan were tense most of the time, this wouldn't help that.

I grabbed onto the only thing running through my head that would make her stop questioning us, "How's the guy you've been sharing Yen with?" Her eyes bulged out of her head and her cheeks started to heat. "Point taken." She mumbled, "none of my business." Through this whole exchange, Logan was minding his own business watching us go back and forth like a tennis match. "Well, as fun as this has been..." he sighed, "I really do have alpha duties I need to get back to." Whitt rolled here eyes and jumped down on the bed in front of him. "Don't think you're getting away just like that, you're here now, tell us some pack gossip?"

He blinked at her request. "Pack... gossip? Do you really think I have time to actually listen to pack gossip?" He looked over to me, "What kind of company do you keep Emily?" Whitt flinched and looked visibly hurt for a second, she covered it up fast with a toothy grin before holding her hand over her chest and coughing dramatically. "Only the worst kind, Mr Alpha." Logan shook his head in disbelief. He got up to leave and I instantly jumped to stop him. "You don't have to leave, I'm sorry if she's making you feel uncomfortable." I shot a glare towards Whitt but she wasn't listening. She was already making herself comfortable looking through my things.

I don't even know why I wanted to stop him from leaving, he was the future alpha, of course he had things to do and he needed to prepare for the alpha ceremony anyway. But, we were having such a good time before Whitt came, I thought maybe things would change between our on and off dynamic now. He stroked a hand down my arm and it sent shivers though my whole body. I instantly started to remember what had happened moments ago. "I really do have pack work to sort out" he stated, waking me from my thoughts. He must've realised it sounded a little cold after what had happened and added, "but I'd love it if you could visit the pack house at some point?"

He started to walk towards my bedroom door before stopping and turning towards me, "I could give you a proper tour, maybe then you wouldn't get lost?" he winked as he made the suggestion. He was giving me that heart stopping smile, but my mouth was hanging open. Had he really just said that? Whitt was rummaging around my room, she was too busy to even notice the exchange going on. Thank the goddess for that. Before I could even give him a reply he was out of my bedroom and down the stairs. I could hear him thanking my parents for their hospitality and wishing them well.

He really was a different person when he wasn't in front of the pack, I thought to myself. Maybe I had judged him too quickly. I closed my door and looked back at Whitt, she was stopped her messing near my bedside table. She had completely frozen solid. Oh no, had she actually heard what was said? I still didn't think it was even that bad! I was about to ask her if she was okay when she slowly turned towards me, then I saw it.

The jacket.

Dom's jacket.

She looked as if she was trying to figure something out, giving that up, she decided to ask me instead. "I have never seen you wear this and I sure as hell know it wasn't in your wardrobe when I went through it the other day..." Oh no. How could I explain this? I had purposely kept this from her to avoid having to explain it! "Where'd you get this Em? Whose is this?" I opened my mouth to tell her but I couldn't. How could I explain the dream wolf that I've only ever met when I'm asleep and have no idea if he's even real? The jacket would sure as hell complicate things, I hadn't even figured it out yet. I hadn't had a chance to ask him any of this. I could tell her it was Logan's but then she'd probably go and ask him...


Barney would agree to it, even if he didn't know the full story. "Barney came over to drop off some cookies before Logan got here." I realised I was lying to my best friend, but she was keeping things from me too. Why wouldn't she tell me about this guy? After having that thought I didn't even feel guilty, if she could have secrets, so could I. She put the jacket down and seemed to accept it as an answer. Now all I'd have to do is tell Barney before she could ask him. What a mess this was already. Why didn't I want to tell her about Dom? It wasn't like he was a naughty secret? Maybe she'd think I was crazy, but I didn't really care about that either... it bothered me.

I knew I'd have to tell someone, just to get it off of my chest. It was a strange feeling, but from her reaction towards Logan, I knew it couldn't be Whitt.

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