Emily - Part Fourteen

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The bed was so soft underneath my body, I was literally sinking into the mattress. How anyone would ever want to leave this, was beyond me. I wasn't sure what time Logan had left, but it had been early. Thinking about it, I don't even know if he'd had any sleep, he'd spent the entire night watching over me. I'd felt so comfortable with him, I opened up about my life and we spent hours talking. It was a comfort to have someone there, to have some who would just listen. Now, I was rolling over, trying to get out of the massive duvet that had cocooned me. My legs were wrapped up in the bottom of it, I kicked out, hoping that would help to separate the material from my feet. There was a low laugh coming from the doorway. I stopped my struggling and looked out of the blanket, there was a woman standing there, the same woman from the dinner. The redhead.

"What are you doing in here?" I asked, annoyed that this person was laughing at me. I was definitely used to it by now, I was a certified clutz, but I didn't even know who this stranger was. "I should be asking you, what you are doing in Logan's bed." She spit back. I didn't understand why she was so aggressive? The memory flew at me as her serpent smile grew wider, this was the one who'd been throwing herself over logan. Part of me felt instantly embarrassed, like I'd done something wrong. The other part of me won over. "Why shouldn't I be in Logan's bed? After what happened in my room yesterday, it's only natural." Her face dropped. "What do you mean 'Your room'? I couldn't see it, but I knew that there was smoke coming out of her ears right now. She was pissed.

"Didn't anyone tell you?" I questioned her innocently, feigning ignorance. "Logan requested that I stay at the pack house after the accident at mine." Her eyebrows creased, "What accident?" What accident? Did she seriously not know? "My house... It burned down yesterday." I covered myself with Logan's covers again, feeling suddenly insecure. "It did?" She asked me, she looked less confused now, and more concerned. It seemed like a peculiar change in emotions, she walked further into the room and looked around the space. "And now you're sharing Logan's room with him?" Well this was about to be awkward. "Not exactly..." I started. "I have a room at the other end of the hall, I couldn't sleep..." I stopped explaining myself, who was she to question what I was doing here anyway? "What are you doing here? I don't even know your name-"

She stopped looking at everything and cut me up, "-Rae. I'm Rae. I'm Logan's future Luna." I forced my face to stay neutral, Logan told me that he'd never been with anyone else, this girl was clearly delusional. I started to doubt myself, he would tell me right? No, I trusted Logan, I knew Logan. I didn't even know this pretentious bitch. A laugh escaped my throat as I snorted at her suggestion. "That's actually hilarious" Once the laughing had started, it wouldn't stop, I had no idea where it had come from. Maybe all of the drama from the past couple of days was finally catching up to me. "From where I'm sitting.." I looked down at the bed I was in and thumbed the shirt he had given me to sleep in. I looked back at her, "I'm pretty sure one of us is lying."

She pounced. She was quicker than me, I wanted to wind her up a little bit, but I had no idea she would actually do anything about it. She was on top of me, on the bed, snarling in my face. I tried to push her off but she was too strong. Her hand went to grab my neck, just as someone shouted from the door, "What do you think you are doing in here?" Rae instantly jumped off of me and turned to face the person that had interrupted her, growling as she did. "Who do you thi-" With one look, Rae had submitted. A she-wolf with short curly hair, was standing just inside the room, her eyes cut daggers straight at Rae. "Misty, I... I came to find Logan." She started stuttering. The woman, Misty? Looked from Rae and over to me, I sunk down in the bed a little further. She was incredibly threatening.

"Leave, now. You have no right being in his personal space." Misty ordered. I went to get out of the bed as Rae ran from the room. "Not you," she said, shutting the door behind Rae. "You stay." I sat back down obediently, she walked over and crouched in front of me. "What's your name?" This woman, whoever she was, was extremely intense. "I'm Emily, I'm really sorry about being in here, the alpha said I could stay and-" I'd started to explain myself, she held up a hand.

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