Logan - Part Fifteen

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It didn't take me long to get here, I wanted to make sure I was around when a stranger was going through Emily's things. I parked up and noticed another person sat in the car outside the house. She waved at me, I waved back. I was sure that the letter had instructed all of the alpha's to come alone... I would have to ask my father about that. Being here brought up a lot of memories, the first time I'd even been here was to drop off the invitation for my dinner. I had no idea that the sassy woman who answered the door would end up meaning so much to me.

I'd literally turned up at Emily's place less than 30 seconds ago, now I had an angry looking stranger alpha barreling towards me. What the hell? "You did this." he accused me. So my hopes of having at least one sane alpha to talk to, were slimming. I backed away towards the door, "I'm Logan, future alpha of the Midnight Moon pack. I was told you were here, I came to see if you needed any help." He looked upset, maybe it was the lingering smoke and debris in the air? Maybe he was always just this moody?

He paused, something passed over his face and his features changed. "You're Choal's son?" he asked. I pinched the bridge of my nose. This was already a long day. "Yeah, future alpha, if you hadn't heard me mention just-" He cut me up before I could finish. "Did you know this family?" What was this guy's deal? "Of course I know the family... I'm the future alpha of this pack..." When I said 'know' he seemed to let out a breath, visibly relaxing and backing off. "Do you know where they are?" This alpha was full of questions. "No", I told him without hesitation, "That is why you are here right? You can help us? My father said you can help us find them."

He seemed at loss for words at this, I thought he'd already been told everything that had happened."I need to speak with your dad, is he around? I'll help you however I can, but I really can't speak much about it out in the open." He was searching through the rooms, looking for little trinkets as he was explaining himself. I noticed in his arms, he was holding a picture of Emily and her family. That would be great for her, I know she would never feel okay about this situation, but maybe a nice family photo would help her cope a little better. Especially with her parents still gone. Hopefully, this alpha could do something about that.

I went to grab the picture from him and he flinched back. "Can I have the picture?" I asked him, excited to see Emily's face when I showed her. He looked me up and down before demanding,  "I need it." It seems this alpha definitely lacked social skills. Who did he think he was? I asked myself for the second time today. "Why?" I demanded. He moved towards me, there wasn't a lot of difference in height between us. He was a little taller, but he seemed to tower over me in the small soot stained house.

"Logan? Did you say your name was Logan?" I nodded and then found my voice again. "Yes, future alpha - Logan." I spat back. "Well 'future alpha Logan', I'm Alpha Dominick Elio and you need to move out of my way so that I can do my damn job here." A growl started in my throat, "Give me the picture" I demanded. "No" his voice was raising. "This is my pack, my territory and that picture belongs to me." My voice was raising now too. "This is someone's home and their possessions are not yours. Now move out of my way before I call your daddy."

That was it. That's all it took, my wolf was howling from inside my body, he wanted to get out. He desperately wanted to assert his dominance over this intruder. My body was shaking, preparing for the shift that was about to happen. I couldn't control what was happening anymore, stopping wasn't an option. Dominick appeared to be struggling with the exact same thing. Our wolves, naturally, wanted to see who was the stronger alpha.  The hair on the back of my neck started to stand on end, as an electronic pulse shook the house and passed like lightning through the room.

"If you are going to behave like children, you will be treated like them" came a voice from just outside the doorway. I tried to crane my neck to see, but I was completely frozen in place. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing would come out. Dominick looked completely at ease, like this didn't worry him in the slightest, like it was just something that happened to him all the time. My body started to tingle, from my fingers, all the way to my back and my legs.

One minute I was floating, the next, we were both flung against opposite walls. Except, these walls had been burnt to a crisp. I felt as my body passed through the wall, they were made so thin by the fire, it was as if I didn't feel it at all. My body landed on the grass next to the house, I was up in an instant and charging towards the front of the house. The other alpha was already there. "What the hell, Elle?" He was shouting. "Well I didn't mean for you to go through the damn wall did I?" She was arguing right back.

I let out a slow breath and scratched the back of my head, awkward. It seemed that this was an argument I didn't want to get involved in. He was pacing, it was like he was trying so hard not to lose his mind. He stopped in front of her. "You did it on purpose and you know it!" The woman, I think her name was Elle? rolled her eyes at him and headed towards the car. It seemed like this alpha and I had more in common than we thought.

The drive back home to the pack house was lonely and tiresome, it was getting dark and all I could think of was the fact that Emily had spent the entire day there, alone. Who knows what she'd been doing, or even if she'd eaten. I was worrying again, I knew she could take care of herself, but I couldn't help it. I was looking forward to telling her about my boring day, she made me feel excited and I didn't even know I could feel that anymore. I got out of the car after pulling into the garage.

I watched behind, looking as their car pull in not long after. I didn't know how my father was going to react to the woman, she appeared to be a witch if some sort. The Rising Dawn pack was well known for enlisting the help of witches, they were alone in that sense. If she could help find Emily's parents, what did it matter?

I stepped into the hall and spotted her before she'd even noticed me. She was wearing one of my white button up shirts, I was glad she'd made use of my wardrobe. The shirt itself, was too large for her, she'd added one of my belts around her small waist to make it look like a dress. She looked beautiful, she always looked beautiful. She was stood with my father, who seemed to be introducing her to the rest of the alphas. They were all looking at her hungrily. My wolf growled, making his opinion on the situation well known. I heard the laughter before I saw them. Dominick and Elena has just come through door from the garage and were making their way over to my father.

Emily turned around at hearing the noise, she noticed that I was home and went to walk towards me, a huge grin on her face. The sleep must've done wonders for her mood, I was happy to see her in such great spirits. Suddenly, she stopped. Her eyes were wide, her mouth hanging open. She was looking past me, the alpha behind me had stopped too. His accomplice was trying to get him to start moving towards my father again. Was there something here I was unaware of? Her focus was completely rendered on him.

"Dom?" She whispered.

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