Alpha Dominick - Dream Decipher

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The hardest thing was letting her go, when all I wanted to do was run over and grab her. I'd seen her as soon as I got to the house, I wanted so badly to go up to her, to hold a conversation with her. I knew that would be the worst case scenario for Alpha Logan, I was almost certain he hadn't told her yet. It was too risky to get close to her when I knew she would ask me why I hadn't been around, How was I meant to answer that without lying to her? I slammed my fist into the punching bag again and again. "More." Malik ordered me. I put all of my weight behind me and I threw my fists forward, the punching bag split in the middle, the little seeds inside that added the weight started to spill out all over the gym floor.

"Okay that was too much" Malik said sarcastically. "I'm aware" I shouted at nobody in particular. I was annoyed, I hadn't been able to see Emily in weeks, and the one time I actually saw her, I didn't even get the opportunity to speak to her. Why couldn't he just tell her what was going on? To finish it all off, I'd been walking around in circles in the dream realm with no sense of direction other than just a damn shopping list. The coven had helped as much as they possibly could, but it seems that whoever was working against us also had a few tricks of their own. They couldn't gather a stable connection and so I would spend hours on an evening checking every door that I could that linked with the magical footprint on the objects.

Every single door I had opened had taken me to a carpenter or a jeweller, even going into their dreams was pointless. I felt so useless. Alpha Choal has given me this task and I couldn't even fulfil it for him, I was disappointed in myself. The witches had told me not to be too hard on myself, that the fact that they couldn't get a magical trace meant that, whoever took Emily's parents, also had someone who had the ability to control energy working with them. I started to roughly undo my boxing gloves, Malik reached out to help me undo the strings and I growled at him. "Dom, I know you're going through a lot of stress right now, but taking it out on me isn't the way forward" he took a look at the still leaking punch bag, "neither is destroying pack property, especially when you have to replace it." I knew he was right, I just needed to calm down.

"You'll find them. You're the only one that can." He'd never really spoken to me about the subject before, but I knew he was always wondering, everyone was. What if I couldn't find them? What if we were all done for? "Go to bed, go rest your mind and stop thinking so much. Everyone is using you for something. You need to take care of yourself." I nodded to him, he was right, I couldn't help anyone if there was no Dom left to help. I took the stairs two at a time and walked towards my dark room. My room was the master room, when I was growing up, I had one further down the hall, but since my dad and Hazel couldn't use the master anymore I took over. I'd changed almost everything about the room, the once blush coloured walls were now grey, all of the furniture was replaced with a more modern style. The only thing that hadn't changed was the hardwood wooden floor.

I paused outside my old room and looked at the door opposite, there was a small green plaque near the top that read "Jessie." I traced my hand over the plaque and rubbed at the dust, "Are you even still on the Earth?" I whispered to myself, sighing as I made my way to my room. My blinds were always half closed, I never liked too much light, which was ironic being the alpha of the Rising Dawn pack. I sat down on my bed and clicked on the lamp. It wasn't quite dark enough outside for inside illuminations, but it wasn't light enough inside for what I had planned either. I dragged the heavy bound book from my bedside table, I had put it there knowing it's what Emily was reading to send herself to sleep. I hoped it connected me to her in a way, especially since I couldn't be there. I flipped to the middle of the book, to the pages where the list was tucked safely between.

"Why did they put you in here?" I started speaking to the list knowing it wouldn't be able to answer me. "What significance do you have?" I took the list out and examined it again, I could not see a single thing other than a list of fruit and vegetables. I put the useless piece of paper down on the bed next to me and looked at the pages of the book that it seemed to bookmark. The title was "The Moon Goddess" looked like Emily's parents were reading up on pack traditions the last time they'd opened this. I read down the page, my eyes closing faster and faster, I started to read a section out loud aimlessly.

"Very few wolves have ever managed to mindlink out of their own pack. As in all packs, family links are different. Communication can only occur between the Alpha and the pack, no backwards link can be created unless originally created by the Alpha."

Blah blah blah, this was stuff we were taught as kids. It continued,

A family link is not quite a mindlink, but it is as strong as one and shares many attributes. A singular person can not mindlink, even to family. But there are instances where this type of link could be useful, such as feeling another's pain or pleasure, both emotional and physical. Though a link like this would need to be tapped into and accessible by all parties in the family.

I paused my reading, focusing on one sentence in particular, "A family link is not quite a mindlink, but it is as strong as one and shares many attributes." I thought of Emily's parents, of how I hadn't been able to find them because all magic had been blocked off somehow and without the witches I had nothing. I thought of Emily and the first night I found her awake in her dream world... I repeated the words, "and shares many attributes..." I jumped up from my bed, suddenly filled with energy. Why hadn't I considered this before?! Magic couldn't be used to find them, of course not, it was too simple, too many people knew about it, it could be traced. As I was thinking about the way Emily had always been awake, how she could manifest and control inside the dream realm, something clicked inside my head. We didn't need a witch, No. We needed a Dream Walker with a direct connection to the person.

Something that had been niggling in the back of my head for years also seemed to resolve itself in that moment. That's why the witches used me. That's why I had to be the one who was searching. Though my connection to Jessie wouldn't be even half as powerful as Emily's was to her parents, it was still there. Maybe it would be easier for Emily? Maybe we could do this after all? I grabbed my car keys and headed for the door, I needed to stop off at the coven and pick up Elena, and then we needed to go and find my little varg. I didn't care anymore if Logan hadn't told her. She had a right to know, especially when she was the key to it all.

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