Dom - 02: Part Five

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The winter sun was glistening off of the early morning frost. The grass crunched under my feet as the ice was crushed with minimal force. It wasn't cold enough yet to snow, but the dawn air did have an icy bite to it today. The rising sun lit my path home, its orange beams trying to warm what little of the earth it could. It was frivolous of course, the cold would come and take what it wanted regardless. I'd spent too much time recently out of the dream realm and in the real world, it was a relief and a curse. The real world held far more monsters than that which were made up in someone's head. No, these monsters were real and they were dangerous and no matter how hard we pushed, they would always push back.

I'd lost count of the amount of rogues I'd killed, some had witches with them, Elena took care of those mostly, some of them were wandering around the borders of other packs. The inconsistency we couldn't seem to gage was that they knew who Whitt was now, yet no one seemed to be coming for my pack. I'd received word from the witches that Emily was safe, I didn't dare visit her after last time, though regrettably, this would be so much easier with her. I just didn't want her mixed up in all this conflict, it was bad enough that as soon as I was reunited with my sister she'd had to train. The physical training was easier for her, she had alpha genes, she was already faster and stronger than most in our pack. It was the mental training that came from her hybrid witch side, that seemed to be the most difficult. I had no idea how to help her with that, it was up to Elena and the old crone to guide her there.

She'd been with our pack for almost a month, tomorrow marked the start of December and the start of preparations for the mating ceremony at the Rising Dawn pack. I'd briefly discussed it with Whitt as this was her eighteenth year, although she was born in our pack, she had an alpha and they'd already created the mindlink connection with her. Unless she chose to leave that pack completely, she wouldn't be able to join in on our festivities, she would have to go back to Alpha Logan's pack to find her mate. I didn't want her to think that her help to the coven and to our pack overshadowed her finding her mate, it didn't, if she wanted to join the ceremony she would have every right. She told me that she would think about it, but the uncertainty in her voice made me think otherwise.

I'd got home and went straight back out again, I couldn't be late to my training session with Malik, he'd already let me off for a few nights last week. I didn't have the energy to get out of bed, I'd taken so many lives and yet nothing seemed to be getting better. The one question in my mind was where was Logan's mother? Every time we got a trail it would go cold, there was no tracking these witches, they were too scheming. I opened the doors to the gym and was met with an instant barrel of laughs. I turned the corner, Whitt stood over a very sore looking Malik, he was on his side, but he was choking on a laugh. "What did she do to you this time?" They both flinched when they heard my voice, Whitt answered me, "I swear I didn't mean to!" Oh no, this couldn't be good.

"I was taking her though some more advanced boxer training and she..." he paused trying to find the right words, "okay so I don't know exactly what she did or how she did it, but she shocked me." I threw my bag at the corner of the training mat and jumped into the ring, "you 'shocked' him?" I asked Whitt, a little bit of disbelief and pride in my voice. She nodded, "I didn't mean to, I'm still trying to hold it all in, Elena said I have too much potential and I need to hold back... I could destroy myself otherwise." She looked down, I caught her hand, "you will never have 'too' much potential, but Elena is probably right. You don't want to wear yourself out when you're only just getting started." She squeezed my hand, "I'm going to head for the showers, you can take over from me." I looked at Malik who was already getting himself up off the floor, "oh I plan to."

We both watched as Whitt walked away, I threw a fast punch in Malik's direction, "don't even think about it." He looked offended as he dodged my left hook, "what? I wouldn't even dream of it, that's your sister bro." I hummed under my breath, lifting my leg and slamming it into his stomach, he coughed making wheezing noises, "don't ever forget that even she has a higher position here than you." He laughed it off and threw a roundhouse kick my way, it hit. It was painful. "You didn't feel those sparks, she can hold her own for sure... besides, she's not my kind of witch." He grinned, but this just made me even more annoyed. "None of the witches are you kind of witch, you know how dangerous it is." He shoved off my chokehold, "your dad did it." I paused and he went to kick out my knees, "and look at where that got him."

Malik called time on the match, "Dom, you can't help who you're mated with... your dad couldn't either." I knew that, just as much as I knew what it had cost him. This wasn't our war that we were fighting, but because of their union, they had created my sister. The enemy only saw her as a weapon to solve all of their problems, in reality, we shouldn't even be a part of this. "Had the Midnight Moon pack agreed to send over the scrolls you asked for?" Malik asked me, his hands were in his knees as he tried to catch his breath. I shook my head, "I haven't heard from Alpha Logan since I left." It worried me that he wasn't replying to my letters, he wasn't responding to anyone. Malik threw up his hands in hopelessness, "it's his war we are fighting here Dom! This was never meant to be our responsibility. Choal knew that."

I knew he was right about that too, but what was I supposed to do? Emily was in their pack, I could hardly bring the war to them. Malik sat me down on the edge of the ring, "listen, there's a reason they have his mum. I don't know what she knows or what kind of stuff they were involved in before... but I don't think Logan had a clue. Choal died before he could really explain." Why did my bets always have to be right, it annoyed me most of the time, but I was great for it. The dark coven had cursed their land, we were always told that it was because of the pack that forced them off, but what if it wasn't? What if there was more to this than just an old rivalry? This was the one question my mind kept coming back to, why would they want to destroy the moon goddess over that? Why would they be so selective with who gets to stay?

I took off my gloves and wiped the sweat from my brow, there was one thing I was sure of, "I won't bring the war to them." He shook his head as he started to put the training gear away. "Is she really worth having to take all of this on? This isn't even Whitt's battle and yet she's having to prepare for it. How is that fair?" I jumped off of the ring, "I guess you wouldn't know a lot about feelings asshole, you usually go straight for the sex." I didn't see his reaction, I didn't care, I needed a shower. I let the hot water trickle over my aching muscles, why did I have to be the one making all the big decisions? I wasn't the only alpha on this side of the continent, but I was the only one willing to do something about it. I was the one with the most to lose. I grabbed a towel from the side, shaking off the water from my hair, Francesca was leaning against the tiled wall, "for goddess sake! How long have you been stood there?" She smirked, "long enough, you seem tense?"

This was one less thing I wanted to deal with today. "I'm a lot more tense now I've seen you, don't you have somewhere else to be?" She smiled, sauntering over to me, "glad to know I can still make you tense" she purred. "Not tense in a good way Francesca, move." She stood still, "you don't want me to leave really." She went to walk towards me and I heard a crackling like sound from the doorway. "My brother told you to move." Whitt's eyes were glowing green and her hair was flowing around her by an unseen force. Francesca took a step back, "your brother doesn't know what he wants." Whitt flung her hand to the side like she was throwing seeds, blue sparks released from her hand like cannon balls and hit the tiles, causing them to smash. "He said move." She repeated herself. Francesca squared her shoulders. "You witches don't scare me." That was absolutely the wrong thing to say.

Whitt's hand raised in the air and the shower heads on all of the showers flew off and onto the floor. There was water spraying everywhere. This was going to cost me so much money to fix. "Whitt..." I tried to calm her, "leave." She ordered me, Francesca went to grab onto my arm but Whitt let out a flash of pure white lightning that blasted her hand away from me. Francesca screamed out in pain, "Whitt, come on, you don't need to pick this fight. She's no one." Whitt's eyes reluctantly left her prey and focused on me, the green started to dim and the air started to get cooler. Thank the goddess for that. I held out my hand to her, "let's go home?" I asked her, "I'll make you a hot chocolate?" The invisible wind seemed to die down completely and she took my outstretched hand, her last sentence was aimed at the girl lay on the shower floor, murder in her eyes. "You ever touch or even look at my brother again and you'll be dust to the wind." I urged her forward and she led the way home.

Now I understood why Malik wouldn't want to mess around with her. She'd progressed so much since being here, but she was still dangerous, dangerous enough that I'd have to double her meetings and training sessions with the old crone. I watched my long lost sister walking ahead, she could do incredible things, but, unchecked, she could also do disastrous things.

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