Dominick Elio

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I had just finished my second set of pushups, my body was dripping with sweat and yet I still didn't feel done. I took my energy to the pack boxing ring and Malik was already stood there waiting. "Tough night?" He said, helping to do up my gloves. "Nah bro, though life." I laughed. He nodded his head wiping at his nose. "How's Fran been?" - my pet name for Francesca, the pack girl I'd been seeing until recently. No doubt he was asking if I was done with her yet. I'd accepted that we didn't have anything more than physical attraction, "Feel free.." I winked at him. "Already? I thought you seemed pretty serious about her?" Here he goes again with his big mouth, I thought. Asking questions he wasn't entitled to.

"I'm too busy for women." I snapped at him, hoping he'd stop it. I forgot to mention the part where I was too busy for real women. Dream women I had plenty of time for... or one in particular anyway. I'd even told her so last night. We started throwing punches. He swooped under my right cross and was behind me trying to take me down. He should've known better than that, I kicked back and hit him square in the chest. He dropped against the ropes before getting back on his feet, "NOT FAIR!" He roared. "Who said anything about fair," I laughed " in this pack we fight to win, not to follow rules."

He charged at me, he was quicker on his feet than me, and he tried to take me down by my waist. Another stupid move. I was at least fifty pounds more muscle than him. I stepped to the left and watched as he tumbled against the ropes again. I was laughing out loud, I couldn't help it. "I thought I had competition man, maybe I should get your sister in here and see how hard she works me?" He was snarling, his eyes were flashing red and he went to attack again, but his stance always let him down. I kicked behind his knees and in one swoop had him pinned to the floor. "Tap out." I ordered him. "Never, you asshole."

His fight made me suddenly remember the way she would call me out. No one had ever spoken to me the way she did. She didn't know who I was or where I came from and that's what I liked the most. She was that feisty with people she didn't even know, I wondered how she would be with someone extremely close to her. Malik went for me again and he stopped about a foot away covering his eyes. "What the fuck dude! We're fighting here put that fucking thing away." He grimaced. I looked down, sure enough I'd got hard thinking about her. Like every night after I escaped her dreams.

I kicked my leg out and ran my foot under his legs, he instantly fell with a deep thud. "Rule number one bro, don't ever lose eye contact with your opponent." I stripped off my gloves and threw them to the floor and stomped out of there. "Find me someone who can actually put up a fight next time." I shouted back at Malik. "Find me someone who doesn't get a boner while fighting their friend." He argued back. I flipped him off, shaking my head and failing to hold in my booming laugh on the way out.

I pressed the shower in the gym and the water cascaded down on me. We all showered naked in here, we were just that kind of pack. No one had anything to hide. I heard a small gasp come from behind me, followed by a string of curses and insults. The voice belonged to the women I'd just dumped in front of the whole boxing gym. "How dare you Dominick Elio." I held my head under the water, hoping it would drown me before she got to me. A she-wolf scorned was not a pretty sight. She stormed over and put a hand on my arm. I spun around, grabbed her hand and slammed her against the shower wall.

"Don't YOU dare ever touch me without my permission." I seethed in her face. Her head was pushed back against the tiles and her arm, which I had slammed above her head, was completely limp. Her face however, read a completely different story. She was smiling. Grinning actually. She was looking down towards my dick. My dick that was still fully erect at the thought of my little varg. "If it wasn't clear enough already, I know you still want me." She whispered. "Want you? Go ask Malik, my dick got hard boxing. This isn't anything to do with you sweetheart."

She pouted and tried to arch her body towards me. "You know I like it rough Dom. You know I like it the way you like to give it." I let go of her and went to grab my towel, I wrapped it around my ass before turning back towards her. "If I were you, Francesca, I'd stay well away from me from now on." Her face dropped and tears stung her eyes. "Francesca? You never call me Francesca..." I walked towards the changing rooms, my gym bag in hand, I gave her one last look as I got to the door, "it's your name isn't it wolf?"

I didn't bother to stay and see if she was okay. She was manipulative anyway, her tears weren't worth the water in the shower. She'd always been after a top position and the only reason I gave her any thought was because I didn't know any better. Yen had come as a surprise to all of us and she just happened to be the she-wolf I was around at the time. Yen didn't mean shit in terms of relationships. Fair game was fair game. We are wolves, what did people expect. We ran like wolves, fought like wolves and fucked like wolves. There was nothing to it. The only exception was mates. She was just power hungry and she definitely wasn't my mate.

I got changed back into my faded blue jeans and my white jumper. It wasn't exactly cold out, but it was nearing October. The air now had a certain bite, I'd feel it mostly on my way to the gym after a night of dream walking. Especially recently. I'd made it back to the house, I dropped off my gym bag at the door and walked towards the entrance table and dropped off my keys. "Mr Elio?" my maid called. "Yes, Amelie?" I exhaled. "This came for you earlier, it came with instructions to hide and keep safe until you could read it." She was shaking, this must be important... or she'd had too much of the special coffee again.

"Did we get word about-" I went to ask, "-No, I'm sorry, it's not that." She quickly handed me the letter and scurried towards the sitting room. I placed the letter in my teeth and grabbed my gym bag. I emptied it into the laundry in the utility room, before heading to my work room. I stopped just outside the door and double checked that no one was waiting or watching. Closing the door behind me, I headed for the leather chair in the middle of the room. This was where I spent most of my nights anyway.

The fire was burning and filling the room with the smell of smokey wood, Amelie must've lit it after my session. She usually knew my schedule pretty well. It was a comforting scent, I wondered if this would be what my little varg smelt of. Or maybe she was vanilla and spice, like all things nice? I grabbed the letter opener from the draw in my coffee table and ripped across the edges of the yellowing paper. I cut through, going over the blue wax seal of a moon.

My eyes roamed over the paper, I took in ever little detail. There was a coffee stain in the top right corner, whoever wrote this likes it black, no sugar. The blue ink spill at the end told me it was rushed. I read over it again and again. My sceptical mind tried to find any trace of forgery or recognition, there was none. I stood up from the chair and walked over to the fireplace. I flicked it in and watched as paper crumbled to ash and the wax seal melted over the logs. No trace. No evidence. Just as the letter had instructed.

I sat down, grabbing my bourbon from the drinks table on the way, as if today couldn't get any worse.

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