Emily - 02: Part Four

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"Do you want to come in?" I heard his words but they were hard to register when he was standing in front of me in just a towel. He waved his hand in front of my face, "Earth to Emily?" I snapped out of it, "uhm, yeah sure, thanks." I nervously made my way into his room. Was it hot in here? It seemed very hot in this room right now? "Is it hot in here?" I said accidentally out loud. The door shut suddenly, making me jump. "I think it's pretty chilly actually," came the deep voice just behind me. Goosebumps raised up on my neck and made my incline my head. I smiled and turned around to face him, but stopped when I saw his figure leaning up against a wall. He was watching me. "It's probably because uhm," I pointed down, "your.. towel." He started to grin, "is it distracting you?" I pulled my shirt away from my neck, "darn it's hot. Don't you have a fan?" He moved away from the wall, stalking towards me, "I don't think it's hot at all, little varg..." I stepped back, right into a hard object, I was pretty sure it was his desk, but my eyes couldn't leave his. I'd gotten dressed into pyjama shorts and a pyjama t-shirt, it clearly wasn't the room temperature and he knew it.

"But, if you are hot, you could always get yourself cool." "H.. how do I do that?" I questioned, my voice betraying my speeding heart. He was still advancing. Good lord. "Well," he said, his voice a purr, "you could always start by taking off those layers separating your skin from the fresh air." I gulped, he stopped centimetres away from me, running his hand over my arm. "I could always help you if you're having difficulty?" What was the man doing to me? I'd never felt heat like it. "You... you can't" I stammered. "I can't what?" He said looking me up and down, "undress a woman? I assure you I can." His arm paused near my hand and in a flash he'd grabbed my waist and pulled me against him. "And I assure you, it will be the best time you ever take your clothes off." My eyes rolled into the back of my head feeling him pressed up against me.

"Tell me to stop little varg, tell me to keep my hands off of you." I couldn't, I couldn't even speak but more than that, I didn't want to. There had been so much frustration between us, he'd been distraught thanking me about what had happened to me in the dream realm. I remembered his panicked face as I went to walk into the blue light, I didn't want him to keep his hands off of me. I was tired of feeling so hot and bothered and not being able to have him. "I brushed my lips against his, he groaned. "Do you want me to say that to you?" I asked him, my lips just about touching his. He looked deep into my eyes, like he was looking into my soul. "I don't want you to say anything little varg." With that, his lips were on mine and his hands were in my hair as he pushed me further up against the desk. It felt like a burning need to be close to him, like I'd been dehydrated and he was my water, I couldn't get enough.

His hands explored my body, touching every part of me that they could, it still wasn't enough. "How about I help you get cool?" He whispered in my ear, biting slightly on skin at the bottom. I don't know where my sudden rush of confidence had come from, but I felt completely in control of this alpha. "How about you first?" He smiled against my lips, "how about I make you beg me to take them off?" I traced my tongue across his smiling lips, just as he opened them to let me in, I pushed him away, "make me Alpha." Who was this she-wolf? It certainly didn't feel like me, no way did I have the confidence to be speaking to him like this. "My pleasure" he purred and he grabbed my hips and lifted me onto his desk. His lips found my neck, he kissed and licked and sucked all the way around until he found a spot that made me melt. At the same time, his hands were lifting my shirt from my body, giving my skin a chance to breathe.

His lips left mine for a split second as the shirt was lifted over my head. The loss of contact from his skin was enough to make me go insane. I pulled him back as quickly as I could and dragged my teeth over his shoulder, "goddess I want to sink my teeth into you." I groaned against him, moving my hips to try to get any kind of friction. He moaned and grabbed my ass, pulling me hard against his hips. I was leaning back on my hands, panting, "more" I growled at him. His eyes glowed purple and his pupils were dilated to max as he bent down in front of me. His hands traced lines up and down my body, sending goosebumps rising all over my skin. His lips met my thighs as he lifted my legs onto his shoulders, kissing from the back of my knees, all the way up to my ass. Oh dear goddess I needed him now. "I have been waiting for so long to find out how you taste little varg." I leaned back on my elbows as he pulled my pyjama shorts to the side and licked the top of my thighs, right next to my core. It cooled the heat there instantly. My eyes glued to his. I needed this.

Please please please, my thoughts were screaming. As if hearing my cries, Dom lifted my ass and pulled down my pyjama shorts, balling them in his fist and throwing them to the bed. The cool air did nothing to stop the insatiable heat that only his tongue seemed to be able to. "Do you want me to start here?" I sighed, trying to rub myself against his lips as he kissed me at the top of my panties, "or do you want me to start here?" He licked my core over my underwear, I gasped out, leaning up to grip the edges of the desk. "Dom" I moaned out, gripping harder as he rubbed his tongue up and down over the material. I was dying to know what it felt like without the barrier. I leaned back again, granting him the access to remove the last layer, when my hand slipped on something and sent me crashing onto the table.

Dom was instantly up and helping me get up straight, a look of concern written all over his face. "Ouch," I started to laugh, "was it too much?" He worried, "I'm sorry." I gripped the desk and pulled myself back up, "no, no, it's not your fault, I was enjoying myself" I confessed. "I think my hand slipped on something." He looked around me and his eyes fell to the floor, "oh it was just a book I'd been reading." He said, picking it up. I recognised the cover instantly, "hey, isn't that the book I picked up from the library at the pack house?" He flipped it over, "yeah, well a similar one," he said, "I had to go to your old house to gather some things to help track your parents and this was there too." My mind stopped working, I'd seen this book before. No wonder I was drawn to it at the pack house.

I grabbed it from him and flicked to the front of the book,

"In times of darkness, in the moon goddess we always find light."

The note was scribbled in my mother's hand writing. I read it out loud again and again. "What does that mean?" Dom asked me, "I have no idea. But my mum doesn't write in books." I told him, "she's against spines being creased, she would never put a pen to a book." He thought for a minute and then took the book back from me, "what're you doing?" I asked him. "When I got this book there was a shopping list in between some of the pages." A shopping list? But my mum had hundreds of bookmarks, she kept them in her dresser. Why would she need a list bookmark? "At the time," he continued, "I thought she'd just been in a rush and left it in there, but.. here!" He said, showing me the pages of the book. I gasped, the title of the page he was referring to was 'The Moon Goddess'. "In times of darkness, in the moon goddess we always find light." A shiver ran down my spine as I picked up the list, perfectly placed in between the two pages. I looked it over, once, twice, three times before looking back at Dom. "See? It's just a list, I can't make sense of it." Dom told me.

"It's not just a list," I said, my voice shaking. "How can you tell?" I took a deep breath, "my parents are allergic to everything on that list..." Dom looked confused, then why is it in there?" I looked back at the list and my eyes widened as I suddenly realised the intensity of the situation. "It's a puzzle. We need to get to my parents now." We sprung into action, getting dressed and gathering what we needed, before rushing to Elena's room and banging on the door. She answered a minute later with a bed head and creased up clothes. "What, jeez. What do you want?" She looked at the watch on her wrist, "we don't have to start for another few hours." I shoved the book at her, "we have to start now. Emily's parents left her clues. They left a list on this page" he tapped on the page opened up, "which shows me how to train Emily to find them,"... "and," I cut in, "they left me a puzzle to uncode. I was constantly reading around my mum, she was always walking in and out of the room when I had my head in a book. She must've known I'd find it. She had to know."

Elena blink, looked down at the page and then back to us, "go get Whitt, we're going to need all the help we can get tonight."

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