Emily - Part Nineteen

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My mind was still reeling from all of the things I'd learnt last night. Dom had visited me, as he usually did, but this time he wasn't just trying to flirt with me, he was showing all of the cool things that I could do in the dream realm. My head hurt as I tried to lift it up, who knew dreaming could be this draining. I remembered everything about my time there, it was almost as if my mind thought I could need it in the real world too. What was obviously ridiculous because I didn't have any real kind of powers, it was just dreaming.

I covered my head with the duvet as the light from the window hit my eyes. I needed something to take the pain away. I moved my head around, testing for any aches in my neck before I picked my phone up to check my messages. The screen flashed brightly, I instantly turned it away from my face and dimmed the screen brightness. There was a message from Whitt,

SO EXCITED for Logan's alpha ceremony! Everyone in the pack should be there. See you there, make sure you wear something great. He is becoming an alpha tonight!

Xoxo Whitt.

Followed by a message from Barney.

Hey Em! New chocolate cookies I want you to try! I'll bring some over to the pack house when everyone gets there later! So excited, cupcake is finally going to become muffin!

B. X

Oh my goddess. Barney has new chocolate muffins? But also, It was tonight! I looked at the clock on my phone, it was almost midday! How had I even slept that long? I scrolled through my phone, still no messages from my parents. Did they even care here? It didn't look like anyone was doing anything to reach out to them. Just me and my text messaging. I shut my phone off and rolled off the side of my bed, I felt as if I'd been drinking all night, perfect attitude for an alpha ceremony. I found myself wondering what Logan would be doing right now, Dom had told me to give him space to do alpha things last night, but I didn't want to. I wanted to run up to him and hug him and tell him that I was so excited for him today. Instead I fell into a puddle on the floor and groaned at myself. Okay, slow movements for the rest of the morning, which was approximately seven minutes.

Time to make myself useful. I hopped in the shower, scrubbing all of the distorted feelings from my head. The water felt as if it was washing away the muddled up mind I'd woken up with. I knew I wasn't supposed to see Logan, but I wanted to see if there was anything I could do to help him today. Surely asking him a question wouldn't hurt? I picked out a long sleeved shirt and a pair of faded grey jeans, this would do, I'm sure there was some flower arranging or something I could help out with. I didn't need to look fancy just yet. A thought crossed my mind, I didn't even have anything to wear later, I don't think Misty had included 'special occasion clothes' in her stockpile she gave me. I'd have to search for her at some point and ask.

The stairs were lined with people in blue polo-shirts strapping flowers to the railing, I guess that crossed off that job from my list. At the bottom of the stairs I found Alpha Choal, "Hey, sorry for interrupting you, have you seen Logan yet?" His eyes brightened when he saw me, weird. "He's training with Basker at the moment, he has to be at his fittest for tonight." He informed me. I bit my lip and looked towards the door; "oh right yeah, I guess he would be wouldn't he?" Alpha Choal nodded. "Would you like to take a quick walk with me Emily?" My eyes bulged from my head. A walk? With Alpha Choal? "Am I in some kind of trouble?" I asked him, playing with the bottom of my t-shirt. I could already imagine the punishments he'd inflict.

He watched my reaction and started to laugh, "not at all, though it would be nice to get to know the girl my son can't seem to stop talking about at dinner." I smiled sheepishly at him, "he talks about me?" He rolled his eyes and smirked, "when does Logan not talk about you?" This made me laugh, it was nice to know that, for now at least, I had his undivided attention. He held out his arm and I took it, he was leading us towards the garden. "What has Logan told you about our family?" He asked me, pausing to watch my reply. "Uhm, not a whole lot to be honest, I know about the pack family mainly because of my parents." The thought of my parents pained me. "What did your parents tell you?" He urged, "well I grew up with the same stories everyone did to be honest. The Fenton's took over the pack land from another pack who didn't operate as a normal functioning pack should?" I told him, questioning what I thought I already knew, he nodded, adding "there's just one detail missing there." Oh?

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