Emily - Part Fifteen

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I was running, running without thinking, but my legs knew exactly where to take me. My eyes were trained on him from across the room. A second after I started to move, he moved too. My body crashed into his, my arms wrapped around his neck and his hands wrapped around my back. He was here. I couldn't believe it. He moved my hair slightly and I heard him take a deep breath in, he signed out in relief. "You're alive, you're safe." He was whispering against my hair. I thought he was asking me a question but the more I thought about it, the more it seemed like he was confirming for himself.

I could feel his body under my hands, I could smell his earthy scent, if sunshine had a scent, it would be Dom. He pulled back slightly and beamed at me, so bright I couldn't look away. "So you're Emily huh?" I started to laugh, it seemed to be something I'd started to do more lately in bizarre situations. "I'm Emily." I confirmed. He pulled me back in for a hug, just as he did, I could see Logan walking over towards us. I remembered myself, I remembered where we were. Logan could see him now, everyone in the room could. He wasn't just in my dreams anymore. I wasn't dreaming...

"I'm not dreaming right now am I?" I checked with Dom. He laughed, his laugh sounded like an explosion of light through the clouds of a storm. It made me feel so completely awake, so completely alive. He held my face in his hands, "No, little varg, you are very much awake." Logan appeared next to us, "Can someone please explain to me how you two know each other?" The female that Dom had come in with was on his other side. "It's her isn't it?" She asked him. He removed his hands from my face, seeming to remember that we weren't in the dream realm. Not once did he remove his eyes from mine, but he nodded, just one single nod. Me? Did she know me? I didn't know her.

I turned to Logan excited, "This is Dom!" Logan looked at me confused, "I know Emily, he's the A-" he went to say. "-Absolutely best person you'll ever meet." Dom finished for him. They gave each other a weird look and I rolled my eyes, I hoped they wouldn't start a dick measuring contest. "Logan is the upcoming alpha of the Midnight Moon pack" I told him proudly. The smug smile on Dom's face was apparent, "Oh is he really?" he inclined his head, "I never knew that." Again, they shared a look. Okay, this was getting weird.

"How do you know Emily?" Logan asked Dom, the ice there was undeniable. He shrugged his shoulders as he replied, "We've spoken before, never actually met until now though." So he wanted to keep the dream visits a secret? I suppose it made sense when he'd already told me things he wasn't supposed to. I nodded my head in agreement. Logan seemed to take this as a good enough answer and took us through to the dining room. Everyone else joined us inside, it was a cosy room, it was warmly lit with candles and the table decorations were coloured in oranges and reds, mirroring the leaves from the trees outside.

It reminded me of dinners back home, mum would match the table to whatever season we were in. I felt guilty. How could I sit here and eat with all of these people when I had no idea where they were? Logan noticed my discomfort and placed a hand on my shoulder, "You know they are okay right? You not eating will only damage yourself." I looked into his eyes, he was so thoughtful. I smiled at him "you're right." My eyes flicked towards Dom who was sat with his female friend, his eyes were trained on Logan and his jaw was clenched. What was his problem?

I spent the rest of the dinner observing the people around the table. Almost all of the men looked like they were built in the exact same way, they all had muscle and they all commanded the room when they spoke. It was slightly intimidating. I was glad to see that Rae, the girl from earlier, hadn't made another appearance. Misty was sat opposite Phillip, the guy from the stairs, and everyone seemed to be getting on relatively well. I wondered how many alphas we had sat around us at the minute, and more importantly, why were they here? I knew Logan's alpha ceremony wasn't too far away now, but they couldn't be here for that long surly?

I looked back at Dom, his eyes met mine, that familiar glow of purple glazed over as he watched me watching him. I wondered what he had to do with all of this, what a coincidence that the guy who had been invading my dreams for a while now, was now sitting four seats away from me. I shook off my thoughts, coincidences happen all the time. I finished up my food and watched as everyone slowly started trickling from the room. Apparently one of the alphas had been late and so they would hold a meeting tomorrow, that meant everyone would stay. I got up to leave and Logan got up with me, "Do you want me to walk you to your room?" He asked, ever the charmer.

"I think I'm okay actually" I told him, "I think I'm going to go and check out the library quickly, reading might help me sleep better." He nodded, "Well you know where my room is if you can't sleep again." I smiled at him, "I appreciate it, thank you." He went to talk to his dad and I took this as the best opportunity to leave without anyone pulling me for a conversation. Misty was busy with Philip and Logan was doing alpha things. Perfect. I found my way into the hall without any interruptions, thank the goddess for good alcohol and food distractions. I crept down the corridor to the right, I remembered seeing this door when we had first visited. The balcony was at the end of the hall, thoughts of that day flashed through my mind. Thoughts of Logan. Stop. There's other people here, I reminded myself.

I pushed open the big oak door and was met with the musty smell of withering pages. Who needed Logan to give me a tour? I was practically an expert at making my way around the pack house. The library was full from floor to ceiling, with books of all shapes, colours and sizes. I walk towards the section labelled 'Mythic reading'. Reading something like that was sure to put me to sleep faster than anything else here. I was pulling out random books, they were so old that they didn't even have the names on the cover. As I was dusting off a particular old looking spine, a hand appeared on the shelf above me. I jumped about 30 feet into the air, grabbing my chest as my heart was about to give out.

The chuckle from the guilty party was instantly recognisable, my head shot up and I glared over at him. His purple eyes landed on mine. "What're we doing in a dusty old library?" I advanced towards him, putting all of my frustration into it, showing him how annoyed I was. I was angry. I was more than angry. "What the hell do you think you are doing!" I whispered angrily to him. He held his mouth as he bent over laughing. My cheeks were turning red, I was seething. He still wouldn't look at me, "You could've given me a heart attack!" I explained. He looked up at me, I'd walked close enough to him now, he could grab me. And he did.

He pushed me into the book shelf and held my arms together above my head. "What exactly do you think you have been doing to me all evening wearing that?" He asked me, eyes roaming my body. I blushed, I'd thought that this shirt was too short and now, with my arms pulled up above my head, it barely covered anything. "You want to be careful who you are around when you look like that little varg... there are some men here that will just take what they want." This thought chilled me to the bone, but having his hands holding my wrists, having him pin me against the books like this, this excited me.

What was I doing? I was in the pack house for goddess sake! I watched as his chest was rising and falling, his heart rate seemed to be speeding up by the second. "I'm going to go now," I declared to him. He let go of my arms instantly and smiled down at me, I rolled my eyes and started to walk towards the door, "you forgot something..." I heard his voice echo. I turned, he was holding the book I had picked up. Of course, that was the whole reason I'd come to this room in the first place. I walked back towards him and held out my hand, ordering him to give me the book. He handed it over, still gripping one if the ends, baiting me to look up at him. I did.

"See you in your dreams little varg.."

Goosebumps trailed along my skin. He let go and I took the book, rubbing at my arms as I was walking away. I didn't know if it was just cold in this room, or if I was actually nervous. Perhaps it was both. I didn't look back. I was almost certain he'd make his way into my dreams tonight, just as I was almost certain I wanted him to.

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