Alpha Logan - Midnight Moon

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They'd all fallen asleep in various positions minutes ago, I was standing pouring myself a drink and Emily was sitting on the coffee table, her eyes glued to each of their faces. It took all of my strength not to get a pen and draw a penis on Dominick's forehead. "Do you think that's how I look when Dom visits me, or do you think because I'm already asleep it doesn't matter?" She asked aimlessly. Speaking of Dominick, I thought, then rolled my eyes. "I think if you've already got your eyes closed it doesn't really count Emily." She leaned back and stretched her arms, "I can't believe it, I guess all of the signs had been there for years, but I can't believe she's a witch! And then there's the fact that she's Dom's sister too? How the hell does that even happen?" She was rambling, I could tell she was nervous about something, I decided to ask her and save her the awkwardness.

"Emily?" She paused, "What is it that you need to tell me but don't want to tell me?" She gulped, I smiled to myself, I could read her like a book. Her shoulders sunk, "Dom needs me to help him with... something..." she looked over at me and winked, pretty badly, but I could tell it was there. I laughed, she was trying her best to hint at the fact that she was talking about her parents. "Yeah I'm aware, he kind of said something about that at the door." I told her. "Did he also tell you that I need to go to his pack?" I paused my drinking, "no he didn't mention that." Why would he need her to go to his pack? I was aware he'd visited her in dreams before, what made now so different? "He said something about me needing to train and I need the help of his pack" she said, placing her arms around herself.

I don't know why I was so jealous, it wasn't as if I'd staled a claim on her, it wasn't as if I'd even told her that I wanted a relationship. This was to find her parents, I knew that. But I was so reluctant to let her leave, anything could happen to her and I didn't know if I'd even hear from her again. I didn't want to lose someone a second time. I walked over to her, bypassing the sleeping bodies, she looked down at the floor. "I'm sure he could find someone else to do it, it doesn't have to be you Princess." I told her, holding her face in my hands. "What he said makes sense though, I really think that I'm the key to all of this." She started to argue back. I shushed her, "Emily you need to be careful with your words... I trust him because my father put his trust in him, but I don't know him personally." She nodded, "but I do" her tone was stern, she was unflinching on this.

I started to raise my voice, "you aren't going. You need to be with your pack" she looked at me, mouth open. "When did you stop me making my own decisions?" I ran a hand through my hair, frustrated that I was even having to have this conversation, "you are part of the Midnight Moon pack Emily. You need to stay with your pack, especially right now when we are the most vulnerable." I started to pace in front of the fireplace, she followed me, carrying in the debate. "I can help. I'm part of the solution, not the problem Logan." I looked over her shoulder as I started to hear shuffling, they were waking up. "This is the end of the conversation Emily." I turned to walk towards the three people rubbing sleep from their eyes when Emily stormed past me. "Like hell it is." She muttered.

I tracked her line of direction. She was heading straight for Dominick. "Emily..." I warned her as she stopped right in front of his face, he was still sitting down on the chair. She was towing over him. "Alpha Logan said I can't come." This took him a minute to register, "come where?" He looked over at me, I rolled my eyes and turned to get another drink. "What is she talking about?" I heard Dominick's voice following me. "She said you'd asked her to leave. I said no." I told him straight. "That's not that I said at all!" She shouted. Whitt was still sat down, holding her head in her hands, I remembered the feeling of nausea all too well. "Where are you meant to be going?" She asked Emily. Emily seemed to remember her best friend and her tone instantly changed. "Dom needed me to do something, but are you okay, did you see what you needed to see?"

Whitt looked over at Elena and Dominick who wore hopeful expressions. "I think so, I believe what they are saying. What I saw was..." Dominick moved his arm and placed it around her shoulders, she didn't flinch away like she would've before. "See this," Emily was talking to me again, "Dom can be trusted." Dominick's eyes snapped to my face. "Trusted?" He went to stand but he was a little wobbly on his feet, what they'd seen must've affected him more than usual. "What does she mean 'trusted?'Logan. You don't trust my intentions?" I sighed, "it's not that I don't trust you, these are difficult times in our pack." His legs held him firmly now as he stood. "These are difficult times for all packs Logan. Every single one of us. I'm 'helping' your pack by doing this, but I can't do it alone. I need her."

My blood boiled at the words. I know he probably didn't mean them how they'd come out, but my wolf was ready for action. I hadn't let him out since becoming alpha, I hadn't felt like it... now he ripped from my skin freely. Dom held his hands up and growled, "if you want to help your pack, I need to do this," he graduated between himself and Emily, "we need to do this, for everyone's sake." The logical side of me, the alpha side of me, knew that what he was saying was true. I knew he didn't want to hurt Emily. I knew she would be the safest around witches. The illogical side of me wanted him to shift so we could fight it out like the animals we came from, I didn't want her anywhere away from me. Emily stepped forward, her hands held up. I didn't even realize I was snarling until I'd stopped, seeing her reaction.

I felt ashamed, it hasn't even been a month since the ceremony yet, I still didn't have my emotions quite in check. I tried to calm my breathing, tried to think of what my father would do... slowly I shifted back. I grabbed one of the cushions from the sofa to cover up. I'd been so lost in my emotions I hadn't even thought to get out of my clothes first. Rookie move. Whitt suddenly piped up, "if Em is going somewhere I want to go with her. I was only meant to be here for her anyway." This time I growled and I couldn't even blame it on my wolf, "no." I said shortly. "I'm not even technically part of your pack. I can go where I want. I'm a rogue, remember?" I threw my hands up, I felt like control of my pack was slipping through my fingers and I didn't even know how to stop it.

"Fine. If that's how you want to look at the past 12 years of us accepting you in and including you." I snapped at her, she flinched. I had to get my emotions under control and fast. I quickly started walking toward my office, I paused when I passed Dominick. "Take care of her, if I hear that anything has happened to her, I'll kill you." He nodded as I warned him. "You have three days, you better bring useful information back." With that I was gone. Maybe I'd drank a few too many drinks, maybe I'd been too harsh on them. I knew I'd been too harsh on Emily. It wasn't her fault I was feeling insecure, the emotions would calm down soon enough. When they did, I was taking her on a date.

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