Emily - Part Eleven

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Dom had now been visiting me near enough every evening, there had only been one night over the past few days when he hadn't been. He'd explained the day before that he had some 'business' to take care of, and that's all he would say. This business could've been anything. How could I trust him? I found it hard to imagine he even existed. Though, the leather jacket turning up in my room and then disappearing was far too real for me to prove otherwise. But that still begged the question, if he was real, why wouldn't he come to see me? Why would he only see me in dreams?

And why the hell did I care so much? It bothered me that I would only ever know him in my dream state. He didn't even know my name. I can't remember there being a time when he'd asked? Instead he always called me 'little varg'. Then again, I had never offered to fill in that little piece of missing information for him, so I didn't really have a leg to stand on in that argument. When he last visited, he had tried to explain things about dream walking and the realm that exists between conscious and unconscious states.

I got lost somewhere between door/portal manifestations and dream searching. If I'm being honest, I'm not sure if I was ever there to begin with, it all sounded so confusing. Last night had been the first time I hadn't had a visit from Dom. Just as he had told me, I'd gone to sleep and woken up feeling like I hadn't slept at all. That was the tell tale sign. I always remembered my dreams when he was there with me, from beginning to end. Though I wasn't too sure I could really class them as dreams, if it never felt like I was sleeping?

It was hard to understand what my feelings for this mysterious dream walking wolf were. I had missed him when he didn't show up last night, I know I probably shouldn't feel anything towards the guy, but it was basically becoming routine now. Yet, I still didn't know enough about him to be considering giving him a second thought. I'd spent hours this morning mulling over the same thoughts and trying to make sense of what this could mean for me.

By the afternoon, I was sat on the corner chair reading one of my favourite books. It was a steamy romance and by steamy, I mean that every time my mum got close enough to read, I would slightly incline my book closer towards my face. The last time she came in, I had put it down completely. There was no way I could read this kind of material with my mum watching. I thought she was just coming through to grab something, as she usually did. This time however, she stayed.

"I have big news" She cheered. Knowing my mum, she could've improved her already perfect signature dish and this would be the biggest news in the whole of our neighbourhood. I paused, setting my book down on the reading table next to me. When she didn't immediately continue, I sighed and asked, "Oh joyous day, what could this 'big' news be?" She swatted my arm with the dish cloth she was holding. " You Emily... have been invited to the pack house!" She didn't specifically say why in that opening speech, but I instantly knew that it was Logan. He had told me that he wanted to show me around.

Part of me believed he had just said it to be an ass in front of Whitt, another part of me knew why he wanted me there. It was the same reason I had even considered going. I had instantly tried to argue, no good would come from going to Logan's house and what if he hadn't even asked his parents if it was okay? They were the Alpha and Luna of the pack! It would be awkward to just turn up and they weren't expecting me. I was suspicious that this was all a plan to humiliate me, but why wouldn't I think that? He was the future alpha for goddess sake! I had no idea why he would even be interested in me in the first place.

I had held so much hostility towards him over the years. He'd managed to remove the majority of it within the few meetings we'd had and granted, most of those we barely even spoke, but I knew nothing about him. Maybe this would be a good idea? Maybe I should give him a chance? On the other hand, Alpha Choal would scare any wolf with sense. "You need to go. People never get invited to the pack house!" My mum exclaimed. "Especially twice!" She added for good measure. Fine. It's not like I could argue with her.

"What about you and dad?" I tried to counter, "I know you like the pack house too, why don't you come?" She just shook her head and smiled. "We weren't invited, myself and your father have plans anyway! Don't worry about us." She kissed me on the head before leaving. Logan knew I wouldn't say no to my mum. It was the whole reason he'd ended up staying for dinner. I gave in, I couldn't argue. But if Logan could play dirty, so could I.

I searched through my wardrobe and pulled out my black minidress with lace lined across the bottom. It was still warm enough during the day that I wouldn't look too strange walking around in this. Obviously, I wanted to look cute, but it was also practical. It gave me an excuse to leave before it got too late, the evenings were getting colder and I would freeze to death if I didn't leave early enough. Smart thinking Em, I praised myself. I rushed to get ready and went to leave, I quickly uttered a goodbye and love you to my parents, before slamming the front door closed and heading for the pack house.

I took the route through the park on the way. I was half way when I noticed Whitt and Barney sat by the fountains having a picnic. Barney caught my eye and instantly rushed to get up. "I can't stay, I have somewhere to be!" I shouted to him, hoping to stop them from pinning me down for answers. "You look beautiful!" Whitt shouted back to me. I gave her a wink and did a quick spin to show off my dress. Barney whistled, it would be ironic to say he wolf whistled, but that's exactly what it was. I almost felt guilty seeing them. I never went out during Yen and so they knew never to invite me. Any invite I had I would turn down instantly. I just couldn't risk it.

Logan going straight for my mum was a smart move, I just hope it wasn't a stupid one. I couldn't let him get to me. The heat was bad enough as it was. I had to keep a straight head... at all costs.

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