Alpha Logan - Midnight Moon

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I'd gotten a call ten minutes ago about Emily. Dom has said that he'd lost her in his creepy dream realm place and she hadn't woken up since. I was angry, mostly at myself. How could I let her go? That wasn't her pack, it never would be, she belonged here, with me, with us. Everyone had already found out about Storm, Storm being my temporary dog's name. I figured that since I'd found him when we had torrential rain, it was a fitting name. He'd been creeping around the house this morning, a scream from the kitchen had woken me up and got me out of bed. Little did I know that Storm had gotten into the pantry of food and the cleaner was terrified. "It could have rabies!" she screamed. Well, now the cat was out of the bag, so to speak, I may as well own it. "He doesn't have rabies," I turned to my friendly dog, that didn't have rabies, "don't listen to her. You're just perfect that way you are aren't you?" Safe to say my moody personality was wearing off.

Storm had been with me all day. He'd been sitting in my office when I was going paperwork, he chewed on just about anything and everything. Then he was lying under that table at lunch, he looked up at me, his eyes boring into my soul. I ended up giving him pieces of pork from my plate. He hadn't left my side since I found him, even when Basker and Rae had gotten into a heated argument outside my office about something I couldn't even understand, I know they mentioned a key at some point. Maybe someone had left the pack door open or maybe Basker had just been lounging around again. The vet had come first thing, that was one of the perks about being an alpha, you were everyone's first priority, especially your pets and loved ones. It turned out that Storm only had a sprained paw, nothing too drastic. The vet had given him some pain killers and wrapped his foot up properly, he'd assured me that he'd be back to normal in no time, whatever normal was... I didn't even know, I'd known this dog for less than three days.

That was before everything went downhill, I'd pulled Rae to the side and asked her what went on with Basker. All she'd told me about that was that she argued with him about where Misty had been. Not that it was at all any of her business, but it was suspicious that she hadn't been around the pack house at all recently. It was almost as if she was avoiding something, or someone. why was Rae so suddenly interested in Misty? I was busy rushing to pack all of my belongings, an Alpha always had to be prepared and I didn't know what I would be walking into, to go and see Emily. The idea of her not being able to wake up again terrified me, but also, if she'd learnt anything in the dream realm she would also be in danger. She could hardly defend herself right now, she needed her alpha.

I was just in my bathroom grabbing my toothbrush when I heard a knock on my door, "I haven't got time!" I shouted. "It's Rae," came the voice at the other end. Yeah, I really didn't have time for that. "Emily called," she said, I froze. "She told me to tell you not to come, that she was fine and wanted to handle things by herself." I scoffed, "and when was this conversation supposed to have happened?" The door opened and Rae stepped inside, "just now Alpha, she told me to tell you because you were busy packing." "Did... didn't she want to speak to me?" I asked, feeling increasingly upset. Rae walked forward, "it was the first thing she asked for, I just... I didn't know what she wanted and I knew you were going to go regardless." I shook my head and growled, "how DARE you!" She flinched back away from me, making her way towards the door. "You didn't even call me down, you didn't even try!" I knew this was an overreaction, I'd been doing so well with my hormones, but this was a step too far. "I... I never meant to make you angry, I just wanted to help..." I looked into her face, she looked genuinely upset. "Why? You didn't even like Emily a month ago?"

Her voice was small, her face lowered to the ground, "you've been a great friend to me for years," she started. "I've never seen you in the way that your father wanted us to be seen." What was she saying? None of this made sense. "Seeing the look on her face when she told me about the fire... I was horrified. I remembered the way that I'd felt when..." she paused, tears falling from her eyes. "When I lost everything too." I remembered all too well of Rae's upbringing, she used to spend whole summers at the pack house just so that she'd have food in her stomach. Her younger brother would stay at home, her parents would never let him come. She was a straight 'A' student even though she'd had the worst time and she did everything she could to take herself to the top, I know she did this because she wanted to make a better life for herself... for her brother. She'd always looked out for me, my father clearly just took it the wrong way and tried to force something that wasn't there. "My parents weren't like hers," she paused wiping a stray tear from her cheek, "I never had that kind of home, you know that." I nodded.

"There's something about hearing what she went through that I just...Connected with." Not a lot of people knew Rae before she made a name for herself, becoming the most popular person in the pack, but I did. I knew the struggle she lived with daily. "You know the fire wasn't your fault," I told her, she let out a shaky breath, "I could've been there, I could've saved him..." One summer Rae had been staying at the pack house, we were having a great time and then we saw it on Pelt Weekly webpage,

BREAKING: Mother and Father survive horrific house fire that leaves child fending for life.

Her brother had died later in hospital, it turns out her parents had got drunk again and Christopher, Rae's younger brother, had tried to make himself food with what little they had... The only reason they survived was because they'd passed out far enough away from the fire. I understood instantly why she would feel like that, I pulled her into a huge hug, "I can't tell you yet, but I'm looking out for you," she said, pausing as she corrected, "for both of you." I believe her. She'd always looked out for me, At first I thought she had a massive crush on me. I think everyone else did too, but hearing this now, a lot of things started to make sense. She'd never even tried to make a move like that, the Yen was the Yen, no one could control themselves... if this was all an act... what was really going on? "Do you think I should still go?" I asked her honestly, "I think she's got this covered," she told me, "I might not like the guy personally because he's been an idiot to you, but I trust her with Dom. Whatever happened wasn't anything to do with him."

I sat on my bed and let out a deep breath, "we haven't had an actual meaningful conversation in so long" I told her. She agreed, "apart from your dad trying to get us together, we've both had things to do, we've both had big parts to play." I didn't fully know what she meant by that, but I let it slide. I'd know when I needed to know. I trusted her on that.

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