Emily - Part Sixteen

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After his door had closed, I rushed into my room. Did I really just let that happen? I was frustrated with myself. I knew I had to be stronger, I didn't know how to control myself around guys like that. Damn me and my need to keep myself locked away all of these years.

I contemplated drawing myself a bath, then I thought of the way that Logan's fingers had... Okay. No bath. I trudged into the shower, disappointed that my bath would never be the same again. Maybe I could condition myself to think about something else? Oh yeah, I was stuck in a house with these men! I tapped on my phone screen and sent a quick message to my parents.

Hey, hope you are safe and well. I'm worried, can you please reply to me.

I love you both. Em. x

Logan said that they would be safe. If I couldn't even believe in the guy that would be running this pack soon enough, who could I believe in? Next, I thought to message Barney and let him know what was going on, it had only been a few days, but I hadn't spoken to him... I felt bad, after he'd covered for me too. I sighed, putting down my phone and heading into the steaming water. When I closed my eyes to put my head under, I was hoping to wash all thoughts of statuesque guys away. Instead, all I could picture was Logan getting ready for bed. The way his strong arms had pulled me in the night before, how they had held me and comforted me, that was more attractive than anything he could physically do.

Then, there was Dom... the mysterious guy from my dream. Well, it seemed he wasn't just a dream guy anymore. Now that he was here, I felt conflicted, where did my loyalties lie. He was clearly an outsider from the pack and he definitely wanted to annoy Logan. I thought back to when I lived with my parents, I had wanted so desperately to escape, to go to another pack and find my mate. Now, with everything that had happened, I wasn't even sure what I wanted anymore. I wish I could speak to my mum, to lean on my dad for support. My mum would bring me in a hot chocolate as I sat in my reading chair. It annoyed me how much they were constantly floating around. Now I'd give anything to have my mum cooking risotto and my dad complaining about the car. Anything for a shred of normalcy.

I couldn't feel my tears as they streamed down my face, the water was too fast and the steam was too hot. The only way, I could tell I was crying at all, was the sting in my eyes and the pain in my heart. I wish one of them would just reply and tell me this was some big elaborate joke. I opened my eyes and stared at the shower tiles... The only time I wish I was asleep, seemed to be when I was awake. When I was sure that all of my tears had left, I shut off the water and got into the pyjama set that Misty had brought over. The shirt was made of a thin cotton material, but it felt thick enough to shut out the autumn cold, the pyjama trousers were thicker, but they were loose. I hoped that I would get a better sleep tonight, though from Dom's promise, that seemed unlikely. My eyes closed as soon as my head had hit the pillow. They opened again and I knew it wasn't the same world I was waking up in.

Not only was I now aware of the difference in atmosphere, but the room itself now felt colder. I'd begin to notice little differences whenever I was asleep. The air felt ticker, almost like walking through the rain drizzle after a thunderstorm. I could breathe, but I didn't necessarily have to think too much about it. The more time I spent in a dream, the more I could observe how things worked here. I didn't even notice I was doing it, it was second nature now. I turned over in the bed, wanting to see if the outside world of this room was any different too. I'd made it from my right side, onto my back, before letting out a blood curdling scream. Through my screaming, I heard a deep laugh. Correction, the most annoying laugh, was coming from the person next to me.

"Wow, why the dramatics?" Dom was lying on his side, facing me, his arm was wrapped around his stomach, as his belly laughs filled the room. I got up on my knees and instantly started pounding him with the pillow I had been clutching. "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you." I repeated angrily. He caught the pillow on the last throw and held me there. "No you don't little varg, you just don't like being caught off guard." I huffed, snatched the pillow from his hands and threw it one last time at his face. "Fine, I don't hate you. But if there was a lion in this room right now, I'd definitely let it eat you first." I sat down next to him in the bed and rubbed my eyes, he was still laughing, I was still angry. All of a sudden, from the corner of the room I heard a low pitched growl.

Out of the dark, four paws were padding up to the bed. "Dom?" I said, my voice shaking a little. He was still laughing. I grabbed the duvet and covered myself, like how a child would hide in the dark, when afraid of the dark. It was pointless, but what other choice did I have, I was in the dream world for goddess sake. I shoved myself behind Dom and peeked out from the little gap I'd created. There, at the end of the bed, sat on all fours, perched like a cat... was the biggest lion I had ever seen in my life. I screamed again and clung onto Dom, "Why is there a lion in my room! Where the hell did that come from?" I was whispering, livid, but terrified of any sudden movement. His shoulders were still shaking as he was holding back his laugh, "Well, I was going to make it go away, but now that you're so willing to be this close to me, I think she can stay." I pinched his skin with my nails, I didn't even do it purposely, I was just terrified of the frickin' lion sitting at the end of MY BED!

I felt his warm hand move over mine, suppressing the pressure that was biting into his skin. "It's okay" he soothed, "close your eyes". I looked at him, absolutely shocked. What the hell was he talking about 'close your eyes'. There was a big ass hairy lion in my room! I could never close my eyes again. "He turned my head to face him, I tried to resist, keeping my eyes focused solely on the ginormous cat. Though, this one didn't purr. "Look at me," His voice was a whisper against my ears. "Please, Emily... trust me." His voice was a comfort, I didn't know how he could force my heart to be so calm in these conditions, but he had. My head turned to face him, his purple eyes captured mine and refused to let go, I was stuck, I couldn't look away. "Close your eyes." He instructed me. I obeyed him.

"It's not there," he started to say. His voice no longer sounded as if it was in the room, but he was caressing my mind inside my head. "It's not there," he repeated. "It's not there." I said, without even thinking about it. He was listing off instructions, "Imagine it disappearing. Imagine where it could've come from, and imagine picking it up from this room and placing it back there." My breathing had almost completely returned back to normal, I did as he'd told me. I imagine the lion at the end of my bed being picked up, the way a mother cat picks up her young. Then, I imagine a safari plain. It was a great expanse of land, dried up dirt and yellowing grass lining the ground. I imagined a group of big cats, sitting patiently waiting for their king. The invisible force that had carried the lion over to the plain had vanished as soon as the lion's paws hit the earth. I was pushed from my own imagination as the image closed up like a camera shutter. I opened my eyes. The lion was gone.

"Did... did I do that?" I asked Dom, my hands shaking against his. "With a little help," he admitted. He was looking at me in a strange way, his eyes were glassy and his face was frozen. "You are remarkable, little varg." I blushed. Why was I blushing? I should be freaking out. The lion that was obviously there a minute ago just vanished. I quickly checked down the side of the bed, wondering if it had just crouched, ready to pounce again. "Can I test something on you?" He asked me, pulling me from my confusion. "That depends what it is..." I said hesitantly. "How do you like being tied up?" Um, well this was new.

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