Emily - Part Two

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I rushed to the shower, stripped out of my pyjamas as quickly as I could and turned the dial. The cool water drenched my worries as they washed down the drain. It's fine, it's completely fine right? I could totally just tell my parents that I was sick. Even better, I could hide the invite so they would never see. I sighed, shaking my head before leaning back against the shower tiles, I couldn't do this to them. An invite to a pack house gathering was one of the most important things that could happen, especially when it was for announcing the new alpha... I quickly turned the dial on the shower all the way down.

I let the water drip over my head and down my body, shivering slightly as my body adjusted to the temperature. They would be so disappointed if they knew that they had the chance to sit and eat with the alpha and his family and their stupid daughter couldn't even muster up the courage to go. It's not like I wasn't already used to the Yen by now... I just didn't want people catching the scent that I was still a Virgin.

A virgin's scent drew in more potential partners during Yen. The primal urge to be the first took over most mateless men and that was what terrified me more than anything. Not because I was scared of it, I enjoyed getting myself off more often than not, I had just always wanted my first time to be special and to be with my mate. I could assume I would be strong enough to take it on and stay calm, but in reality I knew how strong the pull was, and if I was sexually attracted to anyone there... I have no idea what my wolf would do.

Actually, she would probably want to jump on the first guy closest to us, just to stop my body from burning up. I couldn't allow that to happen, my mate was waiting for me somewhere, I just knew it. Maybe that thought would be enough to get me through and maybe it wouldn't happen at all and we'd be set for another year. All this over thinking was making me nervous, I needed backup.

I needed to call Whitney, she was my best friend and had been ever since I could remember. No one ever called her Whitney, we called her Whitt, she would have a meltdown if anyone ever called her by her full name. I grabbed my phone from the side table and tapped on her name, she let it ring a few time's before answering. "Hullo?" Came a half asleep voice from the other end. "Whitt! Okay so don't panic.." I started. Instantly I could here fumbling coming from the phone before a clearer voice replied, "Who am I killing?" "What? no!" I panicked, jumping from my bed. "I just want you to come over for a little bit, I need help..." I eyed myself in the mirror, I was wrapped in my towel and looked like I definitely needed help. "My family got invited to the ascending dinner and I don't know what to do, or wear, or say-"

"THE ASCENDING DINNER?" She shrieked. "Why would you keep that from me Em?! Friends don't keep invites to the ascending dinner from friends Em!" I rolled my eyes, "I've literally just got the invite from Logan-" "LOGAN?!" There was an even louder shriek, I didn't think it was possible, but we had reached a new high. I signed, "I've literally only just got given the invite and I don't know what to wear or what I'm even meant to do here. I need you." I pleaded with her. The next minute, the phone went dead. That meant that she was on her way over right now, or it meant that she was incredibly pissed at me for not telling her the second I found out. At the minute it could go either way.

I took a deep breath and clicked on the next name down... "Are you okay sweetie?" Came my mother's worried voice. "I'm fine mum" I smiled, it was always like my mum to worry if I ever called. I never have my phone on me, it was a well known fact in our household. "I just wanted to let you know-" I started nervously, "that we got an invite earlier to the ascending dinner at the pack house." I blew out my held breath and waited for the bombardment of questions to follow. Instead, my mum squealed, "Oh that's amazing sweetie! We'll have to decide what to wear and you can do your hair and makeup and wear that new dress I bought you this summ-"

"Mum," I cut her off, "I'm going to look presentable don't worry, I think Whitt is coming over anyway, you know she will sort me out." I say trying to hide my disappointment in her excitement. "Okay sweetie, we'll see you soon, your dad is just finishing up his fishing and we'll be home, okay?" It's not that I wasn't grateful for the invite, but as I stood there with the phone against my ear I really struggled to find the positive in even attending. Maybe the free food? "Okay," i forced a smile into my voice, "I love you mum." As I clicked off the call I noticed the time, it had already been 15 minutes since Whitt had hung up!

I got out my dryer and made my hair look somewhat ready for company. At the same time, I threw on some of the clothes my mum had left on my seat ready for me to put away. I looked back in the mirror to check myself over as the the door knocked. Well, at least I looked ready to go face my fate. I rushed to the door and thrust it open... before being toppled over in a vicious attack of cuddles. "STOP! Whitt, stop" we were both giggling now, lay on the floor in my entry way, neither of us bothering to move for a minute. Whitt got up, dusted herself down and held out her hand for me, "Come with me, young one." I grabbed her hand laughing and followed her back up my stairs. Followed is a strong word, more like I was dragged like a dead weight.

When we reached my room she was instantly in my wardrobe, throwing garments on my bed of all colours and shapes, half of them I forgot I even owned.  "My mum wanted me to wear the dress she got me this summer.." I suggested as clothes were thrown around me. "You mean, this?" She pulled the hanger out from the back of the wardrobe. On it was a frilly pink summer dress, It's arms were puffed out at the top and the dress was cut just below the knee. The skirt shimmered with iridescent sparkles in the sun, it was something that you would put your five year old -wanna be princess- in. Whitt burst out laughing. "You have got... to be kidding me." I snatched the dress and hung it back in the wardrobe. "It's cute!" This made her laugh even more, "yeah if you are going for that unicorn look."

She walked towards the bed and started to rummage around, I stood shifting from one foot to the other, anxious about what she was plotting. "Here-" She threw some bunched up material at me, "-wear that. Logan will love it. I read in Pelt Weekly that this is his favourite colour." I pulled a face disgusted, "Logan?! Why would I care what Logan thought?" Whitt turned to look out of the window at the sound of car doors closing, my parents were home.

She shook her head, "listen Em, you are literally the only she-wolf in this pack that doesn't care, I don't know what to tell you... he's hot." I looked at the material in front of me, "Yeah but he's also a massive player Whitt. He's definitely been through most of the pack. You've seen the train of girls following him every Yen..." I looked back up to my friend, "You know this right? No one unimportant would stand a chance with him, he's about to become the Alpha." She shook her head and turned to leave, "All I know is that some of us are luckier than others, wear the dress. It can't hurt." With that she left.

I turned to my reflection as I unravelled the dress, Whitt was saying goodbye and congratulations to my parents from down the stairs. I looked at the length and at the colour, maybe she was right, if not for Logan... I would look good in this. Who knows? Maybe I'll even meet my mate there.

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