Alpha Dominick Elio

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The drive to the outskirts of the pack was slow and steady. I was the one driving, Elena was sitting in the passenger seat. She opened her bag and retrieved the water bottle, she poured the liquid into her palm before raising it towards the sun. "If you get that on my seats I'm not going to be happy, you know that right?" I warned her. "Hold your horses cowboy, I'm testing the magic field range from the pack." she explained.

"You think you might need to use extra resources?" I asked, she gave me a sideways glance. "When a pack has never encountered a witch before, you can never be sure of what their intentions are. I need to be able to siphon what i need, when I need it." The fact that Elena was nervous made me nervous, she was powerful, if she felt like she needed to siphon, who knows what we were walking into.

The water that was gathered in her hand started to float up and spin in my car, I worried for the sake of my upholstery. In a split second, the water had disappeared in a flash of light and had been replaced with a small mound of dirt. I shifted uncomfortably, seeing the witches in action had always made me feel on edge. I didn't understand how stuff like that worked. They told me that it was the same as manifesting in the dream realm but I had never been able to understand how that worked either. "First water and now dirt? Are you trying to kill me? You know how long this will take to get out?"

She clicked on the button to roll down the window and held out her hand to the wind. Pieces of her inky colored hair had blown around the car with the force of the wind. The dirt particles flew up into the hair and disappeared, blown away by the invisible wind. "Happy? Now it's gone and your precious car is safe." I checked on the map on my phone again, five minutes until our first destination. "So you're sure that the alpha of this pack isn't leading us into some kind of trap? It seems suspicious that he wants you to go and 'take a look' somewhere else before attending the meeting." she kept her eyes on the road, but I knew from the sound of her voice, she was worried.

"I've only ever met him in the dream realm, but we all want the same thing here Elle, peace." I thought about what peace would mean for a minute before adding, "I spoke to him in the dream world, I know we can trust him." She shot me a glare, "Just because you visit someone's dreams and speak to them a few times, it doesn't mean you can trust them, Dom." There was a hint of jealousy in her voice, she knew about the girl I had seen and I was aware that she didn't like that I was giving her information on how it worked.

I sighed, parking up in front of the freshly burnt down house. Its walls were crumbled and the roof was completely gone. I walked up to the door, hanging from its hinges and moved it gently to the side. Where I had touched, black soot now stained my hands and I had crumbled pieces of charcoal stuck to my fingertips.

Elena had stayed in the car, she didn't need to be in here. The mission was to find some belongings and bring them to her, she could do the rest. I would only be needed when it was time to visit the dream realm. I had met the alpha of this pack only a handful of times through dream walking. He'd told me of the threats and I had shared my information with him. Nothing was safe to speak about outside of sleep.

I walked through the hall and towards the dining room at the back, I felt sorrow fill in my gut, how many people would have to go through this? This poor family probably had hopes, they'd had dreams. I stopped just before the door to the dining room as I noticed something gleaming in the kitchen. I walked towards it, the sun shining straight through the hole in the wall. I found a pair of reading glasses on the charred counter. I couldn't tell if they were male or female, but they were a start.

In the living room I'd found a watch, as I rubbed the face I could see that it was silver. I turned it over and removed the soot from the back, the initials T.O.R were engraved there. Below that, there was a small message:

Love, Emily.

Emily? She must've been someone close to this person. I wondered if Emily lived here too? Maybe I should keep looking. I stepped over some melted plastic and heard a cracking noise. It sounded like a window being smashed. I lifted my foot and placed it down gently this time. I kicked the plastic out of the way and reached down for the small rectangular object. I was already dirty, it didn't matter if I touched anything else at this point. Turning it over in my hands, I felt a sharp pain slice across my palm. Instantly, blood started to rise to the surface. "Great, now I'm going to get an infection." I muttered to myself. There were latches on the back, I opened them.

Everything from inside tumbled down towards the floor, everything, other than the piece of paper in my hands. I flipped it over. It was a picture of a family, they were all gathered around a table. On the table there was a cake and balloons and the three people were pictured smiling. Something about the young female made me take a closer look. She looked so familiar...

All at once, inside my chest, weight crashed down on me. The girl. The girl in the picture was the girl I had been visiting, my little varg. This couldn't be her home. It couldn't be. Tears stung my eyes as I rushed towards the stairs. There was only one way I knew how to check. They crumbled underneath my heavy feet as I pounded forwards. I didn't care. Sure enough, at the top of the stairs, there was a door. Her door. My body started to match the destroyed house I was in as I collapsed, crumbling to the floor like a piece of burnt furniture. All I could think, over and over, was the same bunch of words. I couldn't get in. This is why I couldn't get in.

Outside, I could hear the sounds of tires screeching against the tarmac. Someone else had arrived and I needed answers. Someone needed to answer for this. I rubbed my face clean from the escaped tears and grabbed the acorn handle from her door. As I made my way back down the stairs a figure appeared in the door, perfect timing.

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