Logan - Part Fourteen

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I could feel my fists clenching, I wasn't even trying. I was more than angry, I was livid. Where was he? Was this a question of my authority? Was this alpha purposely trying to make me look like a fool? Would he even turn up? "Please, while we wait for our last alpha, make yourselves at home." My father instructed. Peter, the alpha from the Shadow pack instantly started to study the books that lined the shelves. The other's either decided to take a seat in the middle of the room, or they had stayed in the exact same position. Eyes focused on one another. I was starting to wonder if this was a bad idea. The pack house would cost thousands to fix if any of them wanted to brawl. I took my father to one side of the room, "Where's the last one?" I whispered to him. "He's running a quick errand for me" was his reply.

I scoffed at that, "You couldn't have thought to tell me that before?" "Well Logan, my understanding was that a quick errand meant fast." I rolled my eyes, he wanted me to show leadership and yet here he was, not even informing me of decisions he was making. He was going over me completely at this point. "Where is he?" I asked again, adding more of an edge to my voice this time. "The house." The house? What kind of joke was this? What house? What was he going on about? "I'm going to need a little more information than that..." I pushed. He growled under his breath. I lowered my voice so that only he could hear. "If you want me to start acting like the alpha you think you want me to be, you are going to have to start letting me in on everything."

He looked taken back at that, he definitely hadn't expected me to open my mouth that's for sure. It was time I started to stand up for myself. This was about to be my pack and I wasn't going to let some random alpha think that he could turn up whenever he wanted to. I was acting alpha here and everyone needed to know it. In four days time, I would be the alpha of the Midnight Moon pack. "He's on the way to Emily's house." he told me under his breath. "Emily's? Why? There's nothing there, he doesn't even know her." I stated bluntly.

Then it hit me, something my father had told me about one of the alphas having abilities... One of the alphas being able to help find Emily's parents. It was like a light bulb turning on in my head. I finally understood. I looked to my father who was staring at me, waiting for the penny to drop. I nodded at him, letting him know that it had. "One thing you have to learn about being alpha Logan, is to keep a straight head. Prioritize your jobs, not your pride." he scolded me. I instantly thought of Emily, she would be so happy to see her family again. If I could give her that, would she put her faith in me? Would she trust me?

In the same thought, a dark sinking feeling started to make itself known. I was keeping things from her, I knew exactly what was going on with her parents and yet I was withholding that information from her. My father had told me that whoever it was we were looking for, it was important to keep this to ourselves. But at what cost? I had to believe I was for the right reasons, I had to get over this sinking feeling.

"I need to go to the house." I told my father, "If he's there, if he knows something, i need to be there too." I looked over to the other alpha's, they looked comfortable enough. One of them had even started helping himself to my father's scotch. He'd brushed it off, the last thing we'd needed now was a pack war. We needed unity. I addressed the rest of the group while my father went to fetch me a car, I'd be doing this solo. It was time to grow up. "Alpha's, i'm sorry to have to say this, but something urgent has come up in my pack that needs my attention. Please excuse me, and help yourself to everything the Midnight Moon pack has to offer."

Walking out of the room, I heard a voice mumbling behind me, "This must be the most unorganized pack I've ever seen." I spun on my heel and headed straight back towards the blonde headed wall of muscle that had dared insult my pack. I grabbed him by the scruff of his collar and slammed him up against the wall he was leaning against. My voice came out venomous, "If you, or any other alpha here, has a problem with the way that I run this pack... Feel free to leave and never bother to show your faces again."

I pushed him away from me, "You all know what is happening in the packs." I looked directly at the alpha of the Eclipse pack, I remembered his name from the report, Edmund. His was the last pack to be hit, he lowered his head, clearly remembering that point too. "Some of us have been hit already and you know what? If we don't stop this petty 'My pack is better than your pack' shit. We will all lose our homes" I instantly thought of Emily and added, "We'll lose our families." They were silent. I couldn't believe I'd actually shut them up. I stormed from the room, I couldn't give Emily her home back, but I could help find her family.

My father got out of the car as soon as he saw me leaving the house, I uttered him a thanks before starting the engine. He had let me handle that situation myself, but I didn't mind him taking over. I started to drive away, speeding as I went. I'd needed some air, my whole body was shaking. If My father had noticed, he hadn't said anything. All I wanted right now was to see Emily. I wanted to get back into my bed and cuddle the way we had woken up this morning. I wanted to move the hair that covered her delicate cheeks, away from her face. There was something so peaceful about watching her beautiful eyes flutter, as she was lost in her dream. At least if she was dreaming, she was happy.

Driving down the pathway towards the charred remains of her home felt ominous. The last thought i'd had, as I pulled up to her house, was hoping that she'd finally managed to get enough sleep.

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