Dom - Dream Walker

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There was fire everywhere, people were running around screaming and shouting. The pack, whoever this belonged to, was in ruins. The trees burned up around the homes of the wolves and the sky was full of orange light and smoke. My heart was breaking. I couldn't help them, not in this moment. I was too late.

Instantly I felt my back start to itch and my fingers tingling. I knew it was time, but I wasn't ready yet. I hadn't even had a chance to find them. I rushed forward through the smoke, checking the faces of all of the people I passed. Not one of them. Not one was the person I was looking for. My body was pulled backwards like a slingshot. My body felt like it was being pushed through a vacuum. "No! Not yet! I wasn't ready!" My shouts wouldn't be heard, I knew that. But it didn't stop me from trying.

I woke up in a small room, I was panting and heaving from the feeling of transitioning through dreams. I knew this was training for myself, but it was also needed. We would never get answers if I couldn't do this for the pack. The old crone witch was sat behind me with her staff in hand. "How did it go that time? I sensed a lot of distress?" She croaked out. I steadied my breath enough to reply to her. "I couldn't find them. Any of them. I don't know how it started but the village was in chaos when I got there. "You're getting stronger, you can almost travel without our help and guidance." She congratulated me.

It was doubtful that I'd ever be able to do that. I had no kind of powers, the witches would grant me the use of their magic for a limited time, that was until I could master it. Dream walking was a state of sleep that you forced yourself into. My mind was conscious but my body was asleep. You could take your mind anywhere if you knew exactly how to manipulate your dreams. I had been training for years and it felt useless. "you need to rest," the witch told me. I knew that, I also knew that if I rested I would find her. I could never have a night where my mind would just switch off. "should we tell someone what we've seen?" I questioned her.

She shook her head. "The important people know, we can almost guarantee when they are going to hit next, it's just a matter of where." She was right, the people who needed to know, knew. I got up off of the purple velvet couch I was lay on. For a witch's room this was oddly comfortable. We didn't say anything more, they were using me as much as I was using them at this point. I left without another word. I walked through the corridors of the Rising Dawn pack house, I wanted to eat but I couldn't, I felt too sick from the dream travelling.

Everywhere we were looking, people's homes had already been destroyed. They were dreaming about the events that had unfolded recently and were remembering what they had seen. Yet no one had seen them, and no one had seen that one person I was looking for. It seemed easier to fall asleep and dream walk without the help, than it was to be forced into peoples nightmares. Our pack was equipped to deal with anything that would come our way, but you could never be sure.

I took the right down the next corridor and I was in front of a mahogany door. I knocked, 3 times, Pause. 4 times, Pause. One. Malik answered the door, I walked through and sat at the desk, there were at least seven other people in the room. "Status report?" I demanded. Everyone in the room shifted on their feet. "We couldn't find them." Malik spoke up. I slammed my fist on the desk. "Couldn't, or Won't?" I shot back. It was hard to trust anyone at the minute. Anyone could be working with them. Who knows what they were offering for information?

I got up from my seat and dismissed the whole room. I couldn't be dealing with this right now, it was nearing ten at night and I needed to get some sleep. I raced back through the house towards my bedroom. I didn't want anyone asking me questions or asking for advice right now, I just wanted bed. I flopped down on my mattress not even caring about taking off my clothes. I knew I would fall asleep almost instantly.

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