Dom - 02: Part Four

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It had been early morning when we'd left the dream realm, Elena had taken the car, but Emily, Whitt and myself knew it would be much faster to shift and run. When we got there the sight before me was horrific, there was a redhead lying motionless in the ground, there was a knife stuck at a peculiar angle out of her stomach. Whitt went straight to her, I saw a wolf struggling to keep a hold on a man with a knife, they were fighting to the side and I lept to help. The sandy coloured one was desperately trying to hold down the man with rust coloured hair. I recognised him as someone I'd seen in passing before, this must've been Baskerville. My paws pounded on the earth, I watched as Emily made her way to Logan, she was so brave and so smart. Her wolf form was just as beautiful as her human one. My heart let out an agonising shudder, I shook it off, biting the arm of the traitor and pulling him to the ground.

He didn't stand a chance after that, and when Alpha Logan had given the orders, the sandy wolf ripped out his throat with her teeth. He lay limp, staring up at the sky with glassy eyes. I didn't feel anything for this man, I hadn't even known him, but the thought of him torturing Emily's parents... it was unforgivable, they were trusted members of the pack, it was the only reasonable thing to do. I looked over at Whitt who was shaking, her eyes streaming with tears, the redhead she held onto still wasn't responding. Emily ran to her parents and they embraced, it seemed that everyone was crying around here, even I had a tear in my eye. Well, everyone other than Alpha Logan. He stood glaring at the body of his former Beta, something passed over his eyes and he blinked it away. The sandy wolf had shifted back and went to wash off in the stream, which was next to the training arena we were currently sat in.

Everyone else was naked anyway, I shifted back, walking over to Alpha Logan. "We found Emily's parents in the dream realm" I started to inform him, "they had given Emily a message to decipher and she realised it was Basker." He didn't look at me, he was just nodding at the information. "We came back as soon as we could and Elena went straight to the cave to get them." Hearing her name, Elena came over to join me, "there was an enchantment in the cave, as soon as I walked in all sound from the outside world disappeared." She looked at me, "this is better than him." As she gestured to Basker's limp body Logan looked away, "whoever got him involved isn't someone we want to leave out there." She went to put a hand on the alpha's shoulder but he flinched away. "They already know about Whitt, it's too dangerous for her to stay here, she should be with her own pack." His head snapped up at that, "she isn't going anywhere."

I stepped forward, trying to keep the calm in my voice, "I don't think it's up to you where my sister goes, our pack can protect her properly." He was facing me, his eyes full of anger, "are you saying my pack couldn't do that?" I put my hands in front of me, I wasn't trying to start an argument, "I'm saying we have witches and like it or not, your pack land is cursed against them. She needs her own kind and she can't thrive here." I looked back to my sister who was now joined by the woman who had helped me hold down Basker, and Emily. There was a dog pawing at the ground that the redhead lay on, its nose was nudging her legs, trying to get her to move. Logan wasn't having any of this conversation, but before he could open his mouth again, Emily's parents had found their way over. "As Jessie or 'Whitt's' guardians, I think the decision should really be up to her." Her dad was nodding at his wife's words.

"I agree, only she knows what she needs." He looked over at his daughter, "Whitt has friends here, friends she won't get to see if she leaves." Then he turned to face me, placing his hand on my forearm, "but she also has a home and a history that she needs to learn about." I put my right hand over his, "I'm so grateful to you" I motioned to Emily's mother, "and to your wife. You've given her the best life it seems and I will never be able to repay you for keeping her safe. I know my parents would feel the same." He gave me a small smile, "your parents were like a second family to us, we were sorry to see it ever come to that." I nodded grimly. Logan had made his way over to where the girls were gathered, he knelt down next to the redhead and placed a hand over hers, at the contact he broke down. Emily was straight there to give him comfort, Whitt looked away, giving them their moment, I caught her eye and she came over.

"That's Rae," she informed me, "you could say she was quite a character in this pack." I stood and listened as she got out all of her emotions, laying them bare for anyone that would listen. Emily's parents had made a shield around her and comforted her, "I know now isn't the time," Emily's mother said, "but you need to think about where you are going to go." I looked around myself, this had been her home for so long, maybe Logan was right, maybe she did belong here. Then the older woman turned to me, "there's more to this than what happened here today, they know about Whitt... she needs to learn about her powers, she needs to learn to control it." I agreed, but as much as I wanted my sister at home, it was her decision. "They won't stop until they have her, if she doesn't know how to defend herself while we deal with the bigger problem, she's got no hope."

Whitt looked back at Emily, "what about my friends?" It was Elena's turn, "you have a whole coven of witches, family who are excited to meet you. Your friends will always be here, but we only grow when we can let go of who we were." Emily's parents were agreeing, "Dom, I know you are worn out, but it's far from over. We need to find all of the rogues, all of the witches, and we need to destroy them. Whitt will never be safe until we do." "We?" I asked them skeptically. "We were put in charge of her protection, if she's away from here she's safe. We already know potential rogue camps and underground coven caves, every pack will benefit if we can go and help get rid of them." I looked back at Emily, Logan had his arm around her shoulder, she'd be safe here, but I don't know how she'd feel about her parents leaving again.

"Tell me everything you know, draw me maps, do whatever you have to do... but you can't leave her. I can put a team together, you've done more than enough helping to protect my sister for all these years. Now it's my turn." Whitt turned to me and smiled, "I know I don't remember much, but you seem like an amazing brother." I laughed, "'seem like' is good enough for me." All of a sudden there was a scream from where Emily and Logan had been. The redhead, who I now know as Rae, was on the ground coughing and breathing with a croak in her voice. We all ran over, Rae was trying to sit up, hissing at the pain from her stomach. "What the hell? Why am I the only one with a war wound?" Logan moved and engulfed her in a huge hug, she was batting him away and hissing "get away I'm injured! Stop trying to smother me!" The dog that was lying at her side was licking her face and pawing at her arms. She fell back with the weight and started to laugh, or cry, I couldn't be sure... she sounded hysterical. "Okay, you can stay, I like you more."

It seemed that through all of this dreadful disaster, there was still light in the people that surrounded each other. It warmed my heart, but I still had work to do, I couldn't be part of this. I tapped Logan on the shoulder, he stood up, wiping the tears from his cheek. "I'm going to find your mother, Emily's parents are going to help me out with mapping, but I'll find her." His body shook as he breathed out, my eyes found Emily's smiling face and moved to Whitt's right next to her. "No one deserves to go without family. If there's anything I can do. I'll do it. Alpha Choal trusted me to find Emily's parents and I owe him the duty of finding your mother." He took my hand and shook it, "if you need any resources you can have them, my father trusted you... I will too."

Emily came over to see what all of the commotion was about, "hey!" She said, full of energy, even after our whole night of dream walking. "Hey there little varg," she smiled brightly up at me, it was intoxicating. It was painful. "I'm going to be going away for a while. This mess won't stop unless someone stops it." Her face fell, so did my heart. "But... but you've only just come into my life. You can't just go away again..." I held back the tears that were threatening to fall and spoke past the lump in my throat. "It won't be for long," I lied, I didn't know how long I would be gone, or if I'd even be able to come back. "I'll be back before you know it, you can't get rid of me now" I winked at her. Her eyes were shining, glistening tears that wouldn't fall, she ran into my chest and threw her arms around me, "do you have to leave?" It hurt more than anything, "yes, I need to help keep my sister safe and I need to find out who's behind all of this so we can make it stop." She squeezed me, "why can't someone else do it?" I could feel the pieces of my heart falling to the floor. "No one else has the abilities I do, little varg."

Her head snapped up, an idea already forming. I shook my head, "no, you need to stay and look after your pack, especially your parents. You're a powerful wolf. Don't let anyone ever make you think otherwise." I flicked her chin gently with my fingers, "I'll be seeing you, you won't get rid of me all the time and you already know where to find me." She nodded, the tears she tried so hard to keep in finally fell. "I'll miss you." I felt as if my heart had been ripped out and left here with her, "I'll miss you too little varg." I kissed her forehead and followed Elena to the car, when I got to her side she nudged me. "You are braver than most Dom. She can see that." I didn't reply, I don't think I needed to, she already knew. "Whitt is going to be at the pack house in a few days." I understood, she had goodbyes of her own to make too.

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