Dom - 02: Part Six

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We were coming back from the rogue hunt, tonight we hadn't been so successful, we hadn't found a single one. I didn't know if we were slowly making headway, or if they were just getting smarter, either way I didn't like it. The less rogues we had to kill, the more we had to bring the coven out, I didn't like putting their lives on the line like that. The fallen leaves crunched under my feet and the twigs underneath them snapped with the slightest pressure. They were already frozen to the core, no signs of life, no signs of growth. There was no coming back for all of the nature that the frost had taken in its icy grip. Malik was kicking up the leaves like a child, his face was full of joy, even the dark of night couldn't stop his beaming smile.

"What're you so happy about?" I asked him, suspicion coating my words. "Oh nothing, but I really think this year could be my year." He always thought that every year was his year, I knew it was something to do with the upcoming mating ceremony. "Yeah, there's a few new additions to the pack, maybe I could be lucky." I scowled at him, even though he couldn't see it, "those new additions mean nothing, you know you'd have met your mate already, regardless of what pack you are in" I quickly reminded him. "I know, I know, wouldn't it be easier if all of the packs could perform it together? Instead of us doing it as separate packs..."

Oh no, here we go, Malik and his suggestions that were in no way up to me as an alpha. "What if we didn't have to run to find our mates if they were in another pack? What if we could all come together? Every single pack. Wouldn't that make more sense?" He had a point, but we didn't make the rules, the moon goddess did and for as long as I could remember, we'd never done it any other way. "You know I don't make the rules, I can't enforce something like that." He shrugged his shoulders, "it's just not fair, what if my mate is out there but she's not taking part in her pack's ceremony? I'd never find her." Just like me, I thought. I'd never been to a mating ceremony in my pack. I'd watched every year from the pack house as wolves found their mates, never once having the desire to join in.

"I mean it sucks," he carried on, "if you don't take part, how will you ever know? All she would have to do is step into that circle... that's it!" I turned to him, "maybe some people don't want to know? The heartbreak from watching everyone else be mated and knowing you won't be... it's got to hurt." He closed his mouth and didn't open it again. We'd just passed the bushes that signalled the start of the pack wall, in the dark I could make out a figure lay in the frozen mud. "Malik!" I shouted, he was instantly on the case. He ran over to the body and proceeded to check for any signs of deceit or danger, he signalled me. It was safe. I jogged over to meet him, "help me roll him out of the mud." I ordered my beta, he did as I said and as soon as we moved the body words started coming from the person's mouth.

"The moon goddess, she will help. The moon goddess, she will help." I looked at Malik in confusion, "do you think he drank too much?" He eyed up the boy, "he barely looks legal Dom. He's not from our pack either." I searched around myself, hoping to find answers in the frozen wasteland, but I came up with nothing. "Let's get him inside." I told him. He stood back, his hands raised, "no offence alpha, that's a terrible idea." I gritted my teeth, "I'm not asking for your opinion Malik, I'm ordering you as my beta to do what the fuck I tell you." There were no more arguments. We took him to the coven, he was frozen stiff, the more we moved him, the more his rambling didn't make any sense. We'd just lay him down on the old crone's table when his next lot of pointless words had dribbled out.

"She needs to go, tell her to go. Find the hybrid." My blood froze in my veins and it wasn't because  of the weather. "Malik? How many hybrids do you know?" He lifted his hands from behind the stranger as he lay his head straight. "That would be one." He told me, he clearly hadn't clicked on. It took a minute but I watched as his face shifted, the penny dropped. "Your sister." Exactly, my sister. What could this kid possibly know about my sister? "We'll have the witches work on him, try to get some answers." Whitt burst through the door, tears in her eyes. "I'd know that cupcake scent anywhere." Malik looked at me confused, I shrugged, I had no idea what was going on either. "You know this guy?" I asked her, she shot me a cold look, "he's from my pack, my old pack..." she was still struggling with where she wanted to stay. "What's his name?" Whitt held onto the boy's cold hand, "it's Barney."

That had been two weeks ago, we'd called the pack and it was the only time Alpha Logan bothered with any contact between us, the bong we had spent months building seemed to be diminishing. I asked to speak to Emily but I was never granted that permission. I couldn't force it. I didn't want to force her into anything. The dawn was slowly rising over the snowy town that was my pack, my home. Whitt had decided to wake up and watch it with me, "this is us," I told her, "the dawn brings so much beauty but it's always overshadowed by the day." She watched as the dark lilac sky started to transform into a wondrous mix of pinks and oranges, "You know, even back at the Midnight Moon pack I would always have the urge to get up at dawn. I never did though. Now I see why you do."

I stopped looking at the sun coating the houses in gold and turned to my sister, "that pack can't have been all that bad, I hear they have the most beautiful nights." She scoffed, "obviously, they aren't called the Midnight Moon for any old reason." I smiled at her, she was just like her mum and she didn't even know it. "Why don't you go over tonight? It's the mating ceremony, you and Emily could go together?" She froze up, her whole body becoming rigid, "I can't, I can't go." I held her in my arms like we were kids again, "hey, I'm not going to make you do anything, but you know you can't take part in our ceremony. You've lived there your whole life, you were initiated and you make the mindlink with the alpha, you aren't part of our pack yet." She cuddled into my chest, "I don't want to, what if something happens, my magic acts up when I'm over there." She looked off at the changing colours off the sky, "I don't want to hurt anyone."

"Elena tells me your powers are coming along beautifully, I'm sure you'd be fine..." I tried to reassure her, "are you going to ours?" She countered, smart girl. "Exactly. If you go I will." I sighed "touché." She untangled herself from me, "what are we going to do about Barney?" He hadn't recovered yet, he was stable but the witches couldn't figure out what type of enchantment had been put on him, or how. "We have to wait until he wakes up. When he does, I'm sure we can figure out this whole thing." She nodded and went to stand up, "When are you going to find a Luna?" This took me by complete surprise, I'd almost choked on my breath, "when are you going to stop being nosey?" I asked her in return, she laughed and walked away, back to her training with the witches.

"When would I find a Luna?" I laughed to myself, I'd probably find my Luna when the moon goddess herself walked the earth. I didn't think I ever would. I jumped down from my perch and made my way to the track I always started my run on, this day would be the same as any for me and I would treat it exactly like that. No ceremony, no mate, no disappointment.

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