Logan - Part Nineteen

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It was pain, pain everywhere. I couldn't even pinpoint which bones were broken and which were mending. An inferno was ripping through my nerves and all over my muscles. I screamed out in pain, I had no idea it would be like this, I underestimated the change and I was paying for it. I heard gasps from the pack gathered around me as my ribs started to crack and break apart. The air in my lungs was kicked out of me by the series of blows. I was going to die. There's no way I would survive this. I searched the faces of the four people standing around me, Elena looked disgusted, Peter and Neil looked queasy almost like they remembered the feeling themselves. My father on the other hand was looking straight at me, his face a mixture of pride and agony.

My back gave out as my spine snapped. I folded to the floor, I couldn't feel the pain in my legs anymore, but the agonising pressure from my spine was taking over. I couldn't move. I tried to turn my head to face the witch, I couldn't lift it. I was lay in a crumpled pile on the ground, my head facing the direction of my father. He was on the floor too, looking over at me, I tried to shout for someone to go to him, to check on him, but the only sounds that came from my throat were roars of pain. I could see tears falling from my father's face as he watched my skin start to shed, the hair of my wolf was growing where my broken skin opened up. I tried calling out to him, it was pointless trying to use my voice, the more my wolf took over, all I could do was growl.

My breathing slowed as I watched my breath cloud in front of my face, in the cold October air it was like a steady stream of smoke coming from my lips. I looked back at my father to see him going through the same motions as me. Why hadn't he told me that this ceremony would affect him too? My body started to shudder, I couldn't feel it, but I could see the reverberations from the bottom of my body and my eyes looked down. It started in my legs and moved to my chest. I struggled to keep eye contact with my father as my head started to shake. This was it. This was my end, I was sure of it. My body stopped shaking. My throat dried up. I watched, unable to move, unable to talk as the breath tricking from my lips grew fainter and fainter. I struggled to keep my eyes open, I felt so incredibly tired. With a last look at my father, my eyes closed completely. I hadn't been strong enough... I hadn't survived the shift.





My vision was black but I could hear a voice in the back of my mind, it sounded as if it was calling out for me. "Logan! You need to wake up." I tried to shake my head but I couldn't feel my body. "Wha... what's happening? Where am I?" I tried to ask the voice. "You won't be able to use your body yet, you're between realms." The voice started to sound clearer, it was like having cotton stuck in your ears that had just been removed. "You're mindlinking son..." came a raspy voice, a raspy familiar voice. "Father?" I choked out in my mind. "I don't have long son, the dark seems to be getting darker." I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream but here I had no voice. Instead, I thought back "What's happening? Why are we here?" His voice sounded closer, almost like he was next to me, "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you son, I didn't want you to worry. I've been ill for a little while now... I wasn't sure how long I had left so I pushed you to take over as alpha." This didn't make sense, why wouldn't he tell me about this.

"How do we get back?" I asked him. "When the time comes you'll wake up, your wolf will take over and you'll be able to mindlink the pack." Okay I thought to myself, maybe this wasn't so bad after all. "When we get back, you need to explain everything to me, okay?" There was a short pause before I heard my father's reply, "only you will get to go back Logan, I used the last of my energy transferring my strength to you. Old alphas aren't meant to come back from this son." I started to panic, why couldn't he come back? It didn't make sense, why would he do that? Why would he use all of his energy on me? For years my father had been stuck up his own ass, constantly scolding me and trying to control what I was doing. Why would he do this?

My spiralling thoughts stopped when my father started to speak again, "Logan, I want you to know that I'm so proud of you." If I could feel tears, I knew I would be crying. "I know I've pushed you, I know I wasn't entirely fair on you, but I love you and I'm so proud of the alpha I know you will be." His voice was starting to fainter, getting fainter in my mind. It was like he was walking away from a microphone, "I don't want you to leave, how am I supposed to be an alpha without you? There's no one to teach me?" I heard his laugh, chuckling at my questions, I hardly ever got to hear him laugh. It dawned on me that after this, I would never hear it again. "You are already an alpha, Logan. You don't need me, you have the other alphas to turn to for support too." I was angry, how could he just leave like this? "I don't want them. I wanted my father. I need you..." His words were a whisper now, "Congratulations Alpha Logan, now go show them what my son can do." "Father?" I tried calling, he wasn't answering. "FATHER?"

A small sound made its way through my head before disappearing again, it almost sounded like "I love you." A golden light started pulsing in the centre of my eyes, it was getting bigger and bigger until sudden I could see again. I was on the floor one minute, and the next I was shooting through the air as my wolf ripped the rest of the way out of my body. We landed on all fours and my wolf's head snapped to the crowd. I felt a humming in my mind and I made the mental link to every single person in my pack. I wasn't in control, my wolf was, he had this. Everyone froze as the connections were embedded into their subconcious. Then as quickly as it happened, the mindlink shot back into my head and everyone started to move again. "Your turn." My wolf said through my mind. I shifted and blinked up at my pack who were standing waiting patiently, I went to open my mouth and thought of a better option. I opened the mindlink.

Shocked faces and inhales filled the crowd in front of me as people could hear my booming voice speak out, "I speak to you in the Midnight Moon pack, as your alpha. If anyone should want to challenge my birthright, speak now." The pack was completely silent. Good. "From now on I will be known as Alpha Logan, alpha of the Midnight Moon pack. I will lead you with as much courage and strength as my father, I will not fail." I broke the connection and cheers broke out, I looked towards my father, his unmoving body still in a crumpled pile, my mother was sobbing next to him. I walked towards them and spotted Emily along the way, her tear stained face was read and blotchy. I wanted to go to her, but there were more important things to attend to.

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