Emily - 02: Part Two

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Whitt's room, her 'old' room was full of old toys, storage boxes and a small bed when we'd first got to the door. In a heartbeat Elena had asked her what she wanted, waved her hand, and all of the boxes and clutter had disappeared. In its place now stood a leather bed with rose gold covers, some dressers, a whole new TV setup and a walk-in wardrobe about the same size as the room itself. It was kind of like the same way that Dom had taught me to do dream manipulation, creating objects that weren't there originally, except this was real and we definitely weren't asleep. I'd walked straight through and sat on her bed, she's taken a few tentative steps forward testing the floor and the walls before getting comfortable. I wondered if this was something Whitt could do too? Maybe she could manifest us both designer clothes?

Now we were cuddled up together after asking her brother if we could share. "Do you think I'll be a dark witch?" I pulled myself away from her, how could she even say that? "Whitt you're like the most genuine and light hearted person I know, you could never be dark." I told her. She looked at me and looked away, "I was talking to Elena", oh great, I bet that was a thrilling conversation, I said to myself. "She told me that these dark witches that are after me, they want me because I'm powerful..."

I didn't say a word, wondering where she was going with this. "What if I hurt you? What if I do terrible things?" I sympathised with her, she'd had her life turned upside down in the past month. Nothing about this was easy. I grabbed for her hand and kissed her fingers, "Whitt, you're my soul sister remember? You couldn't possibly be terrible. I already know you." She gave me a strange look and turned away from me, "I'm no good for the pack Em, I can't even go to the mating ceremony without being worried of blowing everything up."

I gasped "you've been looking forward to the winter solstice for longer than I have!" I touched her shoulder but she flinched away from me. I took my hand back and held it like I'd been burned. Maybe time around witches would do her some good, maybe she'll hone whatever power she has and she'll feel more like Whitt again. "You never told me," she whispered, "how do you know my... my Br..." she sighed, "Dom?" I finished for her. Oh boy, this was a can of worms I didn't want opening. "Remember that night my bed was completely ruined?" She nodded softly, almost as if she was falling asleep. "Well Dom had come to visit me that night, but I hadn't seen him, it was too dark, but I'd seen his purple eyes." I checked to see if she was still listening." After that he started to visit me nightly, telling me he was looking for someone, that someone was obviously you." She mumbled something that sounded like "carry on".

"When you found that leather jacket in my room, that was Dom's. It had appeared in my room after one of our dream walks." She turned her head to face me slightly, "you told me it was Barney's, he told me it was his, he covered for you?" I nodded, "I'm so sorry Whitt, you thought I was crazy when I first told you about the crazy dream and the eyes and the fact that I thought someone had come into my room." She turned back over, "I just didn't want you to judge me, I didn't want you to think I was crazy and keep away from me." I didn't hear anything else from her all night. I lay there contemplating if I should've just lied to her, it probably would've made me feel even worse though. For the second time today, my mind drifted back to Logan. Was it just because he was my alpha now and we were all connected to him? Was it because I was so far from the pack and they were calling me home? I didn't even know where home was anymore. My parents weren't even there, how could the Midnight Moon pack feel like home without them?

My thoughts soon turned mushy as sleep overcame my worried mind. I woke up and checked Whitt sleeping next to me, she was still turned away from me, her dark hair softly bowing in the breeze... breeze? I looked to my left and saw an open window, I swear that hadn't been open when we'd fallen asleep. I looked back towards Whitt, all of a sudden the duvets moved and quick as lightning, the person sleeping soundly next to me, jumped up and shouted "BOO!". I clutched at my chest and threw a pillow in Dom's face, he lay down on his back in a fit of laughter, not even trying to hide how funny he thought it was to nearly kill me. "You have to stop doing that!" I shouted at him, trying to catch my breath and even out my breathing. "You.. you should've seen your face," he started, unable to control his laughing. "You were all like 'ahhhhh!'" He pulled a face, his tongue hanging from his mouth and his eyes wide with shock. I had no doubt that, other than the tongue, that's exactly how I'd looked.

"Maybe if you stopped trying to kill me every single time I'm asleep!" I looked around noticing that where he was, there was actually no Whitt. "Hey, where's Whitt? Isn't she here too? We were in the same bed." He shrugged his shoulders, she must be awake, you were the only one in here when I came in." I sighed, maybe our conversation had made her want to go sleep on her own, far away from me. Dom reached out to move the hair from my eyes, "are you okay? You look worried." I threw my hands in the air, "I told Whitt how we met and the fact that I'd never told her about you, but I'd told my friend Barney and he covered for me when your jacket was in my room..." I was rambling. Dom stopped me, moving his hand from my ear to under my chin, "she was bound to find out eventually, all of our destinies seem to be entwined. I don't know who 'Whitt' is now, but I know that my sister can't hold grudges. Especially with those she loves." I felt calmed by his words, if they were anything alike, I could trust that she would want to talk to me again... eventually.

"Are you ready?" He asked. Wait what? "Ready for what?" I said confused, would I not even get tonight off? He looked giddy as he said, "Ready to make a portal to the dream realm." A portal? I could hardly make a water balloon and now I was meant to create a portal?! "Come on," he winked at me and took my hand, "I'll teach you the ropes, we'll take it real slow."

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