Emily - Little Varg

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I knocked on the door to the office, after my dramatic episode a few days ago I didn't expect Logan to let me in. I couldn't blame him, slapping him had been completely uncalled for. I was shocked, I felt wounded that he would keep something from me regarding my parents. I still didn't believe him that they'd been taken, or that they were some kind of pack spies... but I was starting to believe they would never come back and this was his way of softening the blow, to make them seem like heroes... "Come in." His tone was deep and strong, just the way every alpha should be. I turned the handle and took a step in, his features easily changed, he smoothed out his shirt and stood up from his chair. "Emily" he breathed out. "I'm here to apologise," I started, he went to stop me but I insisted.

"I should not have slapped you, that was wrong of me. You didn't deserve that." He began to argue with me, "I know you want to protect me, but you can't protect me from the truth of my own parents. They wanted to leave for whatever reason, that's fine, but I don't want you lying for them." He shook his head, "Emily you have the complete wrong end of the stick here..." he seemed to consider something before he asked, "you haven't told anyone else about this have you?" "Of course not, who wants to know about my boring life anyway?" He looked around himself before pulling me towards his desk. "You don't understand Em, you need to listen to me. I'm speaking to you as your alpha now." She straightened up. I grabbed the paper from the desk and started to write,

Your parents really are missing. I'm so sorry. It's not a joke, the house was burned down on purpose. Someone has your parents because they know things that could get someone in a lot of trouble.

She took in a sharp inhale of breath. I carried on with my writing.

My father said we shouldn't tell you, but now things have changed, it appears it's not going to change either way and Dom still hasn't been able to locate them... but you have to know. It's not safe for you not to know anymore.

Dom? I know he'd said that Dom was looking for them, but I hadn't thought he was serious at the time, I thought he was just lying to me to try to make me feel better. Could that be why he hasn't been around? Things started to link up in my mind, of course. I had to believe that he'd visit me otherwise. That he'd at least want to talk to me at the funeral...

You can't talk about this out loud, I have to burn this after I've written it. You can't tell anyone the things I've told you. We don't know who's on our side here and who isn't.

I nodded along as I read the sheet of paper. That would explain why my parents didn't reply to messages or answer their phone, they always had. I don't know what I'd ever doubted then. I went to open my mouth to speak but Logan shook his head. I grabbed the pen from him and wrote instead,

So Dom is actually out looking for my parents?

Logan nodded, relief flooded my heart, I knew there had to be an actual reason he wouldn't contact me. Logan gently took the pen from my hand and placed it on the desk. He slid the paper towards himself and took it over to the gigantic fireplace, he flicked his wrist and within a minute the paper had disintegrated. "What now?" I asked Logan. He shrugged his shoulders, "now we wait until Dom can give us more information." "Okay, and how long will that be?" I asked him. "I don't know that Emily, I don't know how he does it." I felt my face flush as I thought of the nights I'd spent awake with Dom. How he was teaching me to do things that shouldn't be possible. I knew exactly how he was doing it, he'd told me that he was looking for someone before when he stumbled in on me.

Now I could get to the main reason I'd come to Logan's office in the first place, "so I've been pretty lonely recently and it's a Friday..." Logan looked away from the paper laying on his desk, "I'm aware of the date Emily, can I help you with something? I would offer to spend time with you but I'm pretty tied up here right now." "I know, I know," I stopped him, "I wasn't going to ask you to do anything with me" his face fell a little. "I actually wanted to know if I could invite Whitt over, we used to spend weekends together and I think she really needs me right now" I explained. He smiled at me, an actual full faced smile, "Yeah sure, do whatever makes you happy princess." I bounced up and down and ran over to hug him, "thank you! thank you! thank you!" I promise we'll be good and I'll keep her in my room and I won't let her snoop" I promised him. He laughed, it was so nice to see a smiling Logan again.

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