Dom - Dream Walker

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It had been three days. Three days since I'd heard from her. The last time we'd met, I'd told her how the travel from dream to dream works. I loved that she was so interested in it. Usually I didn't care too much about how it worked, I'd had the ability to do it for so long, the mechanics if it seemed so boring to me. Until now. My little varg had re-opened my eyes with her excitement. It made me question things myself, things that I had long ago stopped questioning. Like why the fuck was I still doing this?

The next two nights were the worst I'd had in a while. When I wasn't dream walking for other people, all I wanted was to be with her. To speak to her. To hear her voice running through my ears like a lullaby. I'd been so busy with getting ready for the travel and searching through dreams to make sure my pack was in safe hand, I hadn't even thought too much about checking in with her. I figured she didn't want me there anyway, maybe a little break might make her tolerate me more.

When it came to meeting up with her the next night, I was prepared, I was full of energy. I'd been in pack meetings all day and just wanted some peace and quiet. That's exactly what she was, a steady rock in this storm of events. I entered the dream realm as soon as my eyes had closed. I was getting better at this. I walked up to her door, the acorn handle beckoning me to touch it and see what was inside. I twisted the handle expecting to see the same swirling black mist that would lead me to her. Instead, I couldn't even turn the handle. I was met with a locked door.

I panicked, trying every way that I could Tink of, to get inside. I tried kicking the door down and tearing at the wood, It was useless. I knew that. I'd been shut out. But why? I knew that she had the ability to shut me out, but she had no idea how to use it? As far as I was aware she was completely new to this. Maybe she'd been hurt that I'd not been around, or maybe she was avoiding me. There was only one other instance when a door would be locked... other than... no, no it couldn't be. I shook the fearful thought from my head. There was no way that would happen.

I leaned against her door, dragging myself down until I sat on my ass with my head in between my legs. I'd needed to see her tonight, I didn't know where she was, but I needed to warn her. With the news that another packs had been attacked, it was clear that no one was safe. No even my dream girl, my little varg. Not seeing her had hit me harder than I thought it would. I had started to rely on these nightly meeting as a sense on normalcy. She didn't know me, all she knew way my name. I didn't even know hers...

With her, I could be 'Dom'. I wasn't Alpha Dominick Elio of the Rising Dawn pack, I wasn't the Alpha Dream Walker extraordinaire. I wasn't the poor Alpha that didn't have a family... It was just nice to talk to someone that wasn't afraid to say what they think, and man did she do that. I wondered what would change if she knew I was an alpha, if she knew I had a pack. Would she like that? Would she even care? Or would she be scared of me?

My pack was well known for being ruthless. We had boundaries, but my priority was always preserving the legacy. That was the whole reason I'd chosen Malik as my Beta. We were like-minded. I knew that, should anything happen to me, he loved that pack. Maybe he loved the women in our pack a little too much... but he had a big heart and he'd never let me down, even when my own family had. I had built this pack back up after the destruction 12 years ago. I was 14 when I took over as alpha. 10 years ago, I was at a training camp, my dad had never really wanted me around and I preferred being there anyway. I met Malik there.

He beat the shit out of me nightly. I hated him for it... until i started to fight back. I could still remember the smug smile that was written all over his face, his lip pouring out of blood. He had spit out whatever was in his mouth before he offered me a hand. The first thing he'd ever said to me was, "Now that's the kind of alpha I want to follow." I don't understand why i hadn't fought back up until that point, but I had never stopped fighting since. Yeah, Malik was an ass most of the time, but he was the only person inside of our walls that I trusted. I lifted my head and leaned it against her door. "Where in the world are you, little varg?"

I woke, startled by the ice cold water that had just been thrown in my face. "Rise and shine head boy!" I blinked, grabbing at the air next to my bed. I caught onto a shirt and dragged the perpetrator towards my face. "HEY!" I heard him cry out. I should've known it was Malik. "I just wanted to make sure I wouldn't get any morning surprises when i came to wake you." He looked at my bed covers. "If you can get a hardy while fighting me, having me in your room was definitely a risk." I shoved him off and he fell onto my wooden floor with a thud. "You're a real prick you know that?" I seethed at him. He laughed and picked up the bucket from the floor, "Noted, but i'd rather you kill me for this... you're already late." Late? What did he mean late?

I took the watch from my table and squinted at the numbers. 8am?


I had already missed my dawn patrol and my boxing session with Malik, no wonder he was here, he must've come to find me. How in the hell had I slept that long? Memories flooded through my consciousness, of course... I'd waited all night for her. All night and she hadn't shown up. I rid my mind of the thoughts, I needed to focus today. "Status report." I ordered Malik. "The borders are secure, we had some of the warrior wolves fill in your place this morning. It good training for them anyway. There was some unrest between the general's about your... trip." Of course there was. Everything I did was under constant scrutiny. "They don't think you should be going, they think it's a set up." I rolled my shoulders as I stood from my bed, "Yeah? Well they will be happy to know i'm not going alone then." Malik looked at me confused. "You're not?"

"Of course i'm not! You really think i'm going to walk into a completely new pack territory without back up? Do you think i'm an idiot?" I pushed him aside as I made my way into the bathroom, he followed me. "You can't take her." I pulled open the door to the shower, " Oh yeah? Why can't I take her?" There was only so far I was going to let him push, questioning my authority. "She's a witch, Dom!" "She's my witch-" I corrected him. "-And if i want to take her as extra protection... if this pack really wants my help... they are going to have to deal with it."

I closed the shower door behind me and started to strip. "Unless you really do have a crush on me and want to see my dick, I suggest you leave and find Elena." I commanded him. "She's got a trip to prepare for and I want her ready in 20 minutes." He shot from the room like an arrow, taking the bucket with him. We were the pack known for having witches. Elena was one of the most powerful ones and if I needed her help with anything, I knew she would be able to. I knew she would be willing.

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