Emily - Part Thirteen

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I'd taken three laps around the room. Looking over everything. I was in absolutely awe. The soft cotton sheets were the best thing I'd ever felt between my fingers, and the light and serene feeling of the room made me feel at peace. I don't know how Logan had done it, but he'd picked the most perfect room. I wished that my parents were here to see it, they'd be looking over everything, cataloging everything.

They loved the pack house and it's architectural design, often they'd taken notes, guessing what could be in each room. Then, they'd disappear for hours on a big shopping spree. They'd always try to find lamps and pieces of furniture that they'd think matched the style of the house. I'd always thought that their obsession with the pack house was weird, standing in this room I could almost sympathise. It was remarkably beautiful.

I walked through the bathroom and noticed the large tub. It was ceramic and shaped like a bowl. It looked way too big for any normal person. I laughed to myself, of course it was, I was in the pack house. Everything here was over the top. I started to run the bath, but I had no idea how to work the plug hole. The water was rushing down the bath and out of the hole at the bottom. I tried every switch and lever in the room to try to get it to work but it wouldn't close up.

I was leaning over the bath with my hands covering the plug hole, trying to figure out how I could close it manually. All of a sudden I heard a small knock at the door. Drenched in water, in the only piece of clothing I had to my name, I walked out of the bathroom and to my temporary bedroom door. I opened the door and Logan was stood leaning against the frame, not even looking at me. "Took you long enough prin-" he turned to face me and stopped, taking in the view.

"Where did all of 'that' come from?" He said gesturing towards my soaked dress. "I decided to take a bath in my dress considering it's now the only thing I own." I replied sarcastically. He eyed me skeptically, "so you took a bath? In your dress? You sure you weren't just having too much fun without me?" He smirked, letting me know exactly what was on his mind. He looked above me and into the bedroom. "Nope, bed is still made, I suppose your story adds up. I guess I'll be leaving you now then..."

Before he could turn around and walk away I grabbed onto his arm. "I'm sorry" I apologised, "it's been a tough day and it's just a lot being here you know? I can't even get the bath to work. I feel so useless." He instantly pulled me into a tight hug. "I know, well... I don't, I can't possibly. But I shouldn't tease you" he admitted. "I just can't help it when you are stood there looking like.... that." He pulled back and eyed my outfit, lifting the strap on my arm with a finger. "We'll have to do something about this." I gulped. The way his eyes roamed my body made me feel utterly naked.

"I can help you with the bath," he told me, "you'll have to wait a while for some new clothes though." I nodded, even just getting clean and wiping the ash from my face would be better than nothing. The smoke from my destroyed house was still clinging to my skin and I needed to get rid of it. He strode past me and made a b-line for the bath, he didn't even have to tell me, I followed obediently. "Okay so," he started to demonstrate, "there a button on the side of the bath you see?" The bath had started to fill as he pressed the it in. He looked to make sure I was following his instructions and I was trying to, I really was. But my mind was elsewhere.

The way his strong arms were reaching over and leaning against the curve of the tub... the way his torso was angled to show me the view. I couldn't help but imagine myself in between him and the bath. I felt a trickle of excitement starting in my fingers. I saw his eyes turn the darkest shade I had ever seen them as he stopped what he was doing and looked over my body. He stopped when he'd travelled all the way down and back up again.

My body was starting to thump underneath his gaze. He was looking directly at my breasts. They were starting to harden underneath my dress, I knew it wasn't because of the cold. By now, my body was on fire. Sweat was beading across his forehead. I stretched my neck, trying to get some relief from the heat. We looked up at the same time. Our eyes met.

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