Logan - Part Four

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I was stood at the door, saying my goodbyes to our last guest, which just so happened to be Rae. She tried to linger around for as long as she could, but she knew she had to leave. Standing up on her toes, she kissed my cheek, I gave her a quick wink in return before she sauntered towards the cars. I was really looking forward to taking a long, hot shower. I just wanted to jump straight into bed. My father had other plans.

Not long after I got upstairs, and had stripped out of my suit, my father called me from downstairs. I rolled my eyes unimpressed with the fact that my shower would have to wait. I knew better than to ignore my dad when he's calling for me. I quickly threw on a hoodie and a pair of jeans before heading downstairs. I knew instantly where he would be, he was always up late working. I met him sitting at the table in his office, he was positioned in front of his computer with a bunch of paper to the side. He waved me over without looking, beckoning me to take a seat.

"Now that you've been announced as alpha, it's important for you to properly learn the ropes around here." He started shuffling through the piles of paper before carrying on, "Paperwork doesn't sound too exciting but it's one of the more crucial things you need to do as an alpha." I saw my freetime flash right by my eyes. No more sparring with Basker and no more late night talks with Misty. I was obviously being overdramatic, I knew that despite my father being an alpha for all these years he was still in an amazing shape, and I would still be expected to keep my fitness up regardless, the alpha has to be strong for the pack.

It's thanks to my father that our pack is still standing after all. He quickly went through the list of pack members from healers to our attack and defence general. After what felt like ages of him showing me how to do all of the paperwork, he decided to speak up on a completely unrelated topic. "I saw that you and Rae got on pretty well tonight". I looked at him with a confounding look. Was he not suspicious at all about what had happened earlier with the she-wolf? Was all he could think about Rae? After years of me shooting down every single mentioning, I finally sat there and considered it. I knew he meant well and he was thinking about the pack, and I guess this would make everything easier for me...

The surprising thing about Rae, that not a lot of people knew, was that she was incredibly intelligent. She always did well in her studies at pack school but people only ever tend to see her beauty and not even consider that she has so many other good qualities as well. I myself, find intellect to be an incredibly attractive trait. I huffed a short "yeah I guess so" before I stood up. "I've invited her over for dinner later this week" he continued. Just when I thought he'd given up... Come on dad. Why was he still pushing this so hard?

I felt kind of bothered but I tried to play it off and instead gave him a quick "Sounds good, dad." I added "Looking forward to it" for good measure. I asked to be excused after I'd learnt just about all I could handle, I made it clear that I was tired and wanted to head upstairs for a shower. My dad nodded as if giving me clearance to leave. Perfect, finally some time to myself.

I'm not quite sure how I still managed to stay awake. I'd just gotten out of the shower, I'd turned it up the the max heat and steamed out the bathroom. It helped me to relax a little after the events that had unfolded earlier. Right now however, my mind was fully focused on bed. Not even bothering to put on boxers, as I usually do before I fall asleep, I shut my light off and puffed my pillows up before closing my eyes. I could hear the birds chirping outside of my window welcoming a new day, It was way later than I expected.

Then I felt it, creeping up on me as I was close to falling asleep. The next phase of the Yen. Why is it so intense? Why did I have less control over it than I usually do? Normally, I'm quite good at ignoring it and instead going out for a run, but not tonight. Tonight felt different and I didn't want to go for a run. I moved my hand down and stroked myself slowly under my covers. Wow... that felt good. The heat was rising in my body, I could feel it almost burning as Images of what had happened previously with the mystery wolf, whose name I still didn't know, came and went.

Her pure, virgin scent was so strong and she smelled so delicious... I picked up the pace as I started to think about what she has been doing earlier. I managed not to think about it until now but fuck, it was hot. Picturing her, leaning there in her red dress with her hand inside of her panties. I could feel myself getting closer to finishing. My stroking was getting faster, It was when I thought about her climaxing with my voice in her ears, that I finished. Fuck that felt good. I took a long breath before my head hit the pillow once again. I needed to learn more about this she-wolf, I thought to myself before I drifted away into the dreamland.

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