Logan - Part One

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It's 11 AM and I had just woken up. It's bound to be a stressful morning, I could already hear my parents arguing downstairs about where all the tables and chairs would be arranged. Everything has to be perfect for tonight, but all I wanted to do was to roll over in bed and go back to sleep. I already knew that I had a busy morning ahead of me, so I quickly threw on a white t-shirt that I had worn the day before and some sweatpants that were lay at the end of my bed.

As I started to head downstairs, I heard my father grunt "Good morning, Logan." He was clearly stressed out. My mother was acting the exact same way, running around the house and trying to get everything tidy for the big night we had ahead of us. I could tell that they had been working all morning on this dinner party. My father was finally going to announce me as his successor as alpha for the pack. I was just about to head out to the sparring ground when my parents called me, asking for help. But why should I? Doing combat training with my packmates was way more interesting than helping set tables.

I had already figured out who my beta and who my omega would be when I finally become the alpha of the pack. Baskerville, or Basker as we call him, will be my beta. We've been friends since we were kids and he's always been there right by my side. He's one of the few people that actually knows me... Like properly knows me. Then we have Misty, she's a proper psycho but we get along and we understand each other. She's the only one I can confide in when things get rough, which is why I'm so convinced that she'd make the perfect omega for me. I was almost at the backdoor when my dad yelled "Logan! Come in here for a sec, would you?" Ugh. What does he want now?

I rushed into the living room where he was standing right next to my mother, with a card in his hand. "Hey son. There's this envelope that we forgot to hand out and seeing as your mom and I are busy you'll be responsible for making sure that this gets out in time to where it needs to be." I sighed but nodded my head as I knew I wouldn't hear the end of it if I tried to get out of it. I headed for the hallway and as I started putting on my trainers, I felt my dad's eyes inspecting me. It usually doesn't bother me, but this time it felt different. I didn't want to waste time on it though, I just wanted to get this invitation out as soon as possible so I could then go right back home and have some time for myself before the evening. As I got outside, I took a quick look at the invitation to see where I was headed. To my surprise it didn't have a family name on it, only an address. I didn't give it much thought, instead I just took off in the right direction.

It was a warm and sunny September morning. I figured I'd go for a jog instead of just walking over there. The faster it goes the quicker I get to go back home, I thought to myself as I ran past the bakery down the street. I caught a quick whiff of their freshly baked gluten free cookies, as I waved at the baker and continued my jog.

After a jog that seemed like it lasted for forever, I arrived at the address that was on the invitation. Weird, I really do not recognize this house, I thought to myself. Maybe I had just forgotten... I noticed that my shirt was drenched with sweat and sticking to my body, as I arrived at the door and gave it a firm couple of knocks.
Shortly after knocking, there were noises  coming from inside the house, I waited for a few moments, my restlessness was starting to get the better of me. I just wanted to go home, but here I was still being delayed by whoever this damn invite was for.

My patience grew thinner as I finally heard someone approaching, the door swung open and stood there, was a she-wolf, looking as annoyed as I felt. "Can I help you? Are you lost" were the first words that came out of her mouth. I was surprised. Who does she think she is? Does she not know who she's talking to? I shifted on my feet, feeling ready to leave as I handed her the invitation. I figured it wasn't worth my time to find out who she might be, so instead I just took off again. I really just wanted to get back home to spar with my pack. Maybe she wouldn't even come? Whoever she was. She didn't seem too impressed with her future alpha that's for sure.

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