Logan - Part Ten

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I was pacing up and down my room, it had been a few days since I'd last seen Emily. I'd called up her parents earlier that day to extend an invitation from the future alpha. Her mother had seemed more than delighted at the thought of her daughter getting to spend more time in the pack house. I selfishly hope that it was because she'd be spending more time with me, but of course her family hadn't known about that. She'd told me that she would ask Emily, but I'd had no reply so far. Maybe she just straight up turned me down, though, that was my whole reason of going to her mother, she clearly found it as difficult as I did to say no to her parents. Yeah, it was selfish, but I needed to see her.

The past few days of doing pack work had taught me just how much work my father had to do. I was so bored of looking at files on pack members and business ideas. I could swear my father gave me the most boring jobs, just so he didn't have to do them. We hadn't spoken about the briefcase since, it hadn't even been mentioned. He didn't even ask if I'd gone through it, how would he know? I'd been out only a few times to duel with Basker and Misty, I could feel it in the aches of my muscles. Usually people got aches when they had worked too hard, it seems mine came when I hadn't worked enough.

My father had informed me that the few days leading up to the ceremony I would have to undergo intensive training to prepare my mind physically and mentally. I had no idea what to expect, or what would happen during that. Most of the day I spent thinking about Emily. It was annoying not being able to contact her though social media, thank the goddess her house number was in the pack directory. Pelt Weekly had been over to interview me for a spread a few days before my ceremony and it finally felt real.

I was so full up of pent up frustration that I wasn't able to get out, I wasn't able to train, I hadn't been able to go out and buy my favourite cookies, and I definitely hadn't been able to see Emily. We had unfinished business and the longer it was left, the more intense it felt. I hadn't even been able to finish myself properly in days, my wolf whined for her. That's exactly why I'd had to call her parents, there was no way she'd say no to them right? She'd come over and I'd swoop her off of her feet and take her straight to my bedroom. Heaven knows there was a massive backlog that needed to be taken care of. I wonder if she felt it too?

The briefcase was staring at me on the desk. I'd taken it out about ten minutes ago, intending to open it. I clearly hadn't been able to. The brown leather continued to glare at me, almost as if it was daring me to open it. It wanted me to know what was inside. I, on the other hand, did not. The more I paced my carpet, the more I could see the carpet wearing down. Along with my increasing appetite, I had also gained muscle in places I didn't think it could even exist. The lines leading from my hips, down to my dick were now so deep and prominent, I looked like an underwear model.

I wasn't in bad shape before, but now my body seemed to be preparing me for what was about to come. It's a shame I had no idea what that meant. Or what would become of me after it. I have no idea what my father was like before he became alpha, but I was increasingly worried that his cold stares and hunched shoulders were my fate too. This is why I needed to see Emily, I needed any kind of light in my life I could get at the minute, and she was by far the brightest one.

I stopped in the middle of the room, halfway between my bed and my desk and slowly turned towards the case. With gritted teeth, I marched over and unzipped the side. I don't know what I was expecting, maybe an explosion, maybe bats would fly out? But I definitely wasn't expecting nothingness. I grabbed the case and I pulled it towards me. In the next breath I had taken it and dumped the content on my desk. Paper? Is that all that this was? Why had my father seemed so secretive about a bunch of paper?

I sorted through the content and found diagrams and a list of names, names I didn't even recognize. Along with that was a list of packs. What did this have to do with anything? I grabbed hold of the stack of paper and gathered them together neatly, before I turned and marched towards my door. My father had some explaining to do. As I was nearing the door, a tightly folded piece of paper slipped from the pile. I watched as it gently travelled towards the floor. I picked it up quickly and was about to shove it back into the pile when I noticed my name scribbled across a folded edge. It was written in my fathers handwriting. Why would my dad have a letter addressed to me in his briefcase? Surely if he wanted to tell me anything, he could just tell me like he usually does.

I slowly unfolded the paper. I read over the rushed handwriting a few times before placing the letter down. This made no sense. Why hadn't I known about this? and who were we hiding from?

Logan James Fenton.

What you are about to read may come as a surprise to you. But you must be aware that this was going on long before my time as an alpha, and sadly it has now fallen onto you. In this case, you will find documents describing things you might not yet understand. But I've been trying to teach you as much as I can these past few weeks without arousing suspicion.

The pack is under a greater threat than we originally thought. We are still not quite sure as to why, but I have arranged a meeting with all of the alphas in this district. It is important that they see you as the future alpha of the Midnight Moon Pack. We will be hosting all of these alphas in the next few days, here at the packhouse. Because of this, you will have to be here and present at all times.

No more midnight runs and no more training. There will be time for that in the lead up to your ceremony. We think that someone has infiltrated the pack. We're not sure who they are working with, or what their end goal is. But there are alphas that have lost their packs to this, and it's important that we get to discuss this with them. We can't talk about this in person because we don't know who is listening. Any correspondent between yourself and me will have to be done through other means.

I have contacted an alpha who has specifically been training for this. I'm sorry we can't talk about this in person. I know you must have a million questions. But I trust we will get the time soon enough. Now that you have read through this letter, please BURN it. We can't risk anyone else finding this. Even Misty and Basker.

Alpha Choal

He was hardly specific. I went to my bathroom and took the candle from the window. It was a decorative piece, shaped like a fishbowl. If I need to burn the letter, I couldn't just have it burning on my desk. I went into the top drawer and pulled out the lighter that I'd stored there. It was Lyla, I'd hidden it there to stop her from smoking. The memories rushed to the front of my mind as I retrieved it. She was laughing and trying to take back her cigarettes, I was telling her that if she was my mate, she would have to quit. Of course she never listen to me, she went out and bought another one. But I had always had kept this one here.

Holding the flames to the candle it caught like a ray of sun in a storm. I held the letter over the flame, watching as the end started to blacken and shrivel. The red embers of the fire quickly make their way up to the top of the paper. As I saw my name burn away it felt pre-emptive of things to come. Maybe Alpha Logan would be completely different after all. Maybe who I am now would be gone.

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