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Entry# 70


Growing up in today's society, is hard for me. As a kid I was pretty oblivious to the world. I lived in a safe neighbourhood. I went to a safe school. I thought everyone was essentially equal.

Then I started growing up. It mostly started when I was in the fourth grade. I was exposed to things that were so new to me. I found out what curse words are. I found out what sex was. I met a lot of people with dirty minds. But the worst thing out of all of it was, Colour.

Before I never saw colour. I never thought of myself as 'black'. I knew I had darker skin than most people I interacted with but I never acknowledged it. I learned about the movements, I learned about the 'white privilege'. I heard different names and racial slurs being tossed around.

It disgusted me.

People will tell you who you are and would never let you be who you want to be. As I grew I have been told so many different things. I've been told I was whitewashed. I never knew there was a certain way a certain race acted. I never grew up with a lot of people like myself. I grew up with many dessi people. Other than church, black people were never around as much that weren't connected to my family. I never met as many black people as I did when I entered high school. Growing up I was surrounded by 'whites' and 'browns'. I never really cared about what anyone looked like.

People judged me because my two best friends were white.

To me, we are all the same. Our ancestry. Our experiences. Our trauma. Those vary. They always will. But we all bleed red. And no one will say a thing when we are in a grave six feet under. Then, it won't matter who you are beside.

Colour has become a characteristic. People will look at me and the first thing they see is the colour of my skin. Off of that the assumptions would arise. I have been titled as poor, or unintelligent. I had to work my butt off to change these perspectives. I was soon one of the most well-known people in my elementary school. I got awards. I got the recognition, but what was it worth? None of that stuff made me happy. It just proved that no one really cared until I did something.

People think I am innocent. I just haven't been exposed to the same world they have been exposed to. Maybe my parents tried to hide that world from me. I think it was because of my carefree lifestyle. I have been oblivious most of my life. I never took it upon myself to see the world. I lived in my own little bubble. People would say things I don't understand, and when I'd question them, they would say I would find out when I'm older or make some joke about me.

I was older than practically all the people saying these things.

My mind was opened a lot more in the ninth grade. All my friends were my skin tone. Slang and slurs left people's mouths like they were singing canary. What really got me looking at the world was my English teacher. She questioned us. She made us think. Then we read the book Fahrenheit 451. That is when I realized...

I am more than just a label.

This was kinda just a filler

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This was kinda just a filler........

The next couple of chapters are going to be interesting

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