Chapter 54

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     After Ginny catches the snitch, I continue to ride around on my broom, fist bumping the air. Gryffindor wins again! The feeling of accomplishment and pride swelling inside me! My last year and we secured the Quidditch Cup! I do a few more loops, enjoying the wind in my hair. I look down and see two red heads waving for me.

   I land, running into George and Fred's arms. "I can't believe we did it!" I exclaim.

   They both kiss my cheek causing me to blush. "I'm just mad we couldn't be up there with you," George holds me close.

    I roll my eyes, "Loverman, it's not my fault you blokes got into a tussle with Malfoy. He's a rotten git and deserved it, so I don't think you deserved to get banned."

    Fred mumbles, "Still despicable we got replaced in our last season."

   I rub his back, "It's okay, we will get her back someday."

   A smirk grows on his face. His voice is hushed, "Maybe sooner than later."

   George winks, "We will tell you later."


   The only way we get to talk in private is when I sneak up to the Twins' room. Lee sits on the floor, looking over the inventory Fred has laid out.

   "So, what are you doing with these?" Lee askes.

   "Well, we perfected all of these, and have sold a bunch, but we need to advertise more," Fred's business fills me with more pride than the Quidditch game. 

   I curl into George on his bed, "I'm so proud of you both."

  George kisses the top of my head, "We couldn't have done it without you cheering us on our whole life."

   I smirk up at him, "And being a test subject." 

  Fred laughs, "You also came up with the logo, so you really are a big part of this, Y/n."

  Lee chuckles, "I'm just glad all I've had to do is hand out a few pamphlets, and take orders."

   I roll over, head hanging off the bed, "You really are the lucky one Lee."

  "Okay, seriously let's get back to work with these Wildfire Whiz-bangs and the portable swamp," Fred's tone turns serious.


   Harry, the Twins, and I huddle together in their room. I dangle my legs over the edge of the bed listening to the conversation between the three of them.

   "I need to be able to talk to Sirius," Harry clamored, "The only fireplace that is able to communicate outside right now is Umbridge's, so I need a distraction to get there."

   Fred runs a hand through his hair, eyes twinkling, "You know Georgie, I always thought our livelihood laid outside the world of academics."

   "Freddie, I was thinking the same thing," George's voice full of glee.

   I leap up, throwing an arm over Harry, "He boys! Don't forget about me! I'm the one who always said to follow your dream."

   George looks at me, his eyes shining, "Do you mean it? This means leaving school before graduating? So no Auror job for you."

   I look at him, then Fred, "I mean it. Being an Auror won't nearly be as fun as running a shop with you fools. And, besides, I won the Quidditch Cup, that's all I wanted this year. Our last year of school was suppose to be the time of our lives, but we are living in hell with that toad."

   George closes the distance between us and leans into me, "I have never loved you more than I do right now."

   I smile, closing the gap between our lips. Harry's cough breaks us apart.

  "Well, I appreciate the help, " Harry stutters out.

  "I think a portable swamp will work right outside her office. That way you can be in there and talk to Sirius, then it will take some time to get by it," Fred's voice is full of plans. I can see his head spinning with ideas.

   "Just tell me when you can do it and I'll be there," Harry puts his hand out.

   George shakes it, "We should have everything ready in two hours." Harry nods to us before exiting the room.


   The portable swamp worked wonders and Umbridge fled from her office to find Filch. I usher Harry into Umbridge's office, leaving Fred and George to grab the rest of our things.

   "I have to go find George, Harry, but good luck with Sirius!" I grab him into a quick hug as I run out the door.

   "Thank you," he shouts!

   I pull out my wand, "Accio Firebolt." I wait in a corner, until I see my trusty broom come towards me. 

   I can already hear the shouts of my best friends. I mount my broom and kick off, soaring through the halls and letting go of some Whiz-bangs. I can't help but let out a screech as I see Peeves following the Twins.

   "Hello boys," I call from behind.

   Their faces light up. Fred sends more Whiz-bangs into Umbridge's wall of rules. George sends one straight after Filch, who runs away screaming for Mrs. Norris. I fly past them and throw down pamphlets for Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes to the gleeful students.

   I beam down at the cheering crowd. I can even see Flitwick and McGonagall laughing slightly to themselves. I turn back to George as Fred busts open the door the the Great Hall. We charge in, throwing papers everywhere.

    We send out our biggest firework display. One that they have been working over for months. The biggest, fiery dragon snakes over the Great Hall, and goes right for Umbridge's pink fluff ball of a body. 

   I shriek with happiness as she runs screaming away in fear. I almost slip off my broom when Peeves gets too close.

   I look at him, "Peeves, it's been a pleasure all these years."

  George comes up next to us, followed by Fred. At the same time they shout, "Give her hell from us, Peeves!" Peeves face lights up, or as much as a poltergeist can light up, and he flies away.

   I turn to the boys, as the cheering continues from below, "Let's go boys!"

   And we are off, flying through the corridors one last time. I throw down more pamphlets, knowing that they will be our best source of advertisement. I want to stop and talk to my other friends, but don't want to chance getting nabbed by the Inquisitorial Squad.

   We don't stop laughing the whole time we fly away. Our faces imprinted with the biggest smiles. We don't stop flying until we get back to 12 Grimmauld Place.

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