Chapter 31

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   We are all shaken up still by what happened at the World Cup, but it didn't stop the new school year from starting. The Hogwarts Express was busy with commotion this year. Everyone talking about what happened, even Diggory came to sit with us and make sure we were alright.

   "I told you in my letter, Diggory. We made it out just fine. Just really shaken up," I grumble in between him and George. 

   George has his arm protectively around my waist, "Don't worry Cedric. I took care of my girlfriend."

   Diggory smirks, looking at Fred and Lee, who are laughing at the whole interaction with my boyfriend and other best friend. "Listen Weasley, like I said, get married and I'll back off. Until then I think I still have a shot," he winks slinging an arm around my shoulders, which causes George to jump up.

   I get in between them, pressing my hands onto George's toned chest, "Georgie, you know Diggory only does this because it gets a rise out of you." I stand on my tip toes, kissing his lips, which makes him relax under my touch.

   "Yea Weasley, relax. I better get going anyway. See you at school, Y/n." Diggory hugs me, and causing me to roll my eyes, and George to snarl.

  "I can't stand him."

   "George, it's true though. You get so riled up that he thinks it's a big game," Fred explains.

  Lee slaps him on the knee, "Exactly. You just need to act like it doesn't bother you. Anyway, you know Y/n is too madly, deeply, truly in love with you to have the hots for anyone else without a love potion interfering with her."

   I frown, "Not the time, Lee."

  "Oops, sorry, but you get what I mean."

   George nods, looking down at me. I smile up at him, snuggling my head into his side. The warmth that radiates off him, and I take his hand in mine, wrapping our fingers around each other. "You know I love you so much, Georgie." A small smile crosses his face for a split second before he turns his head, staring out the window.


   In the Great Hall, I sit close to George, since he's all but decided to give me the silent treatment. I give Fred a pleading look, and he shrugs, knowing his twin is just mopping. My eyes drop as Dumbledore makes an announcement, but I don't listen, too busy with my own thoughts. I feel Fred poke me, so I shake my thoughts away, looking up at the blue uniformed gods and goddesses that just walked through the door. Beauxbatons Academy has the most handsome and gorgeous people I have ever seen, and everyone else seems to think so as well. Even George sat up straighter and stared after the ladies, who flounced and had little birds flew from them.

   "I think you have some drool on your chin, Georgie," I roll my eyes, my voice with more venom laced in it than I thought there would be.

  He wipes his face, running his hands through his hair laughing, "You look at Cedric, I can look at them. It doesn't mean anything right?"

   I look at him, not believing my ears, "Diggory is my friend, George, nothing else. And I don't drool over him because I don't see him as anything other than my friend."

   George shrugs, "Doesn't seem that he sees you as just a friend." With that he turns back towards the girls from Beauxbaton. 

   I sink my nails into my thighs, fighting back tears. I'm suddenly not hungry and not looking forward to the next school who walks in, Durmstrang Institute. They come in, followed by Viktor Krum, and I only know that because I can hear Ron gush over him. I can't focus on anything, because I see George wave at one of those girls. I angrily get up, not caring that Dumbledore was still talking, and I rush out the door, heading to the bathroom.


   After I compose myself, wash off my face, change my hair to a golden brown, and make it so my puffy face goes back to normal, I walk out to a pacing Fred.

   "Y/N! Are you okay? You know my brother can be a bloody fool." He pulls me into a tight hug.

   "You know Diggory means nothing to me right? George means the world to me. And I love him so much." I sob out the last part.

  Fred nuzzles his face into my hair, rubbing my back, "Listen, Y/n, he will get over himself. I promise. He would be stupid not too. Now chin up buttercup, and let's get back to the tower." I smile, letting go of Fred as he leads me back to our common room.


   As Fred and I walk through the passage way, I pass right by a semi-concerned George and run up the stairs to my dorm. Angelina and Alicia are sitting on the floor eating caramel corn and talking of the boys from Beauxbaton and Durmstrang.

   "Hey, Y/n! Want a butterbeer an some snacks?" Angelina holds out a bottle and the bowl.

   I grab the bottle, taking a swig, "I need something with a little kick to it after today."

  Alicia giggles, "Your wish is my command." She pulls out a bottle of firewhiskey and some plastic cups, serving us the drinks.

  After a few cups of firewhiskey, and taking out my record player, the girls and I dance on our beds. Back in Black by AC/DC starts playing and I crumple onto my bed. I yell, "This is George's favorite! He should be here!"

   Angelina yells back, "Get back up! He doesn't know what he's missing!"

   "Take another drinks and let it out girl," Alicia chimes in.

  "I'm going to go find George!" I yell at the girls who are still dancing on their beds.

   It's past midnight, and I sneak down the dormitory stairs. I stumble into the wall and end up tumbling down the last few steps. I close my eyes, expecting to crash onto the stone floor, but strong, lanky arms wrap around me. I smell that familiar scent of cinnamon and smoke fill my head and I smile, "Georgie," I mumble out.

   "Y/n? You smell like firewhiskey?" He carries me, bridal style, to our favorite couch, and sits me onto his lap, keeping his arms wrapped around me.

   I giggle, wrapping my arms around his neck, nuzzling my face into the crook of his neck, "The girls wanted to cheer me up, after how you were lusting after those Beauxbatons girls. And your favorite AC/DC song came on, so I wanted to see you." A hiccup escaped my lips, and we both laughed.

   George stiffens a bit as I kiss his neck nipping at his skin, "You know I only lust after you, Y/n. I was just irritated earlier because Cedric looks and is so much better than I could ever be."

   I stop my attack on his neck. I move so I'm straddling him, and look him deep into his eyes, "George Weasley. You are the only one for me. See this ring, that means you promised to love me and for us to get married one day. I don't plan on letting that go away. Diggory is a really good friend, minus his weird complex of wanting to beat you. But you are my loverman. Only you."

   He seized the back of my neck with a forceful hand and crashed his lips onto mine. I tug his hair, pulling him closer to me. I feel his soft lips part with mine, "I think we need to go to sleep, and you need to brush your teeth."

   He takes me to brush my teeth, helping me walk. Once we are back in the common room, he lays out our usual bed for the thousandth time. We curl up together, the fire crackling lulls me to sleep instantly with the sound of George's heartbeat. His arms wrapped around me, and I drift into a solid sleep, knowing I am protected.

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