Chapter 68

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I lay in bed, facing George's back. I don't sleep. George doesn't either, but we both pretend we do, for the other's sake. Our home is quiet, the shop downstairs has been ran by Ron and Lee for the past week.

I sigh, placing my hand on George's shoulder, "Georgie? Are you awake?"

He groans, rolling over, "Yea."

"We should go and get ready. The funerals are soon," I try to fight back the sorrow that is emulating from my heart.

He pulls the blanket over his head, turning back over. I pat his back and decide to get up. I grab my clothes for the day and head to the bathroom.

The blank space where our mirror was stares at me. I grip the edge of the sink, my head hanging low as I think back to the day we came back here.

I hear glass shatter and rush into our bathroom. George's hand is bloody and the mirror pieces are scattered over the bathroom floor.
"Georgie, what happened?" I pull him out of the maze of glass.
He doesn't look at me, "I want them out."
"What out?" I say as I try to clean up his hand.
Through gritted teeth he says, "The mirrors." He pulls away from me, looking at the mirror in our room. He punches it with his other hand. "All I see is him!"
My jaw drops as I run over to him, wrapping my arms around him as he crumples to the ground. His sobs shaking us both.
I pull him close, whispering in his ear, "I'll get rid of them all. I promise. You can't break them though."
He nods into my chest. I look around at the glass pieces, knowing this is going to be a long recovery for us both.

I groan, getting dressed. The only good thing about today will be that I get to bring Baby L back to our house for a little while to give Andy a break. As I'm washing my face I hear shuffling from the other room, telling me George has decided to get up.

He leans against the doorframe, "I'm ready."

"Okay, just let me just finish washing my face and we can go," I say brushing a finger over his face.

He grunts, pulling away. My heart drops. He's been distant since Fred's death. Neither of us have said out loud how this has effected us. I'm hoping having Baby L here will help. I sigh and head out to leave.


I loop my arm into George's as we walk up the driveway. He stiffens up, but he doesn't pull away. The magnitude of people there makes us stop in our tracks. So many people from all over are gathered to remember Fred, Tonks, and Remus.

The high pitched cry of a baby causes my to turn. I pull George's arm slightly, "Let's go get Teddy, Georgie."

He shakes his head, letting go of my arm, "I'm going to find Mum. I'll see you when it starts."

He doesn't even look at me before he heads off. I sigh, rubbing the back of my neck, but I head over to Andy and Baby L.

Andy smiles slightly as she sees me, "Ah, Y/n! I think he could sense you were here."

I smile, taking Baby L into my arms and snuggling him close. I kiss the top of his brown hair, "Decided to have your daddy's hair today huh, Baby L?"

A little coo escapes his lips as his hand catches my finger. I look up at Andy, my eyes filled with tears, "I'm so sorry, Andy. You have lost so much."

She puts a hand over my shoulder, "All of us have, but to honor those that are no longer with us, we must become stronger. You know as well as me that my daughter wouldn't want us crying over her, but to just have Teddy's best interests at heart."

The tears overflow as I nod, holding Baby L closer. Andy rubs my shoulder, "Let's go find George and sit. It's almost time."

We quickly find George with the rest of the Weasleys. Harry and Hermione sitting with them as well. Harry smiles at me and Baby L. I take my seat by George, who gives Baby L a quick glace before averting his eyes back to the podium.


"Now, Mrs. Y/n Weasley, would you please come and say a few words about the fallen," the official calls me up.

I hand Baby L back to Andy. My heart quickens. I agreed to speak for them, because everyone thought I could get through it. As I stand, George grabs my hand and squeezes it slightly before letting go. My face flushes.

"Fred Weasley, Remus Lupin, and Nyphadora Tonks, were some of my favorite people." I gulp, blinking back the tears. "Freddie has been by my side since I was born, and I have no doubt that even though he is gone from this physical world that he is indeed still with us. The others as well. Freddie would light up any room he was in, just by a joke. His legacy will live on through his twin and the amazing shop they created." I look over at George, who is staring at his hands.

"Professor Lupin was one of the best professors I ever had, even though he hated when I kept calling him professor. He taught me about acceptance and that it's okay to talk to others about how you feel. That you are not a burden to everyone. Tonks was an amazing friend. Her and I both are metamorphmagus' and would always change into silly things. She taught me that even in a war, happiness can be found. Both of them left us Baby L, or Teddy to everyone else. We will tell him of all the amazing things his parents did. These three brave people will never be forgotten. Their tales will be passed off for generations."

I move away, and back to my seat. The claps, forgotten as I take my seat. I wring my hands together. I close my eyes, and I feel a hand cover mine. I open my eyes and see that is George's, and that he is smiling at me. I smile back as he places a quick kiss on my forehead.


Baby L and I lay on the couch, waiting for George to get home. He wanted some time alone at the gravesite.

I hear the door creak open, and his footsteps leading up to the couch. "My Love?" His voice is hushed.

I turn my head to him, "He's asleep, but he should be waking up soon."

He nods, lifting up my feet so he can sit. He rubs my legs, "You won't believe who talked to me after everyone left."

"Who?" I question, trying to think of the people who were there.

"Draco Malfoy," he mutters, "He said he was sorry, and then just left."

"Wow," I exclaim, "Maybe things will change for him now."

Baby L starts to stir, so I sit up. George reaches out, "Here. I'll take him."

I gingerly hand over the baby, letting George coo him back to sleep. "I'm going to go make him a bottle. You can feed him if you like?"

George nods, "You hungry little Teddy? Auntie gonna make you a bottle and Uncle Georgie feed you?"

I smile as I see his face light up, the happiest he has been in a week. Maybe things really will be better between us soon.

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