Chapter 38

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The morning of February 24th, the day of the second task came quickly. I sit with George and Fred, talking about what the items could be that are going to be most precious to each champion.

"Diggory's is going to be his hair gel," I laugh out. I know I shouldn't joke about this, merpeople are intense, and according to the clue Diggory told me, he's going to have to go up against them for his item.

Fred chuckles, "Harry is going to have to get his broom."

George's eyes grow big with surprise as he looks behind me. I spin around, and I'm met with Professor McGonagall. "Good morning Professor!"

Her mouth is in a stern line, which is strange, because she is normally very cheerful with me, minus the times I get in trouble with the Twins. Through pursed lips she says, "Miss. Y/LN, will you please come with me to Dumbledore's office? Now."

"Is something wrong Professor?" George rubs a hand on my back protectively.

"No worries, Mr. Weasley. She will be fine." Her face doesn't show that she believes her words, which leaves my stomach in knots.

I turn to George, rubbing a finger on his cheek, "It's okay Lover man, I'll be back. Save me a seat at the next challenge!"


We walk briskly to the headmaster's office. Silence all the way. Once we get into the office, I see a young blonde, who looks strikingly like Fleur, Ron, and Hermione. The knots in my stomach got tighter, and my face pales. "What is going on Professor?"

"I will let the Headmaster tell you about that," her voice is stern as she briskly turns and heads back down the stairs.

I go over to hug Ron and Hermione, who both looks as confused as I feel. Finally, Dumbledore and Professor Snape enter the circular office through the back door.

Being the oldest in the room, I step up, "What is happening Professor Dumbledore?"

With a grim voice he replies, "Ah, of course, Miss. Y/LN. Always a curious mind. As I am sure you are all well aware, because nothing stays a secret at Hogwarts, the second task is for the champions to find and rescue their most prized or loved possession." He looks at each of our faces before continuing, "You four are their people. Gabrielle for Fleur, Ronald for Harry, Hermione for Viktor, and then you for Cedric."

My head spins at this. Fury running through my veins. I feel myself get hot, "What? You are using us as bait in this game? You are putting four MORE people in danger? This can not be real. Please, Professor Snape tell me he is joking!"

Professor Snape grins at my outburst, "I'm afraid he is not. You will be in no real danger. I have a special potion you will be taking, and I have a very good mind that all of you will be spared."

I gawk at the others, who all look worried. These kids don't deserve this. Hermione barely knows Krum! Gabrielle can't be older than 12! And Ron is a ghostly white. The look on Snape and Dumbledore's faces tell me that nothing is changing this situation.

I walk up to Snape, standing tall, hair as red as fire, "If I die during this, I will come back to haunt you."

A sleek smile spreads across his face, "I'll look forward to it."

The potion tastes disgusting, but within seconds I am drifting off into an enchanted sleep.


"Where do you think she went, Freddie?" George questioned his brother as they started on the boat ride to the stands for the second challenge.

Fred looks around, "Not sure, but she'll meet us. You know she has to cheer on Harry and Cedric."

"That's why I'm worried, she wouldn't miss this." His hand rubs the back of his neck anxiously.

The crowds are roaring, ready for the secrecy of the next task to be told. "Champions, get ready to find your most valued item." The buzzer sounds, and the four champions leap into the water. George can barely focus, as he is still searching the shore line for Y/n. She is no where to be seen. She wouldn't just disappear and he knows this. He pulls his jacket tighter around him, the chill starting to effect him, even with the crowd of people around him.

"Cedric is back with Miss. Y/n!" Is announced over the intercom.

Her crimson hair catches his eye first, and then he sees how Cedric has her wrapped in his arms. His eyes go red, and his skin boils. "I'm leaving."

Fred grabs his brother, spinning him back, "What do you mean? Y/n is probably frozen to near death! We have to go get her towels, hot butterbeer, and everything else!"

George snarls at his brother, "Let Cedric do all that since she's the thing he values most." And with that, he yanks his arm away from his twin, marching off into a boat, and heads back to the shore.


I'm shocked awake by the fresh air from coming out of the water. I gasp for air, not being able to get enough of it. Water rushes around me, I finally see where I am: the Black Lake, a stand of cheering people ahead of me, Diggory's arms around me.

"I got you Y/n, don't worry," he says as we swim to the dock.

Fred reaches for me, pulling me up. A towel is quickly wrapped around me, as people cheer and high five Diggory. "Where's George?" My eyes scan the crowd, but I'm met with everyone, but my Georgie.

Fred holds me close, his smell of vanilla wafts into my nose as I am still trying to catch my breath. Lee throws another towel over my head, rubbing it through my hair to get it dry. I look up at Fred, "Where's George at Fred?" I demand from him.

"He left, once he realized that you were the one Cedric had to save."

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