Chapter 66

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   *March 1998.

   My heart is shriveling up inside of me. Ted has died and today I have to go see one of my best friends in her most vulnerable state. I sit on our bed, still wrapped in the towel, because I don't have the strength to get dressed. I stare out the window.

   "My Love? It's almost time to go," his voice is soft as he sits beside me, rubbing my shoulders. 

  I sniff, wiping away a stray tear, "I know. I'm getting there." 

  George nods, "I'll be out there with Fred if you need me."

  My face falls as he leaves. I knew the War was starting soon. Severus and I have been exchanging letters. I think he feels he still needs to keep me in the loop. The Dark Lord and the other Deatheaters think that Amelia died, of the sickness that Severus told them she still had. He's not wrong though, I will never be Amelia again. 

   I sigh and think back to dinner a few months ago, who knew that would be the last time I would see Ted. His funny personality and caring heart will always be remembered. I get up, putting on a simple black dress with tights, ready to face the day.


   "Y/n," Andy pulls me into a warm embrace, "Thank you for coming."

   "Of course, Andy," I whisper. "The Twins were glad to accompany me."

  She lights up as Fred and George hug her. "You three are always so sweet," her voice cracks at the end.

   Fred holds her tighter, "We'll always be here for you guys."

   I look around, spotting Remus and Tonks. "I'll be right back," I say to George, who kisses my hand before letting me go.

   Tonks locks eyes with me and opens her arm, inviting me in. We stay in that embrace until Remus clears his throat, "Thank you for coming, Y/n."

   "I wouldn't be anywhere else," I mutter, still holding Tonks. "How are you two and Baby L doing?"

   Tonks reluctantly lets go, but keeps an arm around me. She sniffles, "We are doing the best we can. Little one will be here soon though, maybe a few weeks."

  I place my face closer to her belly, "And we will tell you all the best stories of your grandfather, Baby L."

   Remus pats her belly as well, "Only the best."

  Tonks chuckles, "I think they are all the best."

  Andy walks up behind us, "Your father was a great man. We do have some amazing stories about him."

  "Andy!" The familiar voice of Miss Molly comes from the doorway. "I'm so sorry about Ted."

  "Thank you, Molly," she looks around the room, "I should go talk to the others."

  Miss Molly nods, then pulls Tonks and I into her. "My dears! I'm so sorry, Tonks."

  "This just means we have to fight harder to take Voldemort down," she hisses, "I'm going to go with my mum, but thank you so much for coming."

   I squeeze her hand gently before she walks away. "Miss Molly, I miss you. It seems like so long," I lean my head on her shoulder.

   This causes her to chuckle and rub my hair down, "Y/n, sweetheart, you saw me two weeks ago."

  I smile, "I know, but it seems like forever." I rub my arm, sighing.

  She looks down, her lips pursed, "I still can not believe you got that."

  George rolls his eyes, "At least it covers up a terrible part of her history. And got her out of his clutches."

   She pulls me closer, "I'm just glad we are safe."

  Fred murmurs, "For now."

**April 1998.

   George frantically runs around the room, grabbing up all the little toys and blankets that we have accumulated for Teddy. He stops out of breath, his arms full, "They will be here soon, Y/n. Why aren't you cleaning up?"

  I roll my eyes, smirking at his worry, "Teddy is just a few days old, Georgie. He can't even roll over. He'll be in our arms the whole time."

   George's eyes go wide, "Oh, I guess you are right." 

  He puts the blanket and toys back down on the counter. I walk over to him, throwing my arms around his neck. "You know, Georgie, seeing you this worried over our place when they are just visiting really makes me wonder how you will be if we have kids."

  His furrow as he looks at me, "If? You mean when."

  I shrugs my shoulders, folding my arms over my chest, "No, I mean if. The world is scary right now. There's not telling what will happen. I don't want to raise a child in this."

  His hand runs through his hair, "But you are so happy about Teddy. I don't understand?"

  "Well, yeah, Teddy is going to be amazing, and it was Tonks and Remus' choice to be  parents now, but  don't want that for our kids," I try to throw my voice to be as happy as I can, but he knows I'm putting up a front.

  He comes over, placing his hands on my face, "Y/n, you will be a great mum. Also this war will be over eventually, we will be happy, and have our own family." He strokes my face, causing me to smile and release my arms.

   Fred clatters into the room, "And I cannot wait to be Uncle Freddie and teach him, or her, all the tricks and best pranks to pull on you two."

  I roll my eyes, "Freddie you are such a bad influence."

  "Only for you, buttercup," he says winking.

  A knock at the door causes us all to scurry. I fling open the door to the wonderful sight of Remus, Tonks, and Baby L.

  "Look at that hair!" I beam at the bright blue mop wrapped in a blanket. "Well, hurry up and come in! I wanna hold him!"

   The brilliant smile on Tonk's face shows how much Baby L has made her happy. The quiet, comfort on Remus' face shows the same. We all sit as Tonks hands me Baby L.

  "Oh, Baby L, you are perfect," I whisper. I stare at his hair, and move onto his chubby, little face. He looks so much like Remus. I don't notice my eyes swell with happy tears as I lay him on my chest, rocking him gently. "When did his hair turn blue?"

  Remus laughs, "Well, he came out with brown hair, then started crying and it just changed."

  George chuckles, leaning closer to me, "Already like Auntie and Mummy I see."

  Tonks leans into Remus, "He's the best baby. I can't wait to see how he grows up."

  "Can I hold him?" Fred asks meekly. 

  "I've barely had anytime with him!" I protest.

  "We will be here for awhile, and you have the rest of our lives to spend with him, Y/n," Remus rebukes.

  I roll my eyes, reluctantly handing over Baby L, "Fine, but only because you say so, Professor."

  Fred holds his head in one hand, the other supporting his back. His eyes glisten as he takes in Baby L's features. "He's really great you two. You guys did an amazing job." We all smile, staring at how loving and caring Fred is with him. He puts his mouth close to Baby L's ear, "And one day, you'll be able to work in the shop with us."

  I laugh, "He'll always have a job here! And the best family around!"

  "Okay, Freddie, it's my turn," George reaches out and takes Baby L from his twin's arms.

  My heart swells at how perfectly he fits in George's arms. The fascination on his face as he watches Baby L sleep makes me yearn for that to be us, for our own baby. I can't help my smile at the two of them. George whispers to Baby L about our family and his father. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Tonks wink at me, and the slight smile on Remus' face.

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