Chapter 30

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   "Well my dear Y/N, I will be seeing you, " Diggory says as he takes my hand and kisses it. "Keep her safe Weasley."

   I have to hold George back from going after him. "Georgie, come on," I say rolling my eyes and pulling him in the direction his dad was going.

   How Mr. Arthur knew exactly where our tent was is beyond my comprehension, but we zigged and zagged through the thousands of tents, until he stopped outside ours. Walking into the tiny tent, it expands into a multiroom getaway. Different colored drapes sectioned off the rooms. Hermione, Ginny, and I were to share a room, much to George's dismay. The boys in the other, and one for Mr. Arthur. The main area had a table, chairs, and a few comfy couches.

   "Get your things out and let's relax before the game," Mr. Arthur said as he went to take his bag in his room.

   I yawn and stretch, while looking around before I plop onto a couch. I close my eyes, trying to take a nap after the long morning. The sounds around me becoming too much to block out. Ron is telling Harry all about Viktor Krum and the Bulgarian team, while the Twins are mocking him. Ginny and Hermione are talking about the Holyhead Harpies. I decide to go take a walk, and maybe wake myself up with the sights.

   "Georgie?" I touch his shoulder gently to get his attention. "I'm going for a walk. Care to join me?"

   Fred pushes him into me, laughing, "Of course he will. Have fun love birds and make sure to be back in time for the game."

   George flicks off his twin before clasping his hand into mine, "Let's go love."

   As we walk, many others poke their heads out to say hello, or wave at us. The warm are makes me smile, and look up at George, whose red hair shines bright in the sunshine. I notice how his freckles are even more defined out in the daylight, and I can almost feel myself falling even more in love with him. George is busy looking at everything around us, the tents all have different flags waving and items laying about. Abruptly I run right into a short, younger boy with bleach blonde hair.

   "Hey you filthy mudblood! Watch yourself!" The one and only annoying fourth year, Draco Malfoy.

   George whips his head around, "Don't you DARE call her that you little rat nosed daddy's boy!"

   I grab onto his arms, pushing him back, "It's fine George. Let's just leave him alone to tell his father about this." Draco's face drains of color at that remark, and I laugh loudly as we walk away, George huffing and cursing under his breath.

   "A bloody awful name to call anyone. No one should us that word. Especially not to a witch as powerful as you." George turns me so I am facing him, his hands on my shoulders. "You should have let me punch him, just one good time."

   I place my hands on his cheeks, "You are so chivalrous. My knight with shiny red hair." He blushes at that as he scoops me up and spins us around, kissing my forehead. 

   "Ahh, I was hoping I would find you lovely kiddos," the all too familiar voice of Diggory calls out.

   George rolls his eyes as I whisper into his ear, "Play nice, Georgie." I run up to Diggory and give him another hug, "Diggory, you ruin everything you know that?"

   Letting go, he smirks down at me, "Until your last name changes and I see you wear white, I'll always have some fun."

  George curses out, "I'd do it today if that meant you would stop trying to get with my girlfriend."

   The five thousand watt smile comes out as Diggory swings an arm around George's shoulder, "All in good fun Georgie old boy. I better get back to my father. It's almost game time. See you later, Y/LN."

   I smile, giving him a wave, "Later, Diggory!"

  George grumbles, pulling me close, "I can't stand him."

  "You know I'm probably one of the only girls who isn't fooled by mister perfect Cedric Diggory, and that's the only reason he even puts up with me," I wrap my arm around his waist, burying my head into his side. "In his mind you are his greatest competition, and you have already won the prize."

   George beams, "I love you, Y/n. You always know how to make a boy feel loved." I just giggle, pulling him through the crowd and tents, back to the family tent.


  I wave my green and orange hair around, chanting with the Twins, "IRISH! IRISH! IRISH!" The tent is filled with joyous chanting as Ireland beat Bulgaria. "Poor baby Ronnie's crush lost his game!" Ron whines in the corner about Krum. I dance an twirl with George, until loud screams and blasts are heard. 

   "Grab your things and come on! NOW!" Mr. Arthur shouts. We are all confused, but I quickly grab our bag, and rush out to see what is happening.

   The sky is cast with shadows. People running and trampling over anyone. Shouts of Deatheaters being thrown about. My heart starts to pound, I notice my hair change into a deep black. George grabs my hand and holds it tight as we run, making sure to keep Ginny close. My hand starts to tingle with how tight our hands were wrapped around the others. I look back to see if the others are behind us, but instead, I see the Dark Mark of Voldemort.

   Sweat is dripping down my face as we finally get farther away. I collapse into George's arms, as he rubs my hair. Fred holds onto Ginny tight. We catch our breath, others around us doing the same. Finally Mr. Arthur arrives with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. The feeling of victory from earlier and the high of our team winning completely left and was replaced by the sheer fear and torment of what lies ahead. The only thing I know for certain as I look around at my friends, family, and boyfriend, is that we are in this together.

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