Chapter 12

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   Diggory was waiting outside Gryffindor common room for me the next morning. It may be spring but there was a chill in the air. Or it was just me, for lying about why I was leaving to Fred. I couldn't tell him though, because it would cause him to worry too much over something he couldn't control.

   Taking my trunk Diggory asks, "Y/n, morning. Did you tell your friend why you were leaving?"

   I shake my head no, remembering the letter I got just last week.

         My dear baby girl, I got some terrible news yesterday about your father. He had a fall and we went to the doctor, but we found out he has stage four pancreatic cancer. I wrote to Dumbledore and you will be able to return home early, excused of all classes. I love you honey. Your father loves you. 
                     XOXO Mum
   I start crying on the quidditch pitch, curling the letter up in my fist. Artemis pecking at my knee, I extend a finger to give her a scratch, an empty look on my face.
  Diggory comes running up after his practice is over, "Hey, Y/n! Wait, why are you crying?" He sits besides me, rubbing my upper back.
   "It's my dad, I have to go home." I explained as my tears flowed more freely.

   "It's okay. But you know they will find out eventually," He says as we make our way down to the train.

  I nod again, "But please don't tell them. I can't have them know yet. I need to go and see how my dad is by myself."

   It is Diggory's turn to nod, "Be safe and send me an owl if you want."

   I give him a quick side hug and hop onto the train.

**George and Fred

   George sits in front of his untouched plate, his appearance is not what anyone was use to. His eyes were sunken in, the dark circles show how little sleep he has been getting, and the usual smile that lights up a room has not been seen for awhile.

  "Georgie you have to eat," his twin begs.

   George pushes his plate away, "She just left and didn't tell me? Has she written to you since she left? No, she hasn't talked to any of us!"

   Fred knows his brother's frustration. Y/n hasn't wrote any of them back, he even had Harry and Ron write her. He did see Artemis come in with a letter, but she went to Diggory. He thinks that is why George is in even worse spirits, because he noticed Artemis too. Just as Fred was thinking that, Diggory walks into the Great Hall.

   "I'm going to ask Cedric if he knows," Fred says to George, getting up and marching over to the Hufflepuff table. 

   Cedric Diggory is laughing with his cohorts when an unsurely red head snatches him by the back of the collar. "What is up with Y/n, Cedric? I know she wrote to you because I saw Artemis give you a letter. So fess up pretty boy."

   Cedric turns and sees it is one of the Weasley twins that y/n talked about. He calmly takes the boy's hand off of his collar, and straightens his robes, "She does not want to worry you about anything. And in her time she will tell you. Now are you the victim blaming boyfriend, or the best friend?"

  Fred feels his face go red, who does he think he is to tell him about Y/n. "I'm the best friend and I need to know she is okay." He snarls out of a clenched jaw.

  "She is doing fine, but I do hope you respect her space. Now if you will I want to eat in peace." And with that Cedric turns back to the table, ignoring the look of objection on Fred's face. 

   Fred leaves the table with more questions than answers. He looks at his brother, who is still looking like death. That's when he decides to write his mum, because she always knows what is going on.

**Back to Y/n

   It's been three weeks since I left Hogwarts to return to my house. My dad is going downhill faster than doctors said. Miss Molly has been at the house daily to help my mum and I. Ginny has been a doll to try and keep my mind off things, but it doesn't work sometimes. I've ignored Fred, Harry, and Ron's letters, I only sent Diggory one and that was so he knew I got back safe, and so he wouldn't go and blab my secret. 

   I get out of my thoughts by a knock on the door, "Y/n, sweetie, can I come in?"

  I sigh, "Yes, Miss Molly, of course." I sit up on the bed, pulling my knees to my chest.

  Molly Weasley comes in with nothing but love in her eyes. "Dear, have you wrote the Twins back yet? George sent me another letter, along with Fred's five."

   I hide my face, knowing I can't lie to Miss Molly. "No, I haven't. I just don't want them to worry, and plus, George is still mad at me."

   Miss Molly crinkles her nose and her face is stern, "I know what George did was despicable, and you can bet your tushie both him and Percy will be dealt with once they come home. I just don't want you to have to go through this alone. Your dad means a lot to you, and we know the day is getting closer to him not being here. I just need you to have all your people here."

   I start to feel a tear escape and quickly wipe it away. "I know, I'll tell them soon."

  Miss Molly gives a soft smile and leans in to kiss me on the forehead before going out to start dinner. I slouched back into my bed, knowing she was right. I'm already feeling the lose of the inevitable. Dad is in a coma, and I'm just lucky I got to have one last conversation with him. Mum stays at the hospital all day and night, but the dead line is coming for her to have to make a decision. My birthday, of all days. 

   I decide to get up an write a letter.

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