Chapter 58

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   I rush through the door of the Burrow. I scan the bodies inside before they land on him, "Harry!"  I run into his arms, squeezing him. He holds me back. In the crook of his neck I whisper, "I'm so sorry. I wanted to come and get you, but no one would let me. They said you had to stay with the Muggles."

   He sighed, a small grin playing on his lips, "Y/n, I know you would have came in a heartbeat. I'm sorry we couldn't be there for each other. I'm just glad we are here now."

   I smile, "Have you heard from Remus?"

  He shakes his head, "No, but I think he is with Tonks, at least that's what Mrs. Weasley said."

  I nod, "He just hasn't wanted to speak to me. I think he blames me."

  Harry holds onto my shoulders, "No one blames you. If any one is to blame it's me for being so gullible."

   I grab him into me again, "We can spend all day here crying over who is to blame or just be happy we still have each other."

   The group watches us as we talk, until Bill comes and puts his arm around me. "Y/n, I have someone I'd like you to met."

   I smile up at the oldest Weasley, "Of course big brother."

  He laughs a hearty laugh, "You still are a weird kid." He leads me over to a familiar woman.

  "Fleur?" I question. 

  "Ah, Y/n! It's a pleasure to see you again!"

  I look at Bill as I give her a hug, "What are you doing here?"

  She pulls away as Bill slips his hand into hers. I look at them both, my jaw drops, "Are you two together?"

   Bill laughs, "You always have been the smart one."

   I wrap them both in my arms, "Oh my gosh this is so exciting!"

  Fleur pulls up her hand, showing me a precious diamond, "We are more than just together."

  "Bill! Why did no one tell me?"

  Fleur giggles, "Oh Y/n, I started working at the bank and we met. Well we hit it off very well."

  I can't help but smile, "I'm so happy for you both!"

  Fleur turns to Bill, "At least one of your family is happy for us."

  "What does that mean?" I question her as I hold her arm.

   Bill sighs, "Well, Mum doesn't understand how someone like Fleur could be with someone as low as me. And you know how Ginny acts."

   Fleur looks down, twiddling her ring, "She called me Phlegm." 

   I squeeze her arm, "They just need to get over themselves. They don't know you as a real person."

   She nods, "You are a very good friend. I knew it from how you cheered for Cedric and Harry."

   I gulp as she says Cedric's name, "Diggory was one of my best friends, and Harry is still like a little brother. Don't worry about the others, once they get to know you it will be fine." I give them one more hug and go off the find Harry again.

   George and Fred have already found him. George is holding his shoulder, "-you have to come to the shop."

   "It's only because of you that we could afford to open it," Fred nods.

   "I'd love to guys. I think we are going next week," Harry squirms under their gaze.

   "Guys, I think you are making Harry uncomfortable," I say as I wrap my arm around George's waist.

   "No they aren't. I just don't feel as much like celebrating. I'm sorry."

   "No need to feel sorry. I haven't helped in the shop as much as I would like to."

   Fred sighs, "No one blames either of you. Just come Harry and try to get out of your head. I promise you will find something you want!"

   He nods, "Okay. I'll come with the others next week."


   The day has come where Harry and the others are coming to see the shop for the first time. Fred opened the store early and it is already packed with a bunch of kids who are shopping for their Hogwarts things. I can hear the roar of conversation and amazement from the kitchen.

   Hands wrap around my waist as I turn around, kissing the red head, "You look dashing today."

   George pulls on his jacket, "I do clean up nicely. It's a big day."

   I flatten out his collar, "You always looks handsome to me."

  He kisses my lips before heading out the apartment, "Come down soon. They should be here any minute."

   I sigh, turning back to the sink. I need to go and get dressed as I still have on a short sleeved shirt that shows off my Mark. I go into our closet and grab George's old, but comfy quidditch jumper. I take one last look in the mirror, changing my hair to be purple and orange, the signature colors of the shop.


    "She's just such a Phlegm," Ginny's voice carries over the crowd.

   I excuse myself from the customers I am helping and head over to her, a scowl etched on my face. "Ginny. Nice to see you."

   "Oh Y/n!" She grabs me into a hug, dropping the love potion she was looking at. "I miss you so much!"

   "Who is a Phlegm?"

   "Oh, um, just Bill's girlfriend," she says scratching her neck.

   "You mean Fleur? His fiancé?" I raise an eyebrow at her.

   "Y/n, she's only using her weird Veela power on him. It's not real love." She rolls her eyes, thinking she proved her point.

   "She is way tougher than that. She doesn't need to use any Veela power. They are happy and you should be too. He is your oldest brother, and you will finally have a sister," I hold her shoulders, making sure she looks at me.

   She frowns, "I have you. George and you will be married soon, so it's not like I need another sister."

   I roll my eyes, "Bill loves her. She's been through a lot. Remember the tournament? She deserves to find love just like you." I pull her into a hug, "And I know you have been trying to find someone, just be careful."

   She pulls away as the Twins come up. George wraps an arm around me, "Hello ladies. I don't know why you are looking at love potions, sis. We hear you don't need help at all."

   I smack him and Fred, who is laughing, "Leave her alone. Just because you are jealous you don't have as much game as your little sister." Ginny laughs before walking away.

   "Ah, there's Harry," Fred points across the store at Harry and Ron.

  I scuttle over to them, weaving through the hoard of kids. "Harry! I'm so glad you came!" I hug him before turning to Ron, "You are getting way too tall, Ron!"

   "How much for this?" He holds up a pack of fever fudge.

   "Five Galleons," Fred answers before I can say anything.

   Ron gaps, "But I'm your brother!"

   George shrugs, "Ten Galleons."

   Harry holds up an arm full of things, "How much for all of this, and what Ron wants?"

   I step between him and the twins, "Harry, no you can have whatever you like free of charge."

  "Are you sure?"

  George smirks, "Harry, of course. You helped with this just as much as the three of us."

  "Take what you would like. Show it around school if you want for free advertising for us," Fred claps Harry back.

   I smile, pulling George's arm around me. I smile looking at all the kids enjoying our shop and hearing the chatter around us. The amount of pride swells my heart. I could live this life forever with my fiancé and best friend beside me.

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