Chapter 23

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   Winter had arrived in full force, the white snow blinding us every time we walked outside. I loved the snow, and the cold gave George and I even more of an excuse to be close and cuddly. We were getting ready to head out on a trip to Hogsmeade, but decided to take a little detour to grab Harry. We had a long conversation about what we were about to do for him.

  "Hey Harry!" I said as the Twins grabbed him, pulling him into a corner, "We have something for you!"

  Harry looked at us bewildered. Fred handed him on of our most prized possessions: The Marauder's Map. Harry takes it gingerly in his hands, flipping it over with a look of curiosity. It just looks like bare parchment to the naked eye, until you utter those keys words that bring it to life. I look at George, who looks at Fred, all of us with looks of mischief.

   Harry looks at each of us, "Uhhh, thank you, I think?"

  "Boys, he doesn't have a clue at the greatest thing he is holding in his hands."

   "This is our greatest treasure," Fred starts.

   "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," George points his wand to the paper, making the famous words and footprints fall upon the parchment.

  I smile up at Harry, who has the same look of amazement that we had when we nicked it from Filch's office. "Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, & Prongs are proud to present the Marauder's Map." I say it in the same solemn tone that I always do, always wondering who these mysterious people are.

  "The Marauder's Map?" Harry inquires. "Is that Dumbledore?"

  "In his study."
   "He does that a lot."
   We all finish a sentence together.

   "So this map shows where people are?" Harry smirks, searching the map.

   "Where they are."
   "What their doing."
   "Every minute."
   "Of everyday."
   Our smiles grow as we banter our words back and forth without a pause. 

   "Wow. Where did you get this?" His eyes are so big, staring and flipping pages.

  I smile even bigger, eyes sparkling, "Nicked if from Filch's office, first year!"

   George grabs my waist laughing, "One of our first big things we did together at Hogwarts."

   I lean into his, kissing his chin. "It shows all the secret passages too. We have it memorized by now, so it's time our legacy with it is over. I think the Marauder's would like it to be passed down."

   Freddie nods, "But when you are done don't forget to tap it and say Mischief Managed, or else anyone can read it."

   Harry looks at us again, beaming, "Thanks guys."

   I break from George and give him a hug, whispering in his ear, "Have fun with your friend's Harry, you deserve it." He hugs me back before running off.

    Freddie starts walking towards the others in our year, stopping and looking back at us, "Are you two love birds gonna come today?" George looks down at me, my face red from the cold, asking a silent question. I look up at George, his hat covering his forehead, I pull on him winking. 

   With a chuckle, "Not today Fred, we will see you in a few hours!" Fred laughs, shaking his head at his brother and best friend, before he skips off to Angelina and Oliver.

**The last part of this is a smutty part. I'm having internet troubles so I don't know how much I'll be able to update this week. Also I think after this chapter there is going to be some more heartbreak, so this was a fluffy, nice chapter before the storm! Enjoy! Also remember consent is key to all relationships and so is protection!**

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