Chapter 32

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  I sit with Hermione in the Great Hall, watching as other's put their names in the Goblet of Fire. Of course Diggory entered, with a sultry smirk he came and sat right beside me, flinging an arm over my shoulders.

   "I suspect you will be my personal cheerleader when I get picked as champion?" His voice hopeful.

   I laugh, shaking him arm off, "Diggory, you are one of my best friends, so yes of course."

   Hermione smirks as Viktor Krum walks by after putting his name in. I go to ask her about it, but I'm interrupted by two familiar voices shouting down the hall and breaking in the Great Hall.

   "We figured it out!" Two redheaded lanky boys speed in, brandishing two vials. "We figured out an aging potion so we can enter." Their voices meld together in their excitement.

   George notices Diggory and I, so he comes and sits directly in the middle of us, pushing Diggory in the process. Fred sits between Hermione and I. "It won't work," she states in her all knowing voice. "You guys really think Dumbledore didn't already think that you two, of all people, wouldn't try something?"

   I laugh, because she has a point. "I told you Georgie, I don't want you to try anything. This competition is dangerous, and that's why the age limit is set. So please don't." I kiss the crook of his neck, hoping that will prevent him from trying.

  He gaps under my touch, "Did you give Diggory this talk of it being too dangerous, Y/n?"

   Diggory puts his arm around George's shoulders, "No she didn't, because I'm of age, and don't have to break any rules. Also Y/n knows I can handle it."

   "Digg-," I'm cut off by George jumping up, snarling in Diggory's direction. Fred follows and with a "Bottoms up!" They drink the elixir. The room grows chillingly cold. They jump over the line, wait a few seconds, and the crowd cheers. With a bow they plop their names in to the Goblet and start to walk off.

   A crack is heard as the Goblet glows red, and the Twins are hit with a ball of light. I run over to them, "Georgie! Freddie!" Once by their sides, I can't help but start to laugh. I always knew I would grow old with them, but I never imagined I'd see them all grey so early.

    "We're-" "You're-" "WE'RE OLD!" They scream together. Then they started wrestling because they blamed the other for what happened.

   I look at their long, white, bearded faces, howling with laughter. George's kind, loving eyes stare up at me as I pull him and Fred up. "I'm glad I get to see what I'm in for in the long run with you two. The beard is kind of a turn on." I wink, pulling George in for a kiss.

   Fred laughs then, twirling his beard, "That's true. Georgie, you don't know what Y/n will look like old, but we know we look good." He howls with laugher now.

   Halloween arrives, and tonight the winners get chosen. Diggory, Lee, Fred, George, and I are sitting by the Great Lake, and watching the Beauxbaton ladies and gentlemen. It's amazing how many of them look so good, and are so captivating. 

   "'Ello Cedric," a voice shakes us out of our stupor, "Lovely day isn't it?"

   Cedric peels his eyes from the ladies, "Oh, hi, Cho. Yes very nice fall day."

  Cho Chang turns a bit flush as he looks at her, "Well, I'll see you later. Good luck tonight."

  Once she is out of ear shot, I go slap Diggory on his shoulder, "I think someone has a crush on you dear friend."

   George grabs his shoulder, smirking, "Good! Go after her instead of my girlfriend!"

   Diggory grabs both of George's shoulders, "I'd have to be 6 feet under to not try and get your girlfriend."

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