Chapter 42

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   A dark cloud came in that night on Hogwarts that filled the souls of everyone around. Cedric Diggory died with honor, fighting the infamous Lord Voldemort. A deatheater, disguised as a teacher, is part of the reason to blame for his death. He was only a boy, with so much of his life left to live. His celebration is today, and everyone is gathering in the Great Hall.

   I sit on the edge of my bed, all my belongings packed, and a dread in my stomach. I bite on my knuckle, willing the empty pit in my stomach to go away. Artemis sits on the window sill, hooting softly, as if to say it's time. Almost mechanically, I get up and walk down the stairs. George waiting at the bottom with Fred.

   He takes me into his arms, "It's going to be a tough day. If you don't want to talk everyone will understand." I swallow the bile that has risen up, nodding my head as I feel his fingers softly go through my black hair.


    Dumbledore stands at the podium, "Now we have Miss Y/LN here to say a few words."

   I step up as the whispers about my eyes, devoid of color, can be heard. I clear my throat before proceeding, "Hello everyone. Mrs. Diggory has asked me to say a few words about-" I pause looking up to fight back the tears, "-about Diggory." I stop, feeling myself start to shake. "He was one of the kindest young men to walk these halls. And he was my-" I wipe the tears that I feel falling, my voice breaking, "-best friend. He did not deserve this. We do not deserve to live without him. He was just a boy." My tears flow freely now, I crumble up the paper I held. "Cedric Diggory was my best friend, and his life meant something, and will continue to mean something even after he is gone." I walk away and sit next to Cho. Her face lifts in a quick smile, but it doesn't reach her sunken in eyes. 

    The crowd applause, but I don't listen, and I don't listen to Dumbledore. I'm not sure how, but I'm back in the Gryffindor Common Room. George's arm wrapped around me, "You did great up there my love."

   I nod again before abruptly getting up. "I'm going to get my trunk and Artemis so we can leave."


   George swiftly gets up at the shrieks coming out of Y/n's mouth. Her eyes closed. Her fists balled up. "Y/n! Y/n!" George exclaims as he shakes her roughly, "Wake up!"

   She bolts up curling her knees into her body and shaking viciously. George sweeps her into his arms, carrying her to his bed. She doesn't resist. Her body is rigid in his arms. "It's okay my love. I have you. It's okay." He peppers her forehead with kisses, rubbing her back.

   Her breathing is still sporadic. He can feel her tense under his touch. He leans his head back, making sure to keep her in his grasps. He isn't sure when, but he falls back to sleep with her in his arms.


    I can't go back to sleep, even when I feel George's rhythmic breathing start. The nightmares are worse. It's been two weeks since Diggory was murdered. Two weeks since being back at the Burrow. Two weeks of barely eating and my family worrying about me. I can hear the whispers.

"Her eyes are black again."
"She won't even eat a bite of anything."
"She doesn't get out of bed."
"When was the last time she showered?"
"We have to give her time to process this, just like when her dad passed."
"She ended up obliviating her mum after that!"
"She just blows up at us when we try to get her up."
"What if she just leaves?"
"She'll be better once we go to help Sirius and she talks to Remus, he always helped her."

   They think I can't hear them, but I did. I see the look of hurt and pity that is plastered on their faces. Me being here is making things worse for them and I'm not going to make it worse on anyone else. I stare without blinking at the window. The black sky calling for me.

   Without anymore thought, I slip out of the room with a small bag. Hastily, I write a short note. I go to Artemis, "Hey pretty girl," I whisper, "I need you to stay here. I need to go for awhile alone. Georgie will be here for you. He'll take care of you, and you take care of him." Her hoots assure me she understands. And with that I go into the night.


   He awakes in the morning to an empty bed, scanning his room frantically for Y/n. He throws a pillow at his sleeping twin, "Freddie! Did Y/n wake you up to tell you where she went?"

   "Huh? Whatdoyoumean?" Fred's words slurs together.

   George huffs, ignoring his brother and rushing down the stairs. "Mum? Have you seen Y/n?"

   Miss Molly looks back at him, her face sober, "There's a note on the table dear. It is to all of us."

   George grabs the note. It reads in scratchy handwriting:
       To my family. I need to be alone. Please don't look for me. I love you all. Y/n

   George backs up into the wall, sliding down it. The letter gripped tightly in his hand and the tears escaping. He presses his knuckles into his eyes, willing the throbbing of his head to stop. He stays there as he hears a tapping at the window.

   "Oh, Artemis dear. Hello," Miss Molly opens the window to let the elegant owl in. 

   Her soft hooting sounds sad, as she makes her way to George. She nudges at his hand causing him to look down at the owl, who normally would bite him and draw blood. She looks at him, her  big eyes more intense than usual and full of sadness. He scratches under her chin, a feat normally only conquered by Y/n and Cedric. 

   His voice is hollow, "She left you too?" A hoot could be heard in response as he gathers Artemis into his arms, "It's okay. We have each other." The owl and the boy sit in silence, not even moving as the other family members come down.

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