Chapter 21

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The start of our fifth year is eerie. Dementors are everywhere, all because of Sirius Black. The cold mist that follows the Dementors is haunting. They bring down everyone's mood, also because a serial killer is on the loose, we are all on edge. The new professor is the only good thing about this school year so far. He is mysterious, but handsome. Defense against the dark arts has always been one of my favorite classes, but even more so now. The classroom today was set up with a wardrobe up front, and all the tables and chairs pushed to one side. I stand in between George and Fred, waiting on instructions from Professor Lupin.

"Today's class will test your fears," Lupin starts, looking around the room, "We will be dealing with a Boggart today." As he says this the wardrobe shakes violently. I grab onto George's hand and arm. "Does anyone know what a Boggart looks like?"

My hand goes up, "No one really knows professor."

Professor Lupin smiles, "Ah very good, Y/n! And why is that?"

"A Boggart takes the form of what the person is most afraid of. So the true form has never been revealed." I say matter of fact, because I had just read about creatures over the summer.

"You are right again Miss Y/n! Now everyone line up, and let's begin!" We all line up, Fred and George in front of me. "Now the spell to conquer a Boggart is Riddikulous, and think of something funny while you say it to combat what comes out!"

First up is Angelina. The Boggart comes out as a clown, "Riddikulous!" It immediately turns into a unicorn on a tricycle. Alicia's turns into a giant shark, which she in turn makes into a balloon animal. The line keeps going, until it's Freddie's turn. He steps up, wand at the ready, and it quickly changes into an empty store, with no one around. He takes a great breath and yells out, "Riddikulous!" The shop turns into bright lights, with fireworks around it.

Fred smiles, and George slaps his back. Unsurprisingly, George's Boggart is the same, and when he yells out the spell the building turns into a rocket ship that takes off. I smile and rub his back, knowing that they both want a successful joke shop, so of course their biggest fear is it not working out. I know it's irrational though, they are going to do great things once we are done with Hogwarts.

I gulp and step up. The Boggart quivered before turning into George and Fred. I don't do anything, shocked. I'm not afraid of George, I love him and Fred is my best friend. The class goes silent as "George" walks up to me. I'm frozen. Then it speaks, "Y/n, I could never love a monster like you. You are nothing. I can't stand you. My family is only nice to you because they pity you, and you deserve what Percy did to you." The Fred version replies, "You are nothing compared to my brother. You should have never seduced him. He deserves better than a monster like you." My eyes swell. I can't move. I can feel myself shaking.

Suddenly, the real George grabs me back as the Boggart gets inches away from me. The real Fred jumps in and yells out the spell as I collapse into George's arms, tears falling freely now. The whole class is staring at me, while George rubs my head, whispering how it was over, and it was all a lie; how he will always love me. I whimper, nodding, wiping my tears.

Professor Lupin walks over, bending down, "Okay class dismissed. Please come with me Miss Y/n."

I take his extended hand, letting George know it is okay, but he follows us into Lupin's office. Fred is not far behind. A chocolate bar is given to each of us. "Now, Y/n. Boggarts feed off of what is in your mind. It may be buried deep in there, but it does not mean any of it is the truth. I won't make you deal with it again, especially with what was said."

"It was nothing Professor. I'm sorry I ruined class." I look down, breaking off a piece of chocolate.

Professor Lupin looks at both the Twins. They look back at him with worried eyes. "You did no such thing. I don't think I would be able to ward it off if it was someone I cared deeply for saying awful things to me. I just want you to know, you are more than welcome to come talk to me anytime."

I nod, still not looking up at any of them, "Thank you Professor."

Lupin stands, motioning to the door, "You three are free to go."

We leave the room silently. George holds onto one of my arms, and Fred links arms with my other. I'm still zoned out, barely listening to their light hearted conversation. I don't notice George's worried expression, or the tense stare Fred is giving me. Luckily, we have a break and they lead me up to the Gryffindor Common room.


Sitting on the couch, my head is rested in George's lap, carelessly rubbing circles on his thigh. His fingers twist my hair around, the sound of his breathing bringing me comfort. Fred paces back and forth, before he sits down in front of the couch facing me.

I look into his green, golden eyes. He stares back intently, "Y/n, you have to talk to us. That clearly hurt you, and you know George would never say that to you. And you know I never would either. We love you. Our family loves you."

George shifts, forcing me to sit up. I pull my knees to my chest and rest my chin on them. "You both mean so much to me. I don't know where I would be without you or your family. I guess deep down I really am scared of loosing you all."

George holds onto me, his forehead on mine, "Y/n Y/Ln. You listen here. I, George Weasley, will never stop loving you. I will never leave you. I'm sorry about today, but that means nothing to me. You will always be mine, and I yours."

As he kisses me on the lips, Fred perks up, "And I will personally bludger him if he so much as harms you in anyway."

I pull apart from George and smile, "Oh Freddie! I know you will." We all laugh, happy that it was just a Boggart and not real life.

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