Chapter 48

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   I'm hand in hand with my boyfriend, my best friend on my side, and a Skiving Snackbox in my arm. This is our last year of Hogwarts and I'm ready for it to go off with a bang! I need some normal now after the whirlwind of summer. And after this year we get to finally open our joke shop.

   "Oh, Y/n, sweetheart! I'm so proud of you for becoming Head Girl! I hope you know that means you have to keep these two in check for the last year," Miss Molly gushes.

   The Twins laugh. I squeeze her tight, "I love you, Miss Molly! I'll try my best!"

   Mr. Arthur pulls me aside, leaning into my ear, "I want a full report before you go to any meetings. I talked to Severus, and he said there shouldn't be too much this year for you, as He is keeping His trusted ones closer. And Severus will escort you himself to any meeting you have to go too. I still need to know if you feel anything."

   I wrap my open arm around him, "I will let you know Mr. Arthur."

   He nods as we walk back to our family. George grabs my arm again, "Let's go my Love. It's the last year and I'm dying to try these out on some first years!"

   I kiss his cheek as we climb up on the Hogwarts Express for the last time to head to Hogwarts. We clamor into an empty compartment, setting down our newest inventions. "Listen boys, I have to go and see how the new first years are settling in, and since I can't be seen giving them any of these," I say pointing to the Snackboxes, "so you are going to have to wait till we actually get to school to try them out."

   Fred groans, rolling his eyes, " It just doesn't seem fair. You can't be Head Girl and a Deatheater."

   George punches Fred in the gut, who doubles over in pain. He growls, "Don't you dare bring that up."

   I slump on the compartment door, my hand instinctively pulls my sleeve lower on my already covered arm. I sigh, not able to look at either of them, "It's alright, Georgie. He doesn't mean it."

   Fred moans, "It was just a bit of a jab. We do this all the time."

   George's hands turn into tight fists, his eyes narrow, "We will never joke about this. Ever."

   Fred nods, still rubbing his stomach. I grab onto George's wrists, pulling his hands to my face. He looks down at me, relaxing, and kissing my forehead. "You eyes look beautiful today," he mumbles looking deep into my periwinkle eyes.

   I giggle, "I'm just glad I can change them now. All thanks to you and Freddie."

   George holds me close, pressing his lips to my hair, "I'm so glad, Love. So glad."

   I just got back from a meeting with Severus, still as Amelia. Once Snape and I enter Grimmauld Place, the Weasley's greet me. I change back into my normal self in the arms of George, who is always waiting for me with open arms.
   "How was it today, Love?" He questions with concern.
   I just shake my head, not able to tell him anything.
   Snape interjects, "Y/n had to witness more Deatheaters coming to His aid, but she is fine. You know she can't tell you anything specific."
   George's eyes become fire, "She is obviously not fine Snape."
   "George! Go up to your room now. Y/n, I'll be there soon with some dinner," Miss Molly proclaims.
   I fall down face first into George's bed and I feel a hand rubbing my back. Fred mumbles, "Y/n, you shouldn't have to go. This is crazy. You are just a kid."
   I turn over, throwing my arm over my eyes, "Let's just talk about something else please."
   Fred perks up, "Try this. We've been trying to get it right and I think we finally have it!"
   I sit up, holding my hand out as Fred places a small piece of what looks like candy in my hand. "What is this?"
   George laughs, "Try the purple side first."
   I pop the purple side in my mouth. A retching feeling settles in my stomach as I swallow it. Fred shoves a trash can under my mouth as I start to vomit. The Twins laugh hysterically as I continue to puke.
   Still laughing Fred can barely get out the words, "Now eat the other side!"
   I quickly get the other piece and eat it. The symptoms going completely away. "What the heck you guys?"
  "Puking Pastilles," they say together proudly.
   "This would be amazing! What else do you have?"
    As they show me the new things they have made over the summer, I feel all the nerves and worries leave my body. This is the most normal I have felt since before Diggory died. I look at them in awe, not knowing how they don't get the recognition they deserve by the rest of the family. My heart swells with love.
   Fred finally looks up from me, "Wait, Y/n, look at me!"
   I look at him shocked by the look he is giving me.
   "Your eyes! They aren't black, they are green!"
   I quickly look in the mirror, and I change them from green, to every color I can think of, just to see them change.


   "Miss Y/LN! Are you not Head Girl of Gryffindor?"

   "Yes, Professor. I-"

   "And are you not responsible for being an example to the younger students and your peers?"

   "Yes, Ma'am, but-" I start to state my case.

"And did you not give Professor Umbridge a candy that the Weasley boys made to make her puke?"

"Well, technically yes, but I-"

   "Stop. Have a biscuit, Y/n." Professor McGonagall pushes the biscuit tin towards me.

   I stare in disbelief, "But Professor, are you not mad?"

   Professor McGonagall smirks, "Miss Y/n, I don't agree fully with your actions, especially as Head Girl, but I also have to say I understand you. This is not to leave this room. No punishment, but I will take ten points from Gryffindor. Have a good day."

   I stand, "Thank you, Professor."

   I'm jumped right as I step out of the door. Lee, Fred, and George all start asking questions, leaving little time to answer.

   I hold my hands up, "Boys, stop." I lower my voice, "Let's get back to the common room."


   We all sit in a corner of the common room, huddled together. I whisper, "I didn't get in trouble. McGonagall just gave me a biscuit and took ten points!"

   Lee scoffs, "She takes more away from me when I commentate on the games!"

   "It makes sense. She hates Umbridge just as much as we do," Fred intervenes.

   George continues, "You do see how McGonagall looks at her whenever she talks at the teachers table?"

   "So much distaste on her face," I chuckle.

   George leans into me, resting his head on my shoulder. "I'm so proud of you though, Y/n."

   I feel my face flush as I brush a hand through my hair, "She shouldn't have those terrible quills. You guys didn't even do anything wrong and she had you do that. No. None of these kids deserve to have their lines written on their skin. I won't tolerate it."

   Fred wraps an arm around George and I, chuckling, "At least we know the Puking Pastilles work."

   "Did you see her face after she ate it? I can't believe she wasn't suspicious of you giving her candy in the middle of class," Lee laughed.

   I kick at him gleefully, "In my defense, I did give her the antidote piece after an hour."

   We all laugh ignoring the stares from the other Gryffindors. We have to be careful now a days. None of us know who really is on our side or that terrible woman's side. She is a terrible teacher, and is absolutely in love with Minister Fudge. I'm having a hard enough time not getting in trouble with her, and I'm top of my class.

   "Hey," a voice whisper behind me, "Harry and I are starting something. Meet up in Hogsmeade tomorrow."

   I look back to see Hermione. "Hey! What do you mean?"

   Her eyes dart back and forth as she grips her books tighter, "We aren't learning anything from Umbridge. We need to take matters into our own hands."

   Her determination is intriguing. I nod, looking at each of the guys, "We'll be there Hermione."

  She walks away to where Neville, Dean, and Seamus are. I turn back to the guys, "What do you think they have in mind?"

   George cracks a smile, "Knowing my brother and his friends, Harry will probably be teaching us something."

    Lee smirks, "Neville would be a better teacher than Umbridge any day."

   I squeeze George's hand as they keep going about Umbridge. The Mark on my arm burning.

A/N: I'm back! Thank you so much for letting me have that break!

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