Chapter 26

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   I sit in potions class, doodling on my parchment. My head is full of Percy's face. He is all I think about anymore, and I don't even mind. My grades have been less than par during class, but he helps me with homework. We spend all our time together. He is even nice enough to walk me to class, also he waits for me outside after. I stare up at the flickering candle on the wall, a goofy, love struck grin formed on my face, thoughts of Percy's pointed nose and jaw filling my head even more.

   A quick slap to the back of my head brings me out of my stupor. "Miss Y/LN, can you please join us this afternoon?" the monotone voice of Professor Snape asked.

   I shake out my head, "Sorry Professor. I was just thinking about Percy."

   His mouth gaps open and he stutters out, "Miss Y/LN, do not bring your personal life into potions class. You are a top student of mine. I would hate to see that change anymore than it has."

   I nod, returning to my notes, but only being able to draw little hearts in the corner. PW written inside. Fred looks over my shoulder, then back at George, who is sitting in the back of the room, as far away from me as he can. Percy said he is just jealous I chose him and not George, but I don't remember choosing anyone. I feel that weird sick feeling again, so I eat a chocolate that Percy says will help.

   Fred pokes me, whispering, "Why do you keep eating chocolate? You don't normally like just chocolate, Miss Pumpkin Pastie bloke." His eyes narrow as I finish swallowing.

   I shrug, "I've been getting sick sometimes, and Percy says it will help. It seems like it does, so I just eat one when I'm sick."

   "Can I have one?" He sounds earnest.

   "Percy said I can't give it to anyone." I look down, wringing my hands together. I do always share with the Twins, and maybe Fred will want to spend time together again with George.

   "Y/n," he says placing a hand on mine, "we share everything, please. I really want to try it if it is so good!"

   I look at his face, his eyes big and round. I decide it can't hurt, and as long as I don't tell Percy... I pull out a chocolate, handing it to him, "Just don't tell Percy, promise?"

   Fred pops it into his mouth, "Promise."

*George and Fred

   After the conversation with Cedric, the Twins and Lee devised a plan to figure out if it was true. Fred getting the piece of chocolate was the beginning. He had pretended to eat it in front of Y/n, but slipped it into his pocket. The rest of potions class was him bouncing his leg impatiently. Once Snape dismissed the class he said a quick goodbye to Y/n, and practically ran to George, who was moving at a snails pace.

   Y/n stops by the table, takes a quick look at the Twins, but is stopped from doing or saying anything else by Percy calling her name. She gives a slight wave before trotting off.

   George growls, "I can't believe him. I'm going to murder him."

   Fred holds his brother back, "Look what I have." He pulls out the chocolate piece and his Twin's eyes go big.

   "Let's find Lee and get to work." George throws his bag over his shoulder, a little more pep in his step.

**George and Fred

   The three young men are in the library, a place they rarely visit, the table in front of them littered with books. They had been reading everything they could think of that deals with potions, love potions to be exact, for hours, even missing dinner.

   George slams a book shut, "This is bloody impossible. We need someone bigger than us for this." He rubs his eyes with his knuckles, exhaustion hitting him again.

   Lee rubs his hands together, a look of determination on his face, "Let's ask Snape." The Twins' heads shoot into his direction, a look of confusion plastered on them. "Y/n is one of his favorite students right?" They nod, still not getting where he is coming from. "Well, he has thought something is up with her the past two weeks of her being with Percy right? So he would want to help her, especially if she is being drugged. Also, Percy has to be getting the ingredients from somewhere, and where does Hogwarts have the most potions?"

   "Snape." George and Fred answer together, high fiving. "Let's try it out."

*George and Fred

   Snape looks at the three students in front of him. He's bewildered by the accusation they are spitting out. "Mr. Jordan, are you telling me that Head Boy Percy Weasley is stealing Amortentia ingredients and using them on Miss Y/LN?"

   Lee looks at George and Fred, nodding, "Yes sir. Y/n has been acting very strange. I know you have noticed she rarely concentrates, and how she never changes her hair, or the glossiness of her eyes. We just need proof."

   Snape places a slender finger on the desk in front of Lee, "And how to you expect to get proof?"

   Fred pulls out the chocolate, "She has been eating these whenever she feels sick, because Percy says it will help."

   Snape looks at it, before slowly taking it. George stares hopelessly up at Snape, "Please Professor. Y/n needs to get out of this if she is being drugged. Please just look for us."

   His droned out voice seemed like music to George's eyes when Snape said, "I'll look into it, but ten points from Gryffindor for rudely barging in here."


   Y/n is a bright student, amazing in potions, but Snape had to be honest, she had changed. He has to admit as well that her normal bubbly personality all revolves around the sharp nosed Weasley. He gets to work on the chocolate, trying to figure out if anything is remotely wrong with it.

   Snape also has been running out of some of the key ingredients to make this silly love potion. It is a terrible thing to make, and only the lowest of people would use it. Snape recalls the fact that Voldemort's mother used it on his father, and look how that ended up.

   After a longer time than he would like, he finally has the answer. The chocolate piece that Miss Y/LN has been eating during class, and apparently every hour, is indeed Amortentia. He decides to take his findings directly to the Headmaster first.

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