Chapter 71

396 11 2

*August 2004

   I sit on the bathroom floor of Hermione's apartment, waiting. The stick on the counter and timer in Hermione's hand. My head rolls back and a sigh escapes my lips.

   I feel Hermione's hand clasp mine, "It's okay. I'm sure it will be positive this time."

  "Every month it has been negative and George's face just makes me sad at how unhappy he is. That's why I couldn't do this one with him, not until I know for sure," I try and smile.

   Hermione purses her lips, "Didn't you say you've been nauseous though? That's new this month."

   I grunt, "Yea, but still-" I'm interrupted by the timer. 

   We both jump up. I flip over the test, expecting the worse. The big plus sign stares me in the face. Hermione looks over my shoulder and starts grabbing and shaking my shoulders, screeching in my ear.

   I'm frozen, but a smile spreads across my face. I grab the test and run out the door, calling behind me, "I have to go tell George!"


   I sprint up the stairs to our apartment to find George, with company, in our home. I double over, out of breath, "Hey Harry, Ginny!"

   I watch baby James lay on the floor and try to roll over as Teddy sits besides him. I realize what I'm holding and quickly put it in my pocket. I go over to hug everyone.

   George wraps his arm around me, "Andy needed to go grocery shopping, so she dropped off Teddy with me, since I told her you would be back soon." 

   Ginny grabs me into another hug, whispering in my ear, "I saw that."

  I grasp her clothes in my hand. I feel my heart rate speed up. She lets go, smiling. I gulp, "What are you guys doing here anyway?"

   Harry smiles, "We figured James wanted to see his Auntie and Uncle, so we just wanted to stop by for a bit."

   George grins, "I told them you were out with Hermione having tea, but I made us some more if you want some."

   I reach up and kiss his cheek, "Thanks, Georgie."

   My palms are sweating as I go over to Teddy and James. "Hey Baby L, how's James doing today?"

   Teddy grins up at me, "Auntie, I'm not a baby anymore! James is squishy and wiggly. I love babies. When are you and Unc having a baby? I need one I can see all the time."

   I feel the blood rush to my face, "I'm not sure buddy. Soon hopefully!"

  I look back at George, the frown clearly visible. Both of them want a baby so bad, but I can't tell either of them right now. Instead, I go to our room and hide the test in my sock drawer, then head back out to enjoy the company.


   A couple hours later, and many sneaky winks from Ginny, they decide it's time to leave. I reluctantly give back Baby James to Ginny, who leans into my ear, "Let me know how it goes."

   I smile back, "We love you guys! Thank you for stopping by!"

   George lifts Teddy up, "Gran should be back soon buddy. Anything you want to do?"

  Teddy yawns, "I wanna watch Beauty and the Beast!"

  I smile, "Of course you do, Teddy Bear."


   "Thank you both for watching him," Andy says, holding onto the sleepy boy.

  George beams, rubbing his back, "He is welcome anytime!"

  I go to hug Andy, "Tomorrow I'm going to come over for tea. I have something exciting to tell you."

  Her eyes go wide as she looks back and forth from me to George, "Of course. I'll see you tomorrow!"

   George closes the door behind them, turning to me and wrapping me in his arms. He kisses my forehead, "Now, what does my Love want to do?"

   I smile, feeling the butterflies return. I smile meekly, "I actually have to tell you something. Hold on."

   I wiggle out of his arms and head to the bedroom. My hands shake as I open the drawer and take out the test. I hold it in one hand behind my back.

   "Close you eyes and hold out your hands," I call to the other room.

  "Okay!" I hear back.

  I peak around the door frame and see his hands out, eyes closed. My legs feel like jello as I walk up to him and place the test in his hands. I breath out, "Open your eyes."

   He opens them, looking down at the stick. He holds it up, and his eyes go wide. I can see his mind working in over drive. After what seemed like forever, but in reality was only a few moments, his mouth went wide and he threw the test up. He grabbed me, pulling me up so my legs wrapped around him. He spun us around yelling, "We're gonna have a baby!!!"

   I can't help but giggle at his excitement. He finally puts me down, but doesn't unlock his arms from around me. He peppers my face with sweet kisses, "When did you find out?"

   I look down, "This morning at Hermione's and Ron's place. I didn't want you to be disappointed again so I did it by myself, just in case."

   George rubs a hand through my hair, "Oh, Y/n. Baby! You didn't have to do that. I love you and we finally get to have a family of our own. I am so excited."

   I smile, pulling him down onto the couch, throwing my legs over him, "I guess we need to make the other room a nursery." 

   George glances over at the room that held two of his brothers at one point. A sigh escapes his lips, "I think it's time. We can make it into something amazing for this little one."

   I rub his hand with my thumb, "Fred would be so excited. You know that?"

   He wipes a stray tear, "He really would. He would probably say he needed to share a room with the baby."

  "Oh geez! He definitely would!" I laugh. 

  We sit in silence, holding hands. George throws an arm over his face, covering the tears that are falling. I move over to him, laying my head on his chest. He sniffles, "I'm just so happy, Y/n. I'm so so happy."

   I nod into his chest, letting my own silent tears fall, "Me too, Georgie."

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