Chapter 59

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   "Miss Amelia?" The small voice sounds behind me.

   I turn away from my conversation with Crabbe to see the tall, structured boy with white hair and grey eyes. "Yes, Draco?" I say as I nod my way out of Crabbe's gaze.

   "My mother said I could talk to you," his voice is low, and his eyes soft.

   "Of course," I smile, leading him into the drawing room.

   We sit down, facing each other. He sighs before beginning, "Miss Amelia, do you ever feel like you don't want to be here?"

   I squirm in my set, could this be a test for me. I look around the room, then settle on Draco, "Firstly, Draco I am not that much older than you, so Amelia will be fine. Second, the Dark Lord has a plan for us all. It may not seem like the best plan for you know, but it will all work out in the end. Why do you ask?"

   He twists his hands in his lap, "I just don't think I can do what he asks me. People at Hogwarts are getting suspicious since I keep coming home on the weekends for these meetings, and disappearing. I just don't know how to deal with this." He looks up at my with pleading eyes, "Please, Amelia, can you tell me why you decided to become one of them?"

   I bite my lip, racking my brain for a good answer that won't give me away. All I want to do is hug this boy, who looks so in need of someone to pour his heart out too, but I can't. I sigh, "Draco, this is for the greater good of our world. That is why I have joined, for the greater good and for the sake of our future.  This is what I knew I needed to do. You will see that in the end as well."

   I look at his hand covering up his Mark. Mine is always in full sight on meeting days. That's the other thing that is ridiculous about Deatheaters. The women are looked to for showing off their Marks, but the men can easily cover theirs up with suits. I grin thinking about the absurdity. 

   Draco looks at me, "Uh, Amelia? Why are you smiling?"

   I shake my head, "Sorry, I'm just thinking about how it will be once this whole thing is over and the right people win."

   "Yes, it will be nice once this is over with," Draco doesn't seem to realize what my words really mean.

   I get up, straightening my dress, "I must be going now. It's getting late." He doesn't say anything as I leave the room.


   I open the door to the joke shop, and creep up the stairs. I'm exhausted from the meeting, staying in another form for too long always takes it out of me. The smell of cinnamon and vanilla hit my nose before I walk into our bed room.

   George's voice carries from the bathroom, "Y/n, I'm in here." 

  I slip off my jacket and throw it on the desk chair, making my way to the bathroom.

  The sight before me takes my breath away. Candles are lit, flower petals are spread about, and George is sitting beside our tub that is filled with bubbles and hot water. I gasp, "What is this for?"

   George smirks, "Well," he gets up, unzipping my dress, "I figured you would need something relaxing after how many meetings have been happening, and so I did this for you."

   After taking off the rest of my clothes, he helps me into the warm bath. I relax into it, dunking my head under. "This is amazing, Georgie." I lean my head on the side of the tub, watching him. "Thank you for this."

   He kisses my head, "Happy anniversary, my Love."

   I shoot up, "Wait what?"

  He chuckles, "It's okay, we have both been busy. I wouldn't have realized if mum hadn't have asked us about Christmas dinner tomorrow." 

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