Chapter 62

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    Fred knocks on our door before entering. George had left after he realized we were not going back to sleep and I've stayed in bed. The bed sinks down as he sits on the edge.

   "Y/n, it's time to go to Mum and Dad's," his hand rubs my back, his voice soft.

   I pull away slightly, but get up favoring my arm. I look down and see it has bled through, "Freddie, I'm such a screw up. I've ruined everything."

   He strides over to me and starts to unwrap my arm, already having the supplies to rewrap it. He sighs, a slight grimace on his face, "Y/n, you are definitely not a screw up. Have you met George and I? We are the title holders of screw ups in the Weasley family!"

   I look into his eyes, the eyes so similar to his Twin's, but yet so different in pattern. I mumble, "I don't think that is the same."

   He finishes up bandaging me and helps me into a different pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. He gives me a once over and smiles, "Let's go."

   "What about the shop?"

   "Lee is taking care of it today for us." And with that he aparated us to the doorstep of the Burrow.

   I look around the familiar yard, and down the slope to my childhood home. The chimney is going and the black smoke can be seen clearly.  I decided awhile ago to rent it out to other young witches and wizards who may need boarding. Mr. Arthur checks on them for me, and we've had no problems. I smile, knowing that at least something is right with me.

   Fred pushes open the door, ushering me in. The sight before me makes my jaw drop. The whole Weasley family is there, minus Percy, plus Hermione, Fleur, Remus, and Tonks. Each of them had a bright smile on their face and a piece of paper in their hand. My favorite flowers are settled all over. The enticing smell of cinnamon and vanilla fill my senses.

   I look around in wonder, turning on Fred, and searching for George, "What is going on?"

   Fred doesn't speak, but pulls me into the center of the room and gives my hand over to Miss Molly and Mr. Arthur. My brow furrows in confusion, "Can someone please tell me what is happening?"

   Miss Molly pulls me into a bone crushing hug, "Y/n, we are all here to tell you our favorite things about you. We are going to show you why you are worthy and so loved." She lets me go and continues to read her paper, "Your mother was one of my closest friends. Her and your dad never treated us strange for our hoard of children, or for the weird things we did before they realized it was magic. I love you like my daughter. I love you because you gave my friends a light in their darkness and completed their lives. I love you for how you love my son and our family. You were the missing piece that I never knew we needed. I love you for you."

   Both of our eyes become misty as Mr. Arthur holds my hand in his. He doesn't even read his paper, "You have taught me so much of the Muggle world, and you never get annoyed by my constant questions." He moves his hand to my cheek, "And Y/n you can't tell Molly, but I love your baking the most."

   We both chuckle as Miss Molly gives him a slight nudge. He leads me to Bill next. Bill lets go of Fleur's hand and pulls me into a hug. Once he pulls away he glances at his paper, "Y/n, I never thought I would get a little sister, especially after four brothers. Then you came with Miss Becca and I fell in love with a little pink bundle. You showed me how to be gentle with babies and that tea parties aren't just for girls. I love you because you are a little sister that I got, but never knew I needed."

   Fleur touches his shoulder, pulling us both in. She sighs, "I love that you embraced me. Through the tournament and my engagement and helped me become accepted."

   I nod at her and smile, before being pulled away by Ron. His face already becomes flushed, because the boy is terrible with words, "You always had my back with Fred and George. And you still do. I love how I always have someone to talk to about anything. Also in my first year when you would always change into whatever me and my friends wanted just to make us smile. I love you, Y/n."

   I pull him into a hug, knowing that him talking about that was hard for him. I kiss him on the cheek, moving onto Hermione.

   Hermione rubs my arm, "Y/n. You helped me so much with school, and taught me to be more of myself. Getting ready for the Yule Ball with you was my favorite because you helped me be more confident. I love you for being like a sister to me." 

   Ginny steps up. Her eyes are swollen with tears, "Y/n, you are the sister I always needed. You are the reason I am tough and can keep up with the boys." She pulls me close, whispering, "I love you so much."

   I wipe at the tears escaping as Remus and Tonks hug me together. Remus starts, "Y/n, the first time I saw you in my class I knew you were a bright witch and I will die on that hill. I also saw just how similar we are, both afraid of rejection from the ones we love. Sirius saw this as well, and I am sure that is why the two of you were so close. You are still one of my favorite students." 

   His eyes twinkle as he looks at Tonks. She smiles back, then looks at me, pushing a piece of hair from my face. "Finding another metamorphmagus to be friends with has been so fun. I love that we were able to bond over something so rare. I also love how strong you are and kick ass you have become in the short time we have known each other."

   I smile brightly at her as she changes her hair to a bright red, mimicking the first day we met.  I feel myself flush at the words of her and one of my favorite professors. 

   Freddie envelopes me in his arms, holding me close. He kisses the top of my head, "Buttercup, for as long as I can remember it has been me, you, and George against the world. Our pranks with Peeves, fights with Filch, and all the jokes on our brothers through the years. you have been there by our sides, never backing down. We may have had some rough times, but what do you expect when we have been friends since the womb? You have made my world fantastic, and my other half has never been happier since the two of you have been together. I love you, Y/n, so much."

    The tears start to fall as I feel a huge smile cross my face. I wipe fiercely at my face. The door swings open suddenly and I spin around to be faced with the second oldest Weasley and George behind him. I can't help but light up at George as he closes the distance to me, pulling me into a deep kiss. 

   "Little One! It's good to see you," Charlie wraps his arms around me and George. 

   "Why are you here?" I question him, not letting go of George.

   Charlie rubs his neck, "Well, George wrote, and I couldn't miss this day, so here I am."

   I look at George, "What day?"

  George smiles down at me, running his hand through my hair, "Charlie has to say why he loves you first, then it is my turn."

   Charlie clears his throat, "Y/n, you were a spitfire from the moment you were born. I remember all the times you and the Twins would run around after Bill and I, begging for our attention. Having three hell raisers around was tough on us all. Also I told you years ago that I wasn't the Weasley for you when you pronounced your love for me. I knew for a long time then that George and you were meant for each other. You just needed to open your eyes to your soulmate being with you. I love you, Little One, always have."

   He goes to stand with the rest of the Weasley family. George pulls me to the front of the room. He smiles so lovingly at me that I feel butterflies in my stomach. He cusps my face in his hands, "Y/n. My Love. My Girl. I have known, since what feels like forever, that you are the only person for me. I have been crushed each time we had a fall out, and each time you were interested in some boy from your Muggle school. My heart yearns for you and I will never leave your side. I want to spend eternity with you. I know we were planning on waiting to get married, but if I've learned one thing from everything over the years, it's that there is no time like the present. So, with the help of our family and friends, let's get married today."

   I gasp, "Are you serious? Even though I'm broken?"

   George kisses my nose, our hands clasps together, "We can be broken together."


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